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枯藤老树昏鸦 Softube Mutable Instruments Rings v2.5.9

( 2 )

#1 21-1-6 20:03

枯藤老树昏鸦 Softube Mutable Instruments Rings v2.5.9

Excite a material with some sort of energy input (a slap, a rub, a blow) and you’ll get a noise. The resonant qualities of that material (be it wood, metal, glass, a drum, a trumpet, a buttock), and the way in which you excite it, will determine the qualities of that sound; amongst other things, its timbre, frequency, and length in time.
It is this thrilling world of excitation and resonance that concerns the Rings module, originally from Mutable Instruments, and now available in Softube Modular.

What's Rings all about?

Rings uses tuned filters to physically model just about any resonant material imaginable, in three broad categories.
The ‘modal’ resonator emulates the resonant qualities of plates, strings, membranes, and tubes, which reinforce energy fed into them by organizing certain frequencies of sound around certain physical points (called modes) based on their size, shape, and structure. The ‘sympathetic strings’ model offers the kinds of droning and over-toning sounds and textures offered by instruments such as the sitar. Virtual strings other than the one ‘plucked’ ring in sympathy with the main note. The ‘modulated/inharmonic string’ model is an extension of Karplus-Strong synthesis, which uses a delay with very high feedback and very short period to synthesize a pitched wave like a string being struck, bowed, or plucked.

Softube Mutable Instruments Rings v2.5.9-R2R

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本帖最后由 Mr.魔音哥 于 21-1-6 20:20 编辑

#2 21-1-6 20:07
申明一下,我不是为了发帖而发帖!还是延续今天的话题,只要不刷屏,标题不带组织的字样,以我这样的形式去分享新货,注明保护正版,然后后面愿意分享的兄弟在下面评论区,第二页或者更后面以一种比较隐蔽的方式去分享链接,然后论坛的兄弟们该探讨的探讨,该取经的取经,不发什么类似于求破这个、求破那个的言语,还是像以前一样和-Xie,不是很好吗?我认为这样的帖发出去,这样的形式去交流,也不会给论坛带来什么压力,大家开心又有收获!哎,真怀念以前的论坛啊,不知从何时起,感觉都变质了、变味了。 本帖最后由 Mr.魔音哥 于 21-1-6 23:40 编辑

#3 21-1-6 20:15
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