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[新闻] 病毒合成器2 Access Virus TI2 ROM

( 7 )

#1 23-3-7 00:11

Access Virus 是内嵌 “软件ROM” 的硬件, DSP56300 单片机,
它的系统比电脑系统更简单和单纯,DSP56300 Emulator 模拟了它的运行环境,
物理推子旋钮被虚拟的代替,输入/输出 被Steinberg VST/AU -- API 接管。


#2 23-3-7 10:00
choudoufu2008 发表于 23-3-7 02:03



本帖最后由 dukkey 于 23-3-7 10:15 编辑

#3 23-3-7 12:50
martjay 发表于 23-3-7 11:51
有道理,但是模拟归模拟,要复现最原始的声音可能只有开发商能做到,就好像有人用serum做了一个音色,你 ...


小组把virus 全系列emulator都搞出来,有些期待。

#4 23-3-7 13:06
有个大胆的想法,既然ROM 已经有了,
如果有 Access Virus DSP56300 的资料,我想复刻 Access Virus 实体版本

#5 23-3-7 13:08
martjay 发表于 23-3-7 13:04
他们只要能把rom运行在windows上就已经成功了一大半,Waldorf microQ 已经快好了

Waldorf microQ 好象已经搞了有些时间了。一直不见放出来,期待...

#6 23-3-7 23:53
martjay 发表于 23-3-7 13:19


我们得到的 512k Access Virus 固件ROM 就是这块 Flash 闪存颗粒里面的内容
Am29F040       20 年前的科技产物。

我也只能买一块 Am29F040 把固件烧写进去,DSP53xx货源好像还有库存
其他 Access Virus PCB 资料一点都查不到,瞎费功夫了。


512K × 24-bit Shared Memory Flash Example
This example implements a 512K × 24-bit word memory space that is accessible as program, X data, and Y data memory. This design uses three AMD Am29F040 devices. See Figure 3 for the memory map layout, Figure 4 for the block diagram, Example 1 for the program, and Figure 5 for the schematic. Since the program, X data and Y data spaces are shared, any location referenced by a program memory access also accesses the same memory location during an X data or Y data access. Since the Flash memory is in the DSP program space, program control can be turned over to the program in Flash at $C00000 at reset. This allows an embedded application to boot and run directly from Flash, using the internal 1 K program cache to help speed repeated program operations. Since the X data and Y data spaces also access the Flash, data can be stored in the Flash for use after boot.
For this example, the DSP core runs at 80 MHz, generated by the PLL from a 4.000 MHz crystal. The memory bank consists of three AMD Am29F040 devices, which are organized as 512K × 8-bits to provide a 24-bit word.
These are 5 V devices, with a 90 nS access time. The 90 S access time requires eight wait states for correct operation.
The DSP56303 data bus is not 5 V tolerant, so level converters are needed to interface with the 5 V memory devices. The devices used are Quality Semiconductor QS3245 QuickSwitch® 8-bit Bus Switches. These switches allow the connection of 3.3 V CMOS logic (the DSP data bus) on one side and 5 V TTL-compatible logic (the memory devices) on the other side, effectively providing a 3.3 V to 5 V level conversion. The propagation delay of the switch is 0.25 nS, which is not significant in this design.
This example demonstrates a minimal external memory design using a single bank of Flash memory in the external memory spaces. If you add more memory or other devices to the bus, additional address decode logic may be needed.
After reset with Mode 0 selected, the DSP starts fetching instructions from external memory at location
P: $C00000. Although this DSP core uses 24-bit addressing internally, only eighteen external address lines (A0-A17) are provided. Consequently, the top six bits are stripped, and the address presented on the address bus is $000000. The Flash memory is configured to respond to all external memory requests, as CE is asserted at all times. Since the eighteen bits can address only 256K words, only the first 256K words of the Flash are accessible, and data aliasing occurs every 256K words (i.e., accessing location 256K returns the contents of the same Flash


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#7 23-3-8 00:00

Waldorf microQ 出声音是这个视频吗?


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#8 23-3-8 23:02
martjay 发表于 23-3-8 09:16

嗯·~· 看到了。厉害厉害!!! 就差 GUI / VST API ...  期待
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