A new beta version of jBridge (1.6) is available, which should work better with Windows 8.
jBridge 1.6 beta:
* Fixed issue where, in some occasions, a "buffer already exists" message could be displayed.
* Added workaround to prevent a crash with some plugins in FL Studio.
* Fixed an issue where, in some systems, the "edit settings" button would do nothing.
* Fixed GUI glitches with some plugins/hosts.
* Fixed garbled sound problem with WaveLab and some plugins.
* Fixed crash with Metro in undo/redo operations.
* Loading data should be a bit faster now.
* Improved compatibility with Kore2.
* Added measures to prevent bridging files from being bridged ( which could cause a big mess ).
* Added compatibility measures for Adobe Audition.
* fixed a problem where some plugins would be muted after resume.
* fixed crash that could happen with Podium and some plugins.
* Fixed crash that could happen in Ableton Live when rendering to offline.
* Settings files for bridged plugins will now be saved in (..)MyDocuments/jBridge folder
( or equivalent to MyDocuments, according to your language ), for better organization.
* several other minor fixes.
PC iND 版
jBridge v1.6 b3 WiN (800 KB)
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