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Cubase / Nuendo

用IBM的翻译软件译的VST5功能介绍,呵呵因为没时间 3


#1 01-1-12 05:50



The fluidity of being able to freely manipulate song structures at any stage in the recording & editing process, while being backed up with a comprehensive undo/redo mechanism is the reason why more people chose Cubase technology than any other.
同时被堵塞,能自由操纵歌曲的流性在任何在录音和编辑过程中舞台设计用一全面开/redo机械装置是,其与任何其他的相比,更多人们选择C ubase术语的.

Cubase VST doesn't need expensive specialized audio hardware: Cubase supports any audio card that comes with an ASIO driver. This music industry standard means that there are many complete audio input & output solutions for any budget and connectivity requirement. ASIO is a Steinberg technology that is enabling the next generation of super low-latency sound cards that are absolutely ideal for integrated virtual synths.
Cubase VST不需要昂贵专门音频的硬件:Cubase支撑任何和一个ASIO司机一起去的音频的卡.这音乐工业标准意味着有很多完整音频的投入和输出任何预算和连接要求的解决方案. ASIO是一是启动的Steinberg技术,精彩的低水平潜伏声卡的未来的一代其完全是对综合事实上synths理想的

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