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Studio One

Presonus Studio One Pro v2.5.1 版

( 4 )

#1 13-3-6 01:32

Presonus Studio One Pro v2.5.1 版


Studio One 2.5.1 Release Notes
This is a maintenance update which includes several quality and stability improvements, as well as a few feature enhancements.

PLEASE NOTE BEFORE UPDATING: As part of this release all dynamics plug-ins have been updated to address an issue introduced in version 2.5
which caused audible artifacts when using the "Auto" or "Adaptive" modes. As a side effect of this fix,
affected channels may have a higher output volume compared to version 2.5. Expect having to adjust mix settings after updating to 2.5.1.
The following plug-ins are affected:

- Compressor with envelope on auto or adaptive
- Tricomp with envelope on auto
- Multiband Dynamics with envelope on auto
- Autofilter with envelope on auto
- Dynamics section in Channelstrip

If you're in doubt which songs might be affected, please make sure to create mixdowns before updating to 2.5.1.

Studio One 2.5.1 has the following enhancements:
- Support for Japanese characters in Project export (toggled via program language)
- Muted tracks can be enabled now in stem export
- [Sample One] loop mode added
- Mixdown of soloed track is placed under soloed track
- Added manual addendum for German, Spanish, French and Japanese

Studio One 2.5.1 fixes the following issues:
- "Disk is not fast enough" message displayed when audio device sync error occurs while recording
- CD cannot be written when 1st pause is longer than 2 seconds
- [OSX] Enter key not working in song notes
- [OSX] Plugin GUI fix or UAD and D16 VST plugins
- [OSX] Audio folder no longer displayed as Volume in file browser (paths used from this volume need to be recreated)
- Crash after renaming songs
- New Song template tab not remembered
- Drawing bug with layer events
- MIDI file import bug when notes have overlap
- Automation points not added when using "Insert Silence"
- Explode pitches does place new tracks outside of folder
- Zoom to selection not working correctly with folder events
- Track navigation bug when traversing tracks in open folders
- Fixed volume meter curve in Transport and Track meters
- Using mute tool on automation can crash
- Inserts lost when transforming back an old 2.0 song
- Error when using "Duplicate and Insert" repeatedly
- Reverse audio does not use original event color
- Several Sampler engine issues (improved sfz import; clicks at sample end)
- Groove quantize bend marker problem
- I/O settings can't be correctly restored (for example: StudioLive Outputs in template on OSX)
- Plugin name filter fixed (East West "Play" name not displayed correctly)
- [ProEQ] Oversampling now disabled when no band active
- Dynamics plug-ins have a fixed Adaptive and Auto mode
  (2.5.0 songs may sound louder if these modes were enabled – please read IMPORTANT NOTE above)
- [Ampire] Mid and Treble controls are reset when set to minimum
- [Open AIR] Dry signal latency compensation not working on uneven buffer-sizes
- [Sample One] Parameters not correctly updated after loading Preset
- [Impact] Improved default preset and Amp envelope

* download Trial Demo : http://download.presonussoftware.com/studioone/current/
* Patches and A*R keygen

PC / Mac iND
Presonus Studio One Pro v2.5.1 WiN / MacOSX

[ 本帖最后由 狗公腰 于 13-3-6 01:49 编辑 ]

#2 13-3-6 02:23
6 樓 24.3M 是补丁而已
* 打补丁
* 上2.5版A*R keygen
* 看說明

注意 : 一定要移除2.5版


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#3 13-3-6 09:07
原帖longlong546 于 13-3-6 02:48 发表


1. 移除2.5版
2. 补丁覆盖
3. 上2.5版 A*R keygen (看說明)
4. 收工

#4 13-3-12 00:00
2013.03.11 PC TVB

PC x86 x64 TVB
PreSonus.Studio.One.Pro. (260 MB)

#5 13-5-1 06:26
2013.05.01 PC / Mac A*R 版

PC / Mac A*R
Presonus.Studio.One.Professional.v2.5.1.WIN.OSX (394 MB)
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