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最近要选择买新声卡,预售1w ,纠结一下,做功课

( 14 )

#1 17-6-14 16:16

最近要选择买新声卡,预售1w ,纠结一下,做功课

设备升级需要买新的声卡 预算1w内一直用笔记本移动编曲,而且是PC所以选择少了些

1、APOLLO Twin duo USB版(MKII版雷电口有点吃不准,因为我笔记本是有雷电三口,声卡都是雷电二,转来转去兼容性就不知道了)
2、Antelope Audio ZenTour(这个卡WIN MAC通吃,dsp效果器动心,但是翻阅了老外的测评,又犹豫了)
4、UCX 暂时不考虑 都说驱动极稳但其他一般,以前用过,感觉好但就这样。

平时也要经常对自己的作品进行混音,所以这一块也很重要,这两块声卡都满足,当然我都没尝试过,真不知道uad 还是DSP好。

  • I'm an ex RME UCX user.
    And i have used also Apollo (the first version not the Black faced or MK2).
    Many times i've worked also with Metric Halo ULN8 bigger productions.
    I've used also Audient ID14 while mixing for a friend.
    I had also the Motu 8pre so i know only the preamps of that unit.
    And i've also worked with NAGRA VI (which is only a portable recorder).
    So i know these devices quite a lot to have a perspective view.

    I got Zen tour for replacement, while i was waiting for my Prism Sound Lyra 2.

    Drivers: 2/5
    I use it with Win7 and USB2.
    For the moment the drivers are not very stable.
    Multiple times i got clicks.
    Sometimes the device got disconnected by itself without a reason.
    I needed a lot of time to find how to install it.
    In that case it's the opposite of RME.
    Which are the most stable drivers i've ever encountered.
    But i'm sure that these issues will be solved in the future.

    Console: 3.5/5
    The routing is quite confusing and i think it could be better thought.
    It's a bit complicated in some stuff.
    It's not very usefull like the RME or Apollo.
    The Monitor output has no Mono, phase invertion, M/S possibilities.
    On the other hand, the mixer is really easy to undestand it.
    It's just confusing because you can't rename the channels
    and you have to recognise them by the colours.
    The reverb and all the FX's are cool.
    I think if anyone needs to make a live recording it's a very handy device.

    Convertion Quality: 2/5
    The most important subject.
    Well... I'm quite disappointed from the result.
    I thought it would have been much better than my old UCX.
    In the convertion quality of the Main Monitor it's in the same level with my old RME UCX.
    A tiny bit better but it's very close.
    It's a bit more clear in quality of sound but worse in the sound field (it sound even more Mono than the RME). Which was my main problem.
    And while mixing you can have the tendency to open up the stereo-field of the mix more than it should.
    On the other hand, the headphone amplifier is good. Much better than the UCX.

    Preamp Quality: 2.5/5
    It's like the UCX and Apollo and Audient on the subject.
    Zen is a bit thiner but less aggressive than the Apollo of the 3K-5K area,
    bit more flat than the the UCX.
    It sounds a bit plastic but the quality is correct.
    By the way. Motu 8pre is excellent for it's price.

    Whoever have worked with real preamps knows that the internal preamps of these devices are not serious preamps.
    They all sound a bit fuzzy and plastic. Except the ULN8.
    I have worked with DAV BG1, UA610 solo + MK2, UA 710, Avalon, Neve 1073, Chandler, Grace 201.
    I would give ULN8 3.5/5 in preamp quality next to the big boys.
    It's a bit faster sounding and a bit thiner than real preamps but it has this analog vibe.
    ULN8 is in a different category from RME, Apollo, Antelope for the moment.

    The price doesn't justify the sound it produces.
    It's a good unit if you want to record big sessions.
    Connect it with an external preamp via ADAT and use the internal FXs that are pretty cool.
    If you're an electric gtr guy then it's your thing.
    The sound of the internal cabinet and re-amplifier is the only thing that it's really unique in that device and it sounds very good.
    Here Antelope have done a great job.
    Apollo plugins are awful for el gtr cabinets for the moment.

    But in general terms Zen Tour is not the unit i would buy to mix and record instruments seperetely.
    The convertion sound is very mediocre. Preamps are OK but nothing special.

    In terms of sound quality i would put these interfaces in the row:
    1) Metric Halo ULN8 = best by far from anything else.
    2) Apollo version 1 & 2 = good overall quality, easy console, excellent plugins, good sound.
    3) Audient = because it's really cheap and produces very good results for that price.
    Very good semi-pro device. I would chose it over RME for sure.
    4) Zen Tour = Quite expensive, mediocore sound quality, quite good for guitarists and live recordings.
    5) RME = Great drivers easy to use and superbly robust. Sound quality is close to the others except the DA convertion which it's not well.
    I think it's even worse than Audient which costs half.

    --I haven't tested the Lyra 2 yet. When i get it i'm going to tell you about it--

    P.S.1: Special mention for the NAGRA VI.
    I compared it with the ULN8 at the preamp quality and the AD quality @ 192KHz.
    I can say nagra is a clear winner by far.
    I couldn't imagine my microphones could sound like that.
    The sound of this unit is incredible.
    It's the closest thing i've ever heard to the term "natural sound".
    What a pitty that it has only 6 channels.

#2 17-6-14 16:29
后制母带 uad dsp 比较好用保真度也比较高

#3 17-6-14 17:16
SOOP300 发表于 17-6-14 16:29
后制母带 uad dsp 比较好用保真度也比较高

嗯嗯 是的 所以你更倾向于哪一款?

#4 17-6-14 18:02

#5 17-6-14 18:04
iapamlysys 发表于 17-6-14 18:02
涉及到混音的话,即便DSP真的比UAD好,你一轨一轨发送再内录回来,麻烦的很,远没有UAD插件省事。你现在根 ...

的确啊 来回回录的确 很费时。。我看了 twin duo 有USB版的 只供PC的

#6 17-6-14 18:29

#7 17-6-14 18:29

#8 17-6-14 18:49
Audient就是性价比高 不用dsp插件的话也够了

apollo的话 看你具体电脑型号是什么 但目前苹果的雷电3转2没什么问题 收个2手usb也是很合适的


#9 17-6-14 19:02

#10 17-6-14 19:58
Antelope Audio ZenTour品质很棒!

#11 17-6-14 22:04
要不要等twin duo usb出二代呢    现在卖的还是老一代的

#12 17-6-14 22:10



#13 17-6-14 22:57

#14 17-6-15 12:37
vvvabcd 发表于 17-6-14 22:57

效率上来讲的话 我也觉得是这样

#15 17-6-15 12:38
es0000 发表于 17-6-14 18:49
Audient就是性价比高 不用dsp插件的话也够了

apollo的话 看你具体电脑型号是什么 但目前苹果的雷电3转2 ...

是么 PC下 雷电3转2 没问题么 不会影响使用么?
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