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[新闻] Cockos Reaper 5.0 (pre-x 版) 內測版 曝光了 ! ! !

( 137 )
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#76 15-1-10 15:57

回复 小偷 在 #48 的 pid=4366717 的贴子


#77 15-1-11 14:29
v5.0pre5 - January 10 2015

+ API: added GetFXEnvelope()
+ Track grouping: VCA slave track group setting
# API: added DelteEnvelopePointRange
# API: added GetOS()
# Fixed setting of non-timesignature tempo markers
# MIDI editor: note-off velocities can be edited in a separate lane
# MIDI editor: show tempo/time signature markers in the ruler
# MIDI: stop hanging notes when muting MIDI media items during playback
# Notation editor: context menu to change clefs
# Notation editor: fixed bad font sizing on OSX
# Notation editor: improved ties, erasing notes, undo
# Notation editor: preview notes while editing via the project virtual keyboard
# Routing: creating or changing a sidechain send does not send MIDI
# VST3: various fixes relating to preset changes

#78 15-1-11 14:30

#79 15-1-11 14:35
v5.0pre5b - January 10 2015
  # VCA: changed VCA implementation, separate VCA master/slave flags, VCA pre-FX slave grouping flag. breaks pre5 VCA in projects completely

#80 15-1-12 21:03
v5.0pre5c - January 11 2015


#81 15-1-12 22:49
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

#82 15-1-17 14:04
v5.0pre6b - January 16 2015
# ReaScript: fixed Python function wrappers (reaper_python.py)
+ Time Map: improved time signature behavior when moving/copying regions
# Theme updates, WT is smug

v5.0pre6 - January 16 2015
+ API: added GetVolumeEnvelopeScaling
+ API: added RefreshToolbars
+ ReaScript/EEL: support functions exported by plugin extensions
+ Time Map: improved behavior when adding/changing time signature marker numerator and/or denominator
+ Time Map: improved behavior when inserting/removing time in project (fixed auto-create of new time signature markers)
# MIDI editor: option to hide project markers, regions, tempo/time signature markers
# MIDI export: fixed encoding of linear tempo changes
# MIDI: mid file writing fixed when ticks per QN is configured higher than 64k
# Notation: removing notation editor for now. It will be back later.
# ReaScript/Python: fixed API functions dealing with HWND
# VST3: scan subdirectories of preset path for .vstpreset

#83 15-1-17 15:37

#84 15-1-19 17:50
v5.0pre7 - January 18 2015

+ ReaScript: in addition to Python, EEL and Lua scripts support functions exported by extension plugins
# FX: improved undo behavior
# Item editing: trim behind mode better handles exactly-overlapping items
# Time Map: fixed incorrect start offsets generated when reordering regions
# VST3: fixed Duende crash
# VST3: fixed plugins closing on undo
# Video: AVFoundation video encoder fixes/optimizations for YV12 mode
# Video: improved YV12 odd-edge quality of gfx_fillrect()
# Video: improved resize logic to avoid subsampling artifacts

#85 15-1-19 21:13

回复 时光漫步2013 在 #12 的 pid=4352407 的贴子

#86 15-1-20 13:05

#87 15-1-20 18:23

回复 zlen 在 #59 的 pid=4375723 的贴子

v5.0pre6b - January 16 2015
# ReaScript: fixed Python function wrappers (reaper_python.py)
+ Time Map: improved time signature behavior when moving/copying regions
# Theme updates, WT is smug

v5.0pre6 - January 16 2015
# Notation: removing notation editor for now. It will be back later.

#88 15-1-20 19:56

回复 zlen 在 #59 的 pid=4375723 的贴子

Notation: removing notation editor for now. It will be back later.

#89 15-1-20 23:01

#90 15-1-24 14:51
v5.0pre8 - January 23 2015

+ API: added GetToggleCommandState3 since ReaScripts can't use GetToggleCommandState2
+ API: added RefreshToolbar2
+ API: added SetToggleCommandState to change ReaScript states
+ Automation: increased automation recording speed by 3x
+ Automation: support for recording automation in background projects
+ Automation: take FX automation recording support
+ Config export: include media explorer databases
+ ReaScript: EEL and Lua scripts can query various information (incl. MIDI/OSC input values) via get_context()
+ ReaScript: toggle state support (e.g. script toolbar buttons can have on/off states)
# API: removed the brand new RefreshToolbars (not ReaScript-friendly)
# Media item properties: fixed start offset adjustment when using take playrates
# Ripple edit: ripple-all mode no longer modifies time map
# Time Map: better bpm-changing behavior when shift-moving time signature markers
# Time Map: fixed auto-set of allow-partial flag during certain region reorders [p=1462556 part 2]
# VST3: fixed automation/undo for some plugins
# Video: changed default decoder priority to favor VLC, ignore more quicktime types for directshow
# Video: fixed RGB output on WINE
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