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如果不滿意N3, Sam8, Sonar4, 還可...

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#1 05-8-12 17:09

如果不滿意N3, Sam8, Sonar4, 還可...

有一個老牌軟件, 名字叫 " SAWSTUDIO" , 最新版本為 3.9h , 可找到的是3.8a, 價格約為 美元 2,000.00

介面絕不豪華, 軟件設計程序繞過了windows shells, 直接與cpu溝通,故非常穩定和節省資源。它的 示範曲 就只是用 1GHz/512M ram 的筆記簿做的。聲音很清晰,平實, 多軌時沒有混濁的感覺。它自帶的EQ質素亦很高, 而SAWSTUDIO內部是64bit定點運算的。

這裡有些視頻demo, 還有一個demo即場錄音, 編輯, 呀!! 表演的是 Steven Lee group


[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 07-6-28 21:48 编辑 ]

#2 05-8-12 18:33
它的強項是其audio enginee, 調音台的compressor, eq, 都很高水準。還有它的reverb, 聽了一下, 聲音很自然, 得再試試。定位明顯比N3準確。思路有點不同, 它的說明書竟然一幅圖也沒有, 但當你看完它的demo後, 已可掌握60%以上。

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-8-12 at 18:45 ]

#3 05-8-12 19:20
對, 這個軟件已超過10年了。它支持 dx 和 vst , 不需轉換, 放到sawstudio下的vstplugin 便可。

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-8-12 at 19:23 ]

#4 05-8-12 19:38

#5 05-8-12 19:44
Originally posted by aux at 2005-8-12 19:28

你是說 用 levelizer 那個 ? 它就是示範 levelizer 這個軟件的能力。
還有, 它們很有信心說最好用 heahphone 欣賞他們的demo的聲音。

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-8-12 at 19:47 ]

#6 05-8-12 19:53
Originally posted by kinghand at 2005-8-12 19:45


老king,快試試, 相信你的新機器開100軌+效果也沒問題。

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-8-12 at 20:06 ]

#7 05-8-12 20:44
Originally posted by kinghand at 2005-8-12 20:25



[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-8-12 at 20:56 ]

#8 05-8-12 20:53
按這裡      http://www.sawstudio.com/LiveVideoPromo.htm

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-8-12 at 20:59 ]

#9 05-8-12 23:05
KIng 哥可否說說當超過 20,30,40 軌時, 聲音感覺怎樣?

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-8-12 at 23:07 ]

#10 05-8-12 23:56

The PC native software I use, SAWStudio, has a "Live" mode where you can pass signal through it's processors in real time as if it was just another piece of hardware and toggle between any amount of plugin snapshot automations you wish. It's native plugins (which are generally much more cpu efficient than other protocols) are 100% fully automateable (including things like sample accurate filter, comp & eq changes, fx pararemeter sweeps, etc.) and VST & DX plugins are bypass automateable. It also has a "Mixer Template" feature which allows you to save snapshots of your entire virtual consoles routing and setups, along with the usual ability to save and load all plugin presets.

SAW's engine is written in assembly which allows it to be a lot more efficient than most other DAW apps, and it is incredibly rock solid stable. This combined with what to me is superior sounding internal processing math (all multiples and divides are done using 64bit integer math, all processes return a full 32bit DWORD result - and not just 24bits of data in a 32bit container that you get with most DAW's - before passing it on to the next process) and a wide variety of native effects plugins that process with 64bit math and sound to my ear much much better than what you would expect from a plugin makes it a superior choice to a lot of the other better known mastering applications. It can use all VST & DX plugins and the UAD-1 plugins operate with no added latency in it also.

I often use this "Live" mode when doing vinyl mastering - where for work flow reasons usually all processing is done on load out. Another use for it is when doing CD mastering as it lets you hear the sum total of the analog processing chain along with any processing done in the DAW (which for me is where I do my brickwall limiting - usually using the SAW native Levelizer which is amazingly transparent when the threshold is set at what I consider "reasonable" levels - and occasionally with the Waves L3). This is important as things like digital limiting will often influence choices like what eq you wish to apply in the analog realm. This also lets me do a hybrid work flow where I do all analog processing on load in - and while I was able to hear all the digital processing at the same time as I am tweaking the analog process chain I can still have the option of second guessing myself regarding the settings of the digital processing (or apply additional changes per phrase or song section or even single note if I wish) as I don't have to commit to it until load out.

#11 05-8-13 12:08

#12 05-8-13 14:06
不知是否sawstudio知道我們在硏究, 它的網又多了幾個視頻教程。

#13 05-8-13 14:36
Originally posted by 老弦儿 at 2005-8-13 14:24

sawstudio支持 asio 的

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 07-6-28 21:50 编辑 ]


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#14 05-8-13 15:27
Originally posted by yubo at 2005-8-13 15:23
他下面的mov格式的视频是不是 和上面的wmv的内容一样?我下了几个感觉说的差不多。


#15 05-8-13 23:58
http://bbs.wudizhu.com/   DELEI 老兄提供


View----Library选择一个库,找到你放Wav的地方----Open Directory Of .wav Files----选中任何一轨,确定后就会把Wav文件都导到库里----然后在Lbrary里选中你需要的文件----Insert就可以了


TMD !!! 導入速度極快!!

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-8-14 at 00:00 ]
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