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[教程] 如何使用压缩器(翻译外文教程ing)

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#1 11-3-12 11:14



How To Use a Compressor 如何实用一个压缩
                 By Jezar at Dreampoint   这是在dreampoint的jezar写的(当然我不道他是谁)
People are frequently asking how to use a compressor. Here is a little article I have written to explain how you go about it.
Introduction  介绍
Most effects processors are fairly simple to use; plug in an equaliser (for example), twiddle the controls, and listen to the output, and you pretty much know what you're doing, and all you need is some experience behind you.
Compressors don't fall into this category. Plug them in and listen. What's it doing? Unless someone has told you, then you probably won't know.
Play with the controls. What do they do? Don't know either. What do the indicators mean? Difficult to tell. It's all a bit frustrating really...
Unfortunately you need to be *told* what a compressor does. Furthermore - even after you know what it does - someone needs to explain why the things that it does are considered useful. You won't figure it out for yourself.
不幸的是你必须能说出来压缩是做什么的。 此外-当你知道它是做什么的-人们需要去解释为什么这个东西是有用的。这些语言你自己去整理吧!
Normally - for non-technical people - the explanations of what a compressor does, are so bewildering that they end up even more confused than they were before: "xDBs in, equals yDBs out, over zDb threshold, according to this graph" etc. etc.
Fortunately, I have a friend who explains it very well, and very succinctly:
"What does a compressor do, Alan?"
"It makes the loud bits quieter."
"I see... But surely if it just makes the loud bits quieter, can't you then turn EVERYTHING right up, and make get everything really, REALLY loud?"
So there you go. Simple isn't it? A compressor just makes the loud bits quieter, allowing you to crank everything up to maximum volume.
But under what situations would this be useful?

Firstly, there's the obvious application of making your CDs sound as loud as possible. This trend is starting to get a bit silly, and is beginning to prevent people from producing albums of good dynamic range. Nevertheless, if you master a rock or pop album with no compression at all, then the chances are it will sound pitifully quiet compared to the rest of the CDs in peoples record collections. It will probably sound like it has been severely under-recorded. Compression lets you get a much higher average level onto the CD without affecting the music too much.
A very practical application of compression is in live PA setups such as a rock concert. There is a danger that very, very loud sounds will blow up the loudspeakers as well as risking serious hearing damage for those near the stage. The solution is to put a compressor in place. This makes the loud
bits - and in this case only the very loudest of the loud bits - quieter, so as to avoid damage to equipment (and people). Such hard compression of only the very top peaks of music, is called "limiting", and is so useful that many compressors have a "limiting" function in addition to normal compresson, and so you will have to read the manual if you want to use this feature in addition to using the compressor for additional "normal" compression.
Another example is that many vocalists have poor microphone technique. When they sing quietly, they sing *far* too quietly. When they sing loudly, they are *way* too loud. A compressor can reduce the "dynamic range" of the vocalist to a more managable level, which is why a compressor is sometimes called a "Dynamics Processor".
Bass guitar is another instrument which can be hard to play consistently throughout a song. Any minor errors in the bass guitarists playing can leave "holes" in the song where the bass seems to disappear. A compressor can help keep the performance at a consistent level.
There are obviously many other instruments and sounds that could benefit from compression at some time.
So, as you can see, there are many applications for a compressor. Basically, in any situation where sound volume levels are getting out of control, a compressor can be used to "tame" the extremes of volume and keep it within a reasonable range, entirely according to your needs. Obviously a very powerful tool.
Using one, on the other hand, is not so simple...
Why? Because a high-quality compressor, with "good" settings, is designed so that you can't "hear" it working as such - so it's difficult to tell when it is doing the right thing. There have been red-faced moments for many engineers - including myself - when they have spent many minutes carefully adjusting the settings, proudly declaring them "perfect", and then realise that the compressor is in fact, switched off. Very embarrasing.


