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Avid Pro Tools HD 9.0.2 MacOSX

( 9 )

#1 11-5-4 10:11

Avid Pro Tools HD 9.0.2 MacOSX

Avid Pro Tools HD 9.0.2 MacOSX | 7.79 GB

Open yourself to the possibilities. Pro Tools 9 redefines the world’s most popular, most advanced music and audio production platform with a completely re-architected, open version of Pro Tools software, giving you what you asked for—and so much more.
Work with an audio interface—or without. Create bigger, better-sounding mixes with more tracks, Automatic Delay Compensation, and other pro features included as standard. Open your workflow to projects created in other audio and video software—and to the entire Avid Artist Series and Pro Series (formerly Euphonix) console/controller line. With Pro Tools 9, you can compose, record, sequence, edit, and mix the way you want—in more ways than ever.

Install instructions (English):
0. Make sure you have gdb installed. Test by typing "gdb test" into terminal.
1. Uninstall any versions of Pro Tools that are already installed
2. Install Pro Tools, Complete Production Tookit 2 and HEAT (in the optional installers folder) from the full iso
3. Use the [K] 'ed installer to overwrite the necessary files
4. Launch Pro Tools from the loader and everything should work as expected

This ***** requires Xcode to be installed. Xcode can be downloaded for free from developer.apple.com. Also, DO NOT REPLACE THE LOADER. The loader included with the new release (loader version 1.1) was designed for this release as a background process which is what people wanted. It also now breaks on ptrace so there is no need for the anti-ptrace extension posted later in the topic. To use Pro Tools launch the loader and wait a few seconds. Nothing will show while it does some work in the background and then it will launch the main Pro Tools app a few seconds later. Big thanks to unsanity, simblism, and XVX for their respective contributions.

Bouncing to disk may require you to increase the hardware buffer size, uncheck ignore playback / record errors, and restart pro tools (that fixed the issue for me). Please test and report back with any issues in the appropriate thread.

If you've already installed a purchased copy you should hypothetically be able to download just the ***** installer and install that over the purchased copy as it would replace the necessary files. Im not able to test though as I don't have a purchased copy. For general info: the CPTK isn't limited to a single framework that can be replaced but the ***** installer replaces all the files that are needed to unlock HD / CPTK so if you want to give it a go feel free to try downloading it. As you can tell from it's size, it doesn't replace every file in the install. With the new installer do not delete the Pro Tools folder before installing the ***** or things won't work properly.

Download Links:





#2 11-5-4 10:23

#3 11-5-4 10:50
不打包 这个东西让人下的害怕!呵呵!

CD3兄 高手一个 呵呵!

#4 11-5-4 12:07

#5 11-5-4 12:09

#6 11-5-4 12:23

#7 11-5-4 12:28
迷糊了  关于9.0.2的消息最近很多啊   这个不知道稳定性怎样啊

#8 11-5-4 12:47
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

#9 11-5-4 12:50
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

#10 11-5-4 13:39
這是初版 也就是以下鏈接的版本 ! 好不好使 可看原網站回帖的內容

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