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虚拟midi键盘 Analog Virtual Piano

( 2 )

#1 02-11-10 19:12

虚拟midi键盘 Analog Virtual Piano

Have you ever wished that there was some way to easily play notes on your Synthesizer, without leaving the computer? I'm sure everyone has spend many sleepless nights because of this problem, so now I introduce to you - Virtual Piano!     VPiano allows you to play your synth by making the computer keyboard into a 4-octave piano keyboard. Sure, you're probably not going to be able to play classical music this way, but you can experiment and have fun using a very different interface than normal, which can sometimes help to stimulate the creative process.
    You must have a MIDI output device, as well as a sound source to use this program (anything from a Soundblaster to a Midi TimePiece will do); then just run the program, configure the MIDI devices, and start jamming!


#2 02-11-10 19:20

RelayKB 1.0

By Norsez Orankijanan


RelayKB allows you to use your PC keyboard as a MIDI keyboard with varying velocities as well as to send 10 MIDI controls in real-time. It can also send and save SysEx dumps from your MIDI devices. It's great for real-time control of your software synths (e.g. Rebirth) or MIDI hardware connected to your PC.


22 real-time controlled configurable knobs that can be accessed via the PC keyboard
Knobs can be configured to send Control Change (0-127), Pitch Bend, Modulation, Channel Aftertouch, Poly Aftertouch
32 snapshots of knob positions (click to fire, shift+click to take snapshot, Ctrl+1 to J to fire)
12 knob schemes for 12 different knob configuration sets (click to fire, shift+click to save, Ctrl+F1 to F12 to fire)
PC keyboard can be selected to either move the knobs or play the MIDI keyboard

F3, F4 to change octave
F7, F8 to transpose
Numpad to change mode play
Variable keyboard velocity
5 knobs for Pitch Bend, Modulation, Program Change, Channel Aftertouch, Poly Aftertouch

Open a sysex file and send the data through the MIDI output
Receive sysex dump from MIDI device and save to a file in .syx format




#3 02-11-13 18:24
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