最初我认为是配置跟不上,但到现在我的配置虽然不算顶,但已经算高配了,除了声卡现在是id14(以前是babycare),还是在挂一些插件以后就会出现爆红,真的烦死人了。我已经准备要换个高端一点声卡试试了,刚顺手逛了一下斯坦伯格的论坛搜了一下关于asio guard的话题,我就发现了这么一个帖子:
So I’ve been using a Cubase and VEP together for a long time and have tried various configurations over the years to get better performance, however I just stumbled upon something that is blowing my mind. Maybe it’s common knowledge, but I’m posting anyways in case it’s not.
So I would always turn off the ASIO-Guard in Cubase because I found that it hurt my overall performance with VEP. I would get dropouts and stutters when switching tracks.
I’m also on a very old 2013 Mac Pro with a PC running VEP Server over a network connection.
Anyways, I have a big session that I needed to up my buffer size to 2048 in order to play back the session without dropouts.
Here is my revelation…I disabled the ASIO Guard just for the VEP plugin in “VST Plug-in Manager”. Then when I turn on the ASIO-Guard in Studio Setup I’m able to lower my buffer settings to 256 and play back the same session with out drop outs…MIND BLOWN!!!
Hope this helps someone else!
于是我就尝试把某个“大”插件的aiso guard禁用了,然后突然世界就打开了,我尼玛。家人们啊,多少年了呀,谁懂我这心情呀 这里面的技术原理和底层逻辑我就不赘述了,因为我也不懂,但我猜测禁用该软件的asio guard以后,相当于是把该插件运算从cubase内部直接释放到了计算机了。这样实时和峰值负载会增加很多,但是asio guard的负载直接就降下来了,整个工程就清净了
操作步骤:工作室-vst插件管理器-点选插件-左下角的i点亮-在插件信息中将asio guard点击成禁用-完成
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