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[教程] 声学鼓的录制

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#1 07-2-21 18:48


For My Teacher,For My Friends,And For My Love...

Recording Acoustic Drums


By Jay Graydon | September 2006           译:Margindge

If you’re looking for a “one size fits all” solution to recording acoustic drums, forget it! When it comes to miking and EQing drums or anything else, every recording engineer has different opinions and techniques. While that may seem chaotic, it’s also liberating: Never be afraid to experiment in your quest for the ultimate sound, as there are no rules . . . and if there actually are, maybe you’ll discover some new ones.




Recording acoustic drums defines the meaning of “give and take.” A common technique is miking each drum, so all the mics will pick up leakage from each drum/cymbal but with a slight time delay. This delay can cause “comb filtering” (phase cancellation and addition), which alters the miked signal’s tone. The less leakage the better, but it’s impractical to baffle other drums and cymbals within the set. A work-around to cut down on leakage is to use fewer mics, and try to capture the set with a couple mics on the set itself, and maybe some room mics.

声学鼓的录制很好的解释了“互相迁就,相辅相成”的含义。通常的手段是分别录每一个鼓,所以所有的MIC都会拾到其他各个鼓和镲的带着轻微延迟的串音。这些延迟会造成“梳状滤波效应”(相位的抵消和叠加),这会改变拾取信号的音质。虽然串音越少越好,但是要阻挡其他鼓或者镲的声音到拾音范围内是不切实际的。一个减少串音的较好的办法是使用较少的MIC,和尝试把一对MIC放在鼓组上方来捕获它们的声音,或者用一些Room Mics(房间麦克)。

Another problem is that the drum head tuning will likely change over a relatively short period of time, due to the constant hitting of the drums as well as temperature changes within the studio environment. Keep lighting and air conditioning consistent, as they’re the main causes of temperature variations. Remember to check tom and snare tuning throughout the session.


Also note miking the full set leads to lots of mics, booms, and cables running around your studio. This multiplies the chances of an accident, like the mic stand falling over and killing your oh-so-expensive vintage tube mic. We’ll address this topic as well.




Isolate the mics from the floor as much as possible so that they don’t pick up any rumbling noises. If your studio was not built with a floating floor (a second foundation over the first supported by rubber and styrofoam, as used in most pro studios; see Figure 1), a drum riser will help isolate the mics. Even if the studio has a floating floor, a drum riser may still be helpful. (When constructing a drum riser, make sure that it is solid and includes some type of rubber on the bottom of all surfaces that rest on the floor. Cover the platform with rugged, indoor/outdoor carpet.)


If the drums will be set up on the floor itself, a carpeted floor cuts down on reflections; a hardwood floor will allow sound waves to bounce back up into the drums, possibly causing phase cancellations. Consider a floor tom mounted in a standard vertical orientation: With a hardwood floor, when the player hits the drum the bottom head vibrates sympathetically. This directs a waveform toward the floor, which bounces back up and interacts with the vibrating bottom head to cancel or emphasize certain frequencies.


To minimize this problem, angle the floor tom slightly by lowering the triangular height rod (the one nearest the drummer) to taste; see Figure 2. This causes the waves to scatter somewhat.




If the drums will be hit medium to hard, you’ll usually want to enable the mic’s built-in attenuation (“pad”) switch. This helps minimize the chance of distortion.


Some condenser mics offer pattern choices. With an omni response, the mic hears everything — the front and back as well as on the sides. The figure 8 response allows the front and back of the diaphragm to be active but not the sides. Cardioid is directional on one side only, and is typically used for drums. Other patterns include “super cardioid” (very directional), which may be useful if you want to tighten up the sonic picture.


Note that all of the following mic placement positions are my starting positions. When listening to the mics to dial in the sound, always move the mic around a bit to find the best sound.


Regarding mics, there are so many, and the landscape has changed so much in the past few years with the advent of budget mics, that we won’t even attempt to recommend possible mics; I’ll just mention a few personal favorites and deal in generalities. One strategy for getting pointers on mics is reading interviews with producers and engineers whose work you admire, as they will often mention which mics they use for specific applications.


[ 本帖最后由 margindge 于 07-2-21 19:10 编辑 ]

#2 07-2-21 18:49


Once the drums are set up, start by using one mic only — preferably a large capsule, wide-range condenser mic. Otherwise, use your best-sounding dynamic or ribbon mic.


With the mic placed on a boom stand, position the mic about two feet above the drummer’s head, and point it straight down at the bass drum pedal’s inner edge. But positioning the mic is not enough: It has to be stable. Most mic stand bases can tip easily; if a mic hits the floor, it may be permanently damaged. The bigger the mic stand base, the better.


Anchor the mic stand with sand bags or any stable, heavy object that will not slip or rattle (three sand bags in a triangular position works for me). The best weights have a handle in the middle for carrying.


