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KT 自製轻量版本 (Lite) 工具

( 1 )

#1 24-5-13 10:31

KT 自製轻量版本 (Lite) 工具

KT 自製轻量版本 (Lite) 工具  

Win 平台.

This is a CMD / powershell script which will extract NCW files to 24 bits WAV files, convert them to 16 bits with a high quality dither, and recompress to NCW files with a single click.

Well, actually you need to double-click the file but still, that's easy.

The script is written in Powershell and batch run some tools that will do the painfull and time-consuming conversion job for you.

You just have to extract NKX files into source folder (if necessary), and run the script to see the work done.


#2 24-5-13 17:55
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