已经clean my mac完整删除LP9 +X删除了一共70多GB 然后重装X和jam pack 包,最后只有
LOGIC STUDIO 2 兼容性声音和乐器2.5gb
GARAGEBAND11声音和乐器2.8gb这两项 未完成
要删除的朋友找到这些 删了就行,虽然是7的但是可以适用,官方给的说法在这里:
Archived - Logic Pro 7: How to uninstall
This article has been archived and is no longer updated by Apple.
Logic Pro 7 does not include an uninstaller. If you need to uninstall the software, manually delete the items listed below. Some items may not be present, depending on what has been installed. Please be sure to address the items that are flagged in the Notes column before deleting files; removing some of these can have an impact on your other applications.
Path | File/Folder | Notes |
/Applications/ | Logic Pro | |
/Applications/ | WaveBurner | |
/Library/Application Support/ | GarageBand | 1 |
/Library/Application Support/ | Logic | |
/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/ | Apple Loops for GarageBand | 1 |
/Library/Documentation/ | Logic Acknowledgements.rtfd | |
/Library/Receipts/ | Logic Pro.pkg | |
/Library/Receipts/ | LogicPro701Updater.pkg | |
/Library/Receipts/ | Logic Pro Sound Library.pkg | |
/Library/Receipts/ | Logic Pro Bonus Sound Library.pkg | |
~/Library/Application Support/ | Logic | 2, 3 |
~/Library/Preferences/ | Logic PMData | 2, 3 |
~/Library/Preferences/ | com.apple.logic.pro.plist | 2, 3 |
~/Library/Preferences/ | Logic | 2, 3 |
- Do not delete this folder if the application GarageBand is installed on your system.
- Item only present after Logic Pro has been launched.
- The tilde (~) in the path represents your Home folder.
Last Modified: Feb 19, 2012
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