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[新闻] Band-in-a-Box® and RealBand 2024

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#1 23-12-13 10:33

Band-in-a-Box® and RealBand 2024

Band-in-a-Box® and RealBand 2024

for Windows® are Here!

There are over 50 new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2024!

These include Many Major New Features. First, there is a new Tracks Window. Similar to most DAW tracks windows, this shows all the tracks, allowing lossless data manipulation of tracks in an environment familiar to DAW users. The new Tracks window includes specific support for creating loops and phrases using content from RealTracks. There are now Floating Windows Everywhere! Twelve legacy modal dialogs have been redone as non-modal floating windows so they can be used interactively with other functions. These include new floating windows for styles, RealTracks, RealDrums, loops, UserTracks, MIDI SuperTracks, Custom MIDI Tracks, MIDI Soloists, Melodists, F5 Bar Settings, Track Settings and Chord Options. Major GUI Enhancements include a tabbed MultiPicker Library window. This is a one-stop shop to pick tracks from any of the 8 track types. All pickers show a common interface with a similar look and functions for filters, search, selection, audition, and generation. Partial Track Generation for Every Track Type is added. Bar Settings (F5) and rests/shots/holds/pushes can be made for all 24 tracks. The new Chord Progression Builder allows you to interactively create your own progression by showing you the Best Next Chords at any point. There are over 800 Custom MIDI Tracks (with demos) that users can add as single MIDI tracks that follow the chords. The Playback Engine speed has been enhanced and uses multiple CPU Cores to speed generation and renders. There are Melodist & Soloist enhancements, support for reading LyricLab AI created lyric/chord files, Set Favorites for any track type, new Data filters for tracks, and more!

The Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin has over 20 new features including near instant playback direct from disk, to audition various styles without creating WAV files. For Reaper DAW users, the Plugin has added built-in specific support for the Reaper DAW API allowing direct transfer of Band-in-a-Box files to/from Reaper tracks, including tiny lossless files of instructions which play audio instantly from disk. You can now load chords from MIDI files. There's support for Shots/Rest/Holds on Utility tracks, and more!

Release Date: 2023.12.11

Full Installer + Patch Windows

Size = 1.44GB

Patch By: JackJack999





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#171 24-9-7 19:17
Update & Activated Patch新增:
https://update.pgmusic.com/suppo ... pdate_build1114.exe

Band in a Box 2024 Build 1114 Activated Patch Only.rar(71MB)

Summary of Changes (build 1114) (Aug 30, 2024)

Added: New feature "remembered" style name now available as a menu item in StylePicker. (style is remembered when song loaded, song saved, or set in menu item on stylepicker)
Added: right click menu on StylePicker with common items.
Fixed: Picker could have an exception sometimes if no items were in list.
Fixed: Typo on stylepicker, said : 'Select Files types to Render'.
Fixed: Rebuild dialog enhanced, now rebuilds all picker lists, and also saves new folder locations for use by plugin and RealBand too.
Fixed: Picker updates various lists like loops, usertracks with each rebuild in stylepicker now.
Fixed: StylePicker doesn't change tempo unless user changes it. Was previously changing it if resized dialog sometimes.
Fixed: Rebuild dialog in the StylePicker doesn't rebuild by simply typing part of a folder name, need to press update now.
Fixed: Peaks folders created by Reaper DAW wont be mis-indentified as RealDrums.
Fixed: Pasting an area of RealTracks sometimes pasting at wrong location.
Fixed: Tracks window selected regions sometimes not working with copy/paste from PartGen dialog.
Fixed: Some instructions for Reaper weren't correct if path name was large.
Fixed: Copying rests using H key wasn't working in some cases.
Fixed: StylePicker menu items added, rebuild dialog enhanced and other StylePicker enhancements.
Fixed: RealCharts weren't saved for RealBand RealCharts for drums on non-drums track.
Fixed: Bar Settings utility track changes added to song.txt for opening sgu songs.
Fixed: Edit > Delete Bars might ask user to select RealTracks.
Fixed: Edit > Normalize/Amplify/Transpose remembers previous user parameter.
Fixed: Generating partial region might not work if no track region is selected.
Fixed: Snap to beat was not working properly.
Fixed: M4A files wouldn't work if used for RealTracks, RealDrums, etc.
Fixed: Plugin and RealBand: no error when StylePicker opened and style specified didn't exist.
Updated: Manual, help file, various dialog tweaks

DAW Plugin 6.3.8 release notes

Fixed: Disabled track is included in playback
Fixed: Deleting all stems should not notify of related stems
Fixed: Clearing empty tracks removes the track name
Fixed: RealDrums from 'Recently Used' not loading correctly
Fixed: No Utility tracks when loading .SGU or .MGU
Fixed: Stylepicker does not open if previously used style is missing
Fixed: Generating Drum track from Options menu will generate wrong track