Now that the stand is solid, while positioning the mic, wrap the mic cable around the boom stand arm a few times and leave a little slack at the back of the mic so the cord doesn’t pull at the mic and change its position. To keep the cord from moving, tie the cord to the stand using removable cable ties (available at most electronic supply stores). Put a few cable ties on the boom and a few on the main mic stand, all the way down to the base.


Avoid permanent cable ties, or you will have to cut the cable tie and throw it away when putting away the mic and stand. Velcro cable wraps, available from most pro and consumer recording supply companies, are costly but are also the best choice as they are easy to set up and remove. In a pinch, you can use something like Scotch tape.

不要给线打死结,否则你会在收拾麦克和麦架的时候不得不剪断那些结并且扔掉。Velcro尼龙电缆扎带可以在专业录音用品供给公司买到。虽然非常贵,但是确实是最好的选择,因为使用非常方便。必要时,也可以使用像透明胶带(Scotch tape)类的代替。

Even though we’ve secured the mic stand and cable, someone could still trip over the mic cable and knock over the mic. But there is a solution.


With wood floors, use duct tape to tape down the mic cable on the floor, from the mic stand base to the mic panel or recording console. There should be a very little mic cable slack at the mic stand base.

在木地板上,用duct tape(一种多功能, 防水耐热,用来密闭供暖或空调管道的银色宽胶布, 一般有三层)把从麦架基座到接线板或调音台的麦克线固定到地板上。这将只有麦架基座上的一小部分线的是松弛的。

If you are low on duct tape, cross the cable in one foot strips about every two or three feet. Artist tape or any thin tape will not do the job. Keep the tape down tight, with no slack between the tape strips. In areas where there will be foot traffic, cover the cable totally with duct tape.

如果你没多少duct tape,那就每隔两到三英尺用一英尺宽的duct tape横着把线粘住。太薄的不结实的薄胶带是不适合做这个的。要把胶带贴牢靠,不要有松弛的部分。在会有人走动的区域里要把线全部包在胶带里。

With carpeted floors, avoid duct tape (which leaves glue residue) and put something like throw rugs over the cable. Bathroom rugs will work in a pinch. Get some carpet remnants, and cut them up to suit your needs. If you use carpet on a wood floor, make sure it won’t move (i.e., has a rubber underside) if someone walks across it.

如果地上铺着地毯的,就可以避免duct tape在地上留下的胶质残留,只须让地毯盖住线缆就可以了。浴室用的那种毯子会在使用过程中缩小。可以把一些边角料裁成需要的形状补上。如果你在木地板上铺地毯并且有人会在毯子上走动,那你要确定地毯不会滑动(也就是说,要有些橡胶在下面)。

Now that the mic stand and cable are secure, and the cable is taped down, plug the mic cable output into the appropriate mixer or audio interface channel. As there typically will be some cable slack at this end, “cable tie” after plugging in, then tape this down if someone could trip over the mic cable.




When you’re satisfied with the mic position, experiment with the EQ. For more “bottom end” with the bass drum, toms, and snare, try boosting the low frequencies (e.g., +2dB at 100Hz). Experiment with other frequencies (from 50 to 150Hz or so) to discover the best area for your particular mic setup. Typically, 50Hz will not do much with distant miking, but 150Hz may be better than 100Hz in this situation.

如果你对麦克的摆位满意,就开始尝试着用EQ.底鼓拉高一些底端频率,筒鼓、军鼓尝试提升一下低频(也就是 +2dB 在 100Hz)。尝试在50到150Hz或者其他区域扫频,以找到对于麦克最合适的均衡设置。通常来说,调整50Hz在远距离拾音中没有多大的作用,调节150Hz比100Hz要更好。

Experiment with the midrange EQ. 2kHz through 4kHz will make the snare “bite,” and the toms will have more of an attack sound. However, the cymbals may start to sound painful with this added EQ. As mentioned, recording drums involves tradeoffs.


For the high frequencies, start with a very slight shelving boost at 10kHz. You’ll notice an added sheen; the cymbals will get louder, and all drums will sound brighter and more open. Careful, though — your ears can get used to the extra high frequencies, which means you’ll want to add more, but your ears get used to that, so you add more . . . a little high frequency boost goes a long way.


A typical setting (Figure 3) for one drum overhead mic would be adding at least a few dB in the low end (100 to 150Hz) and a few dB at 10 to 12kHz.


#3 07-2-21 18:50


A dynamic mic, which can handle loud sound pressure levels, is the typical choice. The Sennheiser 421 is popular, but try all the dynamic mics at your disposal. Some people use the Neumann 47 FET (condenser) mic. If you use any condenser mic, it is crucial to realize that the sound pressure may hurt the fragile condenser diaphragm. The rule of thumb regarding condenser mics is “use it only if you can put your ear in front of the sound source you will be miking without hurting your hearing.” Because the kick drum sound pressure and transient is strong, I highly recommend a dynamic mic.

