Nuendo 出了1.53!
Nuendo 发布了1.53 pre-release 1版
Fixes and new features in Nuendo 1.5.3 pre-release 1:
- (MAC) Punch in/record problems on certain systems with old Mac OS ROM fixed
- (MAC) Possible freeze on converting files to SDII format fixed
- (MAC) crossfaded SD II files do not cause distortion after reload of projects anymore
- (MAC) Track sheet printing now prints all pages correctly
- Audio mixdown to 16 bit and 24 bit files is now bit-accurate
- Automation is now always read correctly in audio mixdown
- No more audio events are missing in audio mixdown
- Mute automation is now consistent on mixer and the track list
- Antares Plug-ins work correctly again
- Adjusting locator positions on transport bar with mouse over is now working correctly
- Split events now works consistent in project window and part editor
- Bounce to disk does not create DC offset anymore
- Sonic Timeworks plug-ins do not cause distortion anymore
- Manually setting crossfade length now works correctly
- Crossfade editor preview does not crash anymore
- Mute and solo now work correctly
- MIDI parts now can be copied between different projects without problems
- MIDEX8 now works correctly under Windows 98
- OMF files with 29,97 FPS can now be converted with DigiTranslator(R)
- Video picture now follows when event content is slipped
- Quick zoom optimised
- Adaption for JL Cooper MCS-3000X expander
- Adaption for Joystick of JL Cooper MCS Panner
- Adaption for Joystick of JL Cooper MCS Orbiter
- Any project named +ACI-autoplay+ACo-.npr will immediately start play back upon
The following issues are known and not fixed in this pre-release version:
- (MAC) SMPTE Generator does not work in Multiprocessing mode
- (MAC) send MMC does not work
- (MAC) MTC send: Jitter up to 10+ACU-
- (MAC) Very long projects (14 hours) may not playback correctly
- (MAC) Nuendo help file is installed in the Nuendo folder instead of the system folder and does not work
- (MAC) displaying video out via firewire dv -ntsc not exactly in sync with audio
- (MAC) DSP factory crashes Nuendo
- (MAC) add/remove generic device can cause crash
- (MAC) possible freeze when automating program change of GRM TOOLS Plug-in
- Mute-automated track plays if another track is being soloed
- Generic remote: bug when increasing bank number while you are already in the highest
- Halion crashes in Nuendo after another VSTi is removed from the rack
- Bus routing changes after deactivating a used bus is canceled and another bus is activated
- Output bus does not work after loading a project with +ACI-Nuendo Dynamics+ACI- master FX
- Surround Panner - if center level is set to max, L/R speakers still get signal
- Written automation in loop mode will take effect only after playback is stopped once
- Cubase song import: Muted MIDI tracks are not muted in Nuendo
- VSTi and group chanels of imported Cubase songs are panned herd-left in Nuendos mixer
- Cubase song Import: 8 groups are created automatically
- Unsoling a channel mutes the signal if it is switched during a volume automation
- Input Monitor does not work after project load if there is a master insert fx
- Mixer read/write all buttons do not enable/disable master automation read/write
- Freeze of +ACI-control panel+ACI- of KORG 1212
- Scope Plug-in does not remember settings
- Pitch Shift - envelope mode: the preview reacts with a delay to the adjusted envelope
- (win2000) cpu overload light does not light up
- Loading Overdrive Plug-in in fx slot will interrupt audio to its output
- 9-pin: when receiving MTC, loop does not work
- Autoedit does not work on Steenbeck VMOD
- Deactivating master insert will not turn off the delay compensation for it
- Removing first group removes aux routing to other groups
- Some VST Instruments have hanging notes after stop