转贴原创作者的话 :
I managed to script the whole process explained by
openssh at the cracking.workshop,
the package include a patch for ProTools.app and a loader. Instructions and how-to video included.
It's based on uiScripting,
very inelegant but seems to work.
BitSlicer is included in the loader.app resources, no need to dl it.
There's an alpha of bitslicer that brings Python scripting functionality,
but I don't know anything about python. Also i't an alpha,
so not stable at all.
Please try it and share your thoughts.
And feel free to modify it if you find it can be wrote better, my AppleScript skills are not so good.
Big thanks to
openssh ! =D> =D> =D> =D>
下面是解释它是如何工作的视频 :
Mac iND FIXED 版 (修正不稳定版)
Pro.Tools.HD.10.3.9.Mac.OSX.Pat*h.and.Loader.ONLY.FIXED v1 (20.5 MB)
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本帖最后由 狗公腰 于 14-5-23 09:39 编辑 ]
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