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Spitfire - Albion ONE v2.0.1 Update

( 1 )

#1 24-8-10 13:07

Spitfire - Albion ONE v2.0.1 Update

Spitfire - Albion ONE v2.0.1 Update Kontakt


Update 2.0.1 最大特色 在 Brass, Horns Strings Low,
Strings 和 Trumpet patch  加了 loud FFF dynamics.
(不知 有否把 音符时值加长)

这个 Update 发布 不够一天,已有大量 BBC 用户
要求加入 同样的 "特大号音量 辽阔动态 更新版本 管弦乐器".


Additions/New content:
New super loud FFF dynamics available in the following new patches:

+ Brass
⁃ Brass XL - Long.nki
⁃ Brass XL - Short Marcato Dim.nki
⁃ Brass XL - Short.nki

+ Horns
⁃ Horns XL - Long.nki
⁃ Horns XL - Short Marcato Dim.nki
⁃ Horns XL - Short.nki

+ Strings Low
⁃ Strings Low XL Combined - 8ves - Long.nki
⁃ Strings Low XL Combined - 8ves - Long (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings Low XL Combined - 8ves - Short.nki
⁃ Strings Low XL Combined - 8ves - Short (unlayered).nki

+ Strings
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Long.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Long (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Long Tremolo.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Long Tremolo (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Short Col Legno.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Short Col Legno (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Short Pizzicato.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Short Pizzicato (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Short Spiccato.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined - Short Spiccato (unlayered).nki

+ Trumpets
⁃ Trumpets XL - Long.nki
⁃ Trumpets XL - Short Marcato Dim.nki
⁃ Trumpets XL - Short.nki

- Strings High (octave) CS no longer replicates Strings Legato (Octave)
- Strings Col Legno/Strings Short Col Legno: Click on A4 & A#4 RR1 removed
- Volume disparity between String Low 8ves Longs & String Low 8ves Legato resolved
- Strings High - Runs Min. Desc. 1 Oct / Maj. Desc. 1 Oct now play the correct notes
- Strings - Low Octaves: Timing issues in Shorts resolved.
- Added missing NKS artwork

本帖最后由 ccb 于 24-8-10 13:23 编辑

#2 24-8-10 22:45
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