[ 本帖最后由 xin4545 于 11-3-13 16:11 编辑 ]

#274 17-12-1 15:20
本帖最后由 xin4545 于 17-12-1 15:32 编辑
6年以后还有人 认真的读这个帖子 看的我有点感动 ~

#2 11-3-12 11:28

#3 11-3-12 12:05

#4 11-3-12 12:10

#5 11-3-12 12:31

#6 11-3-12 13:13

#7 11-3-12 19:06

#8 11-3-12 19:19

#9 11-3-13 11:17
There is also the added problem that the markings on the controls of many compressors are not very
accurate. They are only there for a "guide" - and to help you restore settings later, so simply looking
at the controls may not be a good indication of what the compressor is actually up to.
Many compressors - including software plugins - don't even have meters on them, and needless to say,
this makes it incredibly difficult to know if they are operating correctly.
Getting Started 直译为开始
Because compressors have many different applications, the way that you use a compressor depends very
much on what you are trying to achieve with it. In this article, we will look at four main applications
of a compressor which are all quite different. Most applications are just variations on these four
different uses, so they should serve as a good starting point for most of the things you will want to
The four main applications that we will look at, are:
1. Hard limiting - to prevent speakers or digital recordings from overload
2. Compressing an instrument or vocal
3. Adding "punch" to bass drums and bass guitars
4. Compressing a final mix
In addition, we will look at a specialised fifth example:
1. De-essing a sibilant vocal
But before we get into these, let's look at the theory behind compressors and what the controls actually
do. This is a little difficult to understand at first, so don't worry if you haven't "got it" the first
time around. It will make more sense after you've experimented a bit with a real compressor in front of
you. Note that not all compressors have all of these controls, and some compressors are very
"minimalist" indeed. If you don't have all these controls, then look at the compressors instruction
manual to see what preset values the "missing" controls are set to.
What The Controls Do
Firstly, in order to compress the volume range of something into a more "workable" volume range, you
need to have in your mind an idea of what the lowest "normal" volume level is, and what the "loudest"
volume level is, and have a mental idea of how "loud" you are prepared to let the loudest get.
The "Threshold" control, sets the volume level at which the compressor starts to do its work. Below this
volume level, the compressor will literally do absolutely nothing. So you basically set the "Threshold"
control to the lowest volume level at which you want the compressor to start working.
We will discuss in the examples how you actually make this setting. Naturally, if the "Threshold"
control is set to maximum, the compressor won't ever do anything at all because the level of the music
is usually way below this level, and therefore remains totally unnaffected.
The "Ratio" control sets how "powerful" the compressor is. At its lowest setting (1:1), the compressor
literally does nothing, and is effectively "switched off". On the other hand, at its highest setting
(normally marked 20:1 or even infinity-to-one), the compressor is 100% powerful - so powerful in fact
that it TOTALLY PREVENTS the volume level getting even the *slightest* bit louder than the threshold
level! Hard to believe? Try it and see. Set the compressor ratio at maximum, play some sound through the
compressor and start turning the threshold level down until you hear the effect. If you are playing solo
drums through the compressor the effect is quite astounding.
The only problem with doing this is that (naturally) the total volume gets so much quieter, because you
are "constraining" it (compressing it) - so very much. That's why compressors are almost always equipped
with a powerful gain control marked "Output" or "Gain make-up" in order to boost the volume level back
up to a reasonable level after it has been "squashed" down.
Every time you turn the "Threshold" down, you are "constraining" the sound more and more, and making it
quieter, and so you almost always need to use the "Output" control to boost the level back up again.
This is a bit irritating, so several compressors have a switch - normally marked something like "Auto
gain make-up" or similar - to automatically boost the output as you turn the "Threshold" down. It's not
on every compressor, but it is a nice little feature to have, and saves you fiddling about with the
"Output" control all the time.  
点费事(麻烦,无聊),所以许多压缩器有一个开关-一般叫做auto gain make-up(自动增益)或者类似的名称-能够

So far so good. "Threshold", "Ratio", and "Output" are the main controls on an compressor, and
"theoretically" give you everything you need.
目前为止都还好,阈值 压缩比 输出增益 这些是压缩器的主要设置参数,并且这些就能满足你的各种需求了!(当然不包括sm)。
So what are the other controls for?

