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Cubase / Nuendo



#1 01-1-12 05:41
Cubase VST is a not just an audio recorder, its a complete audio studio. The audio channels are connected to the outputs of a virtual multi-track recorder. Each of the channels has a level fader, a pan control, solo and mute switches, effects, equalisation controls and 5-stage dynamics section.
Cubase VST是一不仅仅一台音频的录音机它的一个完整音频的工作室.把音频的渠道连接到一台事实上多音轨的录音机的输出.渠道的每一个有一水平褪色器, 一平底锅控制手段,单独表演和不发音转辙器,影响,equalisation控制手段和5舞台力学部分.

A channel can have up to 8 auxiliary sends that can be pre or post fader which access the VST plug-in effects rack, and 4 insert points for internal plug-in effects. Any of the channels can be routed to one of the 8 stereo groups which have practically the same options as any other channel including full effects access, equalisation and dynamics.
一条渠道能有多达8辅助送信那个能是pre为有效内部插头或者张贴褪色器,其访问在影响支架和4插入物点中VST插头的.任何渠道能向8立体声系统组之一被打败, 其几乎有同样的作为任何另一渠道选择余地包含完整影响接近的机会,equalisation和力学的.

The complete mixing environment is saved with a song, including effects settings and any automation data you record. Practically every parameter in a mix can be automated simply by moving the control concerned.

All Cubase versions can record audio at either 16 or 24 bit resolution. Cubase VST/32 includes the ability to record, edit & export audio in 32 floating point files. This format practically impossible to overload is especially useful for when mixing down audi tracks.
所有的Cubase版本能在或者16或者24小块分解记录音频信号.Cubase VST32在32浮点文件中包含记录,编辑和出口音频信号的才能.当顺audi轨迹而下混合的时候,这几乎不可能使超载格式是对于特别有用.

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