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Studio One

[新闻] PreSonus Studio One 3.5.2 WIN/MAC


#1 17-9-29 06:04
本帖最后由 jackjack999 于 17-9-29 06:51 编辑
sailuosai 发表于 17-9-28 21:56
请问Studio One X 这个IconPlatformM-v1.0.0-device包里的文件要放在哪里 谢谢  Mac用户

Icon Platform M device definition v1.0.0

What's this:
This is a custom implementation of Icon Platform M external device (control surface) for Studio One. It allows input of MIDI CC data with Platform M's faders. Below is a list of features:
这是Studio One Icon Platform M外部设备(control surface)的自定义实现。 它允许使用Platform M的推子输入MIDI CC数据。 以下是功能列表:

• The first six faders control MIDI CC 01, 11, 02, 03, 14 and 15. The motors of these faders are disabled.
• The Rec buttons of the first six faders enable/disable sending CC data to the DAW for the respective fader.
• The Sel/Mute/Solo buttons of the first six faders move the respective faders to the top, mid and bottom positions.
• Two faders (next to the master fader) are unassigned and can be custom mapped with Control Link.
• Master fader controls the volume level of the currently selected channel (a-la FaderPort 1).
• Eight encoders/push buttons are mapped to control plugin parameters (symmetric with FaderPort 8 mappings).
• The jog wheel controls the cursor position by default and can be switched to control the parameter under the mouse cursor with the 7th Rec button which toggles the mouse-over mode.
• Transport buttons control the transport.

How to install:
Download and extract IconPlatformM-vN.N.N-device.zip file on your computer. Copy the extracted Icon directory with its contents into the devices folder:

On Windows 64-bit (x64):
C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 3\devices

On Windows 32-bit (x86):
C:\Program Files (x86)\PreSonus\Studio One 3\devices

On Mac OS X:
Go to Applications -> Studio One.app . Right- (control) click the folder to "Show Package Contents". There will be a folder named "devices". Drag the extracted Icon directory into the "devices" folder.

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