本帖最后由 Seraph81 于 16-1-23 09:38 编辑
比如Digitech Vocalist Live FX,从日本买,不到一千块,带有唱现场需要的全部效果,自带幻象供电,带有dbx的自动反馈抑制
需要一条母卡侬转大三芯的线输出给声卡,Vocalist Live Harmony也可以,晚出一年,多个吉他口,贵一点儿,但贵的不多,TC-Helicon也出人声综合效果器,但似乎没有反馈抑制功能
dbx Automatic Feedback Supression: using industry leading dbx technology, the Live FX automatically listens calibrates up to 12 different filters to eliminate feedback. Nothing is worse than seeing your audience throw their hands up to cover their ears during your performance. The Live FX works to ensure you never experience that.