一个可以对付大声压级的动圈麦克是通常的选择。Sennheiser MD421很流行,但是也要按照自己的安排尝试所有的动圈麦克。一些人用Neumann U47(文物)。不管你用任何一种电容麦,清楚大的声压会损伤电容麦的振膜是非常重要的。按经验来说,电容麦是“只有在把你的耳朵贴近音源而不会损伤听力的情况下使用的。”因为底鼓的声压和爆发力是非常强的,我极力推荐使用动圈麦。

If the mic you choose has a bass rolloff switch (bass attenuation), don’t use it! The rolloff (low end filter) might have choices like “music” and “voice” or “M” for music and “V” for voice. There may be more than these two options, like Voice 1&2. The voice mode is surely a low frequency rolloff, so use the lowest number music mode. When dialing in the sound, experiment with any switches to make sure that you are getting the mic’s full frequency range.

如果你选择的麦克有低频滚降开关,千万别用它!低频滚降(低切)或许有“Music”和“Voice”或者“M”(Music)和“V”(Voice)的选择。或许还有更多,比如Voice 1&2。“Voice”模式是一个完全的低频滚降,所以用最小级数的“Music”模式。当拨入信号时,尝试切换所有的模式以确定自己搞清楚了这个麦克的全频特性。

Kick options fall into three categories:


-If there’s no front kick drum head, position the mic inside the bass drum about a foot back from the point where the beater hits. Now move left half way to the side, and angle at 45% towards the left rim.


-If the kick has two heads, with a hole for miking, place the mic about one foot in and angle slightly toward the left rim.


-If the kick has two heads and no hole for miking, place the mic about 6" back from the center, and slightly to the left.


All starting positions are just that. Finding the best mic position involves finding the best compromise between getting as much “natural bottom end” as possible without losing too much of the “point” (beater attack). Some like a boxy or boomy sound with or without “point.” For less point, move the mic farther away from the beater, meaning near the side of the shell and pointing away from the beater.


But also note that in these days of unlimited tracks, it’s very common to place more than one mic on the kick, and you’ll usually find a hole in the front head where you can stick a mic. Steve Sykes (a brilliant engineer) uses a dynamic mic inside the kick basically pointing at the beater. He also uses a Neumann U47 FET on the outside head a few inches back, and a Yamaha NS 10 woofer speaker as a mic! This adds the real lows (around the 60Hz range) in this era of home and car playback systems with extended low frequency response. He positions the woofer to taste on the outside head in which the low frequencies are thick — simply move around until you hear the most natural low frequencies.

但是仍然要注意的是,在轨道无限的今天,用多只麦克对底鼓拾音已经是很普通的事情,而且很容易就可以找到一个在前鼓皮挖了孔的鼓让你把麦克伸进去。Steve Sykes(一个非常有才气的工程师)用一个动圈麦伸入鼓腔指向踩锤敲击位置。他还用一个Neumann U47电容麦放置在鼓腔外距前鼓皮几英寸的地方,和一个用Yamaha NS 10的低音单元做成的麦克!在这个家庭和汽车播放系统的时代,这个办法确实增加了一些真实的低音(在60Hz左右的范围)和扩展了低频范围。 他把低音单元按“口味”放置在鼓皮外低频比较有密度的地方 — 简单的移动直到你听到最自然的低频为止。

When using multiple mics, though, slip the track for any mic set at some distance from the head so that its phase lines up with the dynamic mic inside the kick. This is important to maintain the fullest possible sound.


After experimenting with the kick drum mic placement, when you feel that it sounds good, reset the levels (if needed) and EQ to taste. Try adding around 60–100Hz to bring up the bottom end. If the sound is kind of “boxy,” try cutting the EQ response a bit at around 300–500Hz. To add more point, add a boost at 5kHz or so.


The kick drum may have a pillow resting up against the inside bass drum head. Typically, the pillow rests equally between the bottom of the bass drum and the inside head. This stops the bass drum from ringing (reverberating) like a tom. The amount of pressure of the pillow against the head defines the sound’s “dwell.” During the ’70s pop music era, the pillow was packed against the head but these days, there are no rules — the kick sound can go from a totally dead sound to wide open, with no pillow or padding. When using padding, anchor the pillow down with a sand bag or a non-reflecting heavy object so it doesn’t move.


Drum tuning is crucial. If using padding, pull back the padding and ask the drummer to get the tuning “even” and as low as possible without making the head too loose for the beater. This is a touchy area. The drummer needs to be comfortable with the feel of the beater hitting the head. The experienced drummer should know the sweet spot for the tuning. The room sound may help dictate the best tuning if you don’t use a pillow.


If the kick drum has one head, after getting the kick drum sound to taste acoustically, put a packing blanket or any thick blanket over the bass drum’s outer shell. This helps isolation. Tape the blanket on the drum near the center of the shell with duct tape or any strong tape, and let it hang on the floor over the outside of the kick. If you’re not using a pillow, and will be using room mics, you may not want to use the packing blanket.

如果底鼓只有一面鼓皮,