#10 11-3-13 13:26
Compression lets you get a much higher average level onto the CD without affecting the music too much.


#11 11-3-15 11:33

#12 11-3-15 14:48

#13 11-3-15 15:37
老外的意思是 压缩器还是用的听不出压缩痕迹的好   但是我也费解 为什么很多插件的预设值 压缩都调的比较夸张的参数

[ 本帖最后由 Jerryto16 于 11-3-15 15:44 编辑 ]

#14 11-3-15 22:13
Well, sometimes - in the real world - things aren't quite so simple. For
example, you can have a vocal that is sometimes too quiet, sometimes too
loud, and occasionally, way, way, way, way too loud. Wouldn't it be nice
if the compressor somehow had an automatic "Ratio" control?
That's why many compressors have a "soft-knee" or "over-easy" control.
With the "soft-knee" control turned on, the compressor doesn't simply and
immediately "kick-in" at the level set by the "Threshold" control - it
merely "starts" to work. As the level gets louder and louder, it reaches a
level where it is finally reaching the "power" of compression that is set
by the "Ratio" control.

So if you wanted to control a vocal that was wildy out-of-control in terms
of levels, you could switch on the "soft-knee" control, set a "Ratio" much
higher than normal, and set the "Threshold" control to the quietest
"acceptable" vocal sound level. When the vocal exceeds this level with the
"Soft-knee" control switched on, the compressor starts to compress at
fairly moderate levels. If however, the vocal gets wildly out of control
and attempts to get *seriously* loud, then the compressor starts working
much harder to pull it back to sensible levels. It's a bit like having an
automatic "Ratio" control, with the maximum compression "power" controlled
by the setting of the "Ratio" knob on the front panel.
大一些的压缩比,并且把 阈值调整为你能接受的最低的电平位置。当soft-knee被打
开并且人声超过阈值,压缩器会进行适度的压缩 。然而,如果人声大到失去控制,
置,最大的压缩 力度是由压缩比来控制的。

Then there are the "Attack" and "Release" controls. So what do these do?
If you've followed this explanation so far, you'll realise that a
compressor is a bit like having a smart guy hanging onto a volume control
and adjusting it by hand according to the music. But how quickly can this
"person" respond? Well, the "Attack" control, adjusts how quickly this
"person" is, at turning down the volume when things get too loud. The
"Release" control is how quickly that same "person" can
turn the volume back up again when things have calmed down.
But why would you want to adjust this? Surely you would want it to be
instantaneous? (after all, it *is* supposed to by an automatic system...)
但是,为什么要调整呢?你一定希望它能瞬间调整好? (毕竟,它是由自动系统
It turns out that in practice, in many situations, you don't want the
volume to be "instantly" cranked down the moment things get too loud.
Under certain conditions you can really *hear* the volume being pulled
down, and this is very  undesireable. Instead, it *sometimes*
sounds better if the "person" is a bit sloppy and slow at yanking the
volume down. The "Attack" control affects this sloppyness.
What about the "Release" control? Well, in a similar way, if the
compressor is too fast at turning the volume control back up again, you
can hear it working (the audible effect is known as "pumping"). It just
sounds "artificial". So the "Release" control adjusts the speed at which
the compressor "recovers" after yanking down the volume. The exact speed
which sounds "correct" depends on the music, so that's why you can adjust
it by hand. The examples following in a moment give somesuggested
settings, but by all means experiment in order to find the most "natural"
sounding setting.

哈哈今天的翻译里面有我媳妇的功劳!我得感激 感谢!

#15 11-3-15 22:16

回复 Jerryto16 在 #13 的 pid=3007868 的贴子

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