#2 23-12-13 10:46
Band in a Box 2024 PlusPAK WIN
BT种子压缩档,文档内容为 Band-in-a-Box OmniPAK Edition 2023 for Windows(207.2GB) + Band In a Box 2024 PlusPak(14.1GB)

Band in a Box 2024 PlusPAK
Band in a Box 2024 Build 1102 Activated Patch Only.rar(69.6 MB)
realtracks446-448.exe(757.3 MB)
realtracks444-445.exe(1.0 GB)
realtracks440-443.exe(1.3 GB)
realtracks437-439.exe(1.2 GB)
realtracks434-436.exe(1.2 GB)
realtracks430-433.exe(1.0 GB)
2024_49pak.exe(1.8 GB)
2024_0pak.exe(1.1 GB)
additional_content_2024_pluspak.exe(1.8 GB)
xtra_styles_pak_17.exe(189.7 MB)
xpro_styles_pak_6.exe(689.3 MB)
playable_realtracks03_sforzando.exe(897.3 MB)

#3 23-12-13 10:53
Update & Activated Patch新增:

Band in a Box 2024 Build 1104 Activated Patch Only.rar(69.5MB)

Summary of Changes (build 1104) (Dec 8, 2023)

Fixed: Possible noise when starting first playback after loading a song.
Fixed: Tracks waveform appearing wrong if multiple RealTracks with different tempos are generated onto a single track.
Fixed: Forced accidentals revert to Automatic when playing a song.
Fixed: RealTracks stems could not be selected.
Fixed: Cannot select Bass track when opening program.
Fixed: Volume automation nodes might appear in wrong locations on Master track.
Fixed: Resize cursor appears when hovering mouse over track label in tracks window.
Fixed: Track label did not redraw after setting a custom label.
Fixed: Shots and holds not working for a few older RT's like #2915
Fixed: Load demo song did not work for LookMa set 11
Fixed: Tracks might play out of sync if starting playback beyond the end of an Artist Performance Track.
Fixed: Missing riffs in some RealTracks demo songs (eg piano soloist in _WARP.STY demo at bar 10).
Fixed: Bad timing on some RealTracks riffs.
Fixed: Crash when transposing region of an audio track.
Fixed: Media Foundation error -1072875836 when playing _FLEE.STY.
Fixed: Delete key on Tracks window behaving like Shift+Delete.
- Minimize issue fixed in MultiPicker Library, F5 Bar Settings, Chord Options
- Apply button on F5 dialog had a semicol
- LyricLab.net URL provided in FlashMessage when the function is used
- plugin: Function added to allow generation of Master.wav while using ReaperInstructions
- plugin: Reaper Instructions now have “Beat” parameter allowing them to support live tempo changes
- Demos playing weren’t shutting down if play was pressed elsehwere in some cases
- Standalone RealDrums picker when closing needs to point to RealDrums picker in the MultiPicker
Fixed - Instrumental Studies Set 21 files are supposed to notation on both the soloist guitar track and the rhythm guitar track.
Update - Manuals, help file

DAW Plugin 6.0.7 release notes

Fixed: Changed plugin name from "2023" to "2024"
Fixed: Deselect all REAPER media items after sending tracks
Fixed: Some media items sent to REAPER don't show signal
Fixed: Add button to expand REAPER Settings area to cover panel
Fixed: Sending tracks to reaper makes sound when complete
Fixed: Pressing PLAY with "Send REAPER Instructions enabled" will result in endless loop if not generated
Fixed: Enabling Style Mix track causes plugin to always generate wav files
本帖最后由 jackjack999 于 23-12-13 10:57 编辑

#4 23-12-13 10:59
jackjack999 发表于 23-12-13 10:53
Update & Activated Patch新增:



#5 23-12-13 11:09

#6 23-12-13 11:22

#7 23-12-13 11:36

#8 23-12-13 11:43


#9 23-12-13 11:55
Update & Activated Patch新增:

Band in a Box 2024 Build 1105 Activated Patch Only.rar(71MB)

Summary of Changes (build 1105) (Dec 12, 2023)

Fixed: “Automatically fill gaps between riffs” feature was not working.
Fixed: Various GUI issues with Audio Chord Wizard mode.
Fixed: Possible slow bootup for some users.
Fixed: Tracks with multi-drums would stop generating if restarting playback.
Fixed: Audio Conversion Error -1072875854 when exporting MP3 or M4A files.
Fixed: Right-click on Chords button should show the Chords Display menu.
Fixed: Home key did not work on tracks window.

#10 23-12-13 11:59

#11 23-12-13 12:03

#12 23-12-13 12:04
演示曲: Air Chill World Groove(古筝、笛子)下载mp3
Prong Dreamy Erhu Groove(二胡)下载mp3


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#13 23-12-13 12:50

#14 23-12-13 13:10
dukkey 发表于 23-12-13 11:43


#15 23-12-13 15:22
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