请帮忙翻译:Last Sunday evening (1/8/2012) I finally hooked up three Mackie XT control surfaces to SAC (using some conversion software I wrote to make the Mackies like look three MotorMixes to SAC -- SAC doesn't natively support 3 XT units). Although there are some issues left to work out, the experience mixing with 24 channels of control surfaces just blew me away.
I've been mixing with the mouse in SAC for about 15 months now. I've learned to accommodate SAC's UI idiosyncrasies. However, five minutes with 24 channels of control surfaces (with digital scribble strips) and I immediately realized what I'd been missing all that time.
Take something as simple as mute buttons. I do a lot of gigs with bands I've never worked with before; they show up and ask for vocal mics for everyone in the band. Half the mics only get used for chatter between songs and a good number of the mics only get used for singing on certain songs. With SAC, I've gotten into the habit of leaving those mics open over the whole show because it's too damn slow to try and mute/unmute mics on the fly using a mouse. With the Mackie units, however, I could rest my fingers on the mute buttons and unmute the mics as someone stepped up to their microphones. It was HEAVEN! The mix was a whole lot cleaner without all the open mics sucking up the back line and I didn't miss a single cue. (BTW, mute groups would not have worked for this, so don't even bother suggesting them).
Grabbing three faders at once and moving them (not necessarily in proportion to one another) is another thing I've missed over the past 15 months.
Those who would argue that banking around with a single control surface is sufficient are missing something important -- you can't simultaneously control different channel strips that aren't in your current bank. For example, one of last Sunday's groups had four vocal mics with reverb and delay on those four mics. With two hands I could easily control the mutes on the four vocal mics and the two returns (where the reverb and delay were connected). All without using some funky channel ordering that would mess of the "natural channel order" on the F Mixer view.
As I said, there are a couple of issues I still have to work out in my software (the solo buttons/LEDs weren't being updated properly for some reason), but MAN was it great to be using a real control surface again. I didn't realize how much I missed that from back in my GL2200 days.
Randy Hyde