Here there are two directional microphones at the same place, and typically placed at 90° or more to each other.[12] A stereo effect is achieved through differences in sound pressure level between two microphones. Due to the lack of differences in time-of-arrival and phase ambiguities, the sonic characteristic of X-Y recordings is generally less "spacey" and has less depth compared to recordings employing an AB setup.
Blumlein Stereo
When the microphones are bidirectional and placed facing +-45° with respect to the sound source, the X-Y-setup is called a Blumlein Pair. The sonic image produced by this configuration is considered by many authorities to create a realistic, almost holographic soundstage.
A further refinement of the Blumlein Pair was developed by EMI in 1958, who called it "Stereosonic". They added a little in-phase crosstalk above 700 Hz to better align the mid and treble phantom sources with the bass ones.
有两个定向麦克风放置在同一个地方,通常彼此成90°或更大的夹角(Michael Williams. "The Stereophonic Zoom"),通过两个麦克风之间的声压级差异实现立体声效果。 由于在到达时间和相位模糊(phase ambiguities)方面缺乏差异,与使用A-B制式的录音方式相比,X-Y记录的声音特性通常拥有较少“空间感”并且具有较小的深度。
当麦克风是双向的并且相对于声源面向+ -45°放置时,X-Y设置被称为Blumlein麦克风对。 许多权威人士认为,这种配置产生的声音声像可以创建逼真的,几乎全息的声场。
Blumlein Pair,称其为“Stereosonic”。 他们在700 Hz以上增加了一点同相串扰,以便更好地将中音和高音phantom sources与低音音源对齐(
Eargle, John (2004). The Microphone Book (2nd ed.). Focal Press. p. 170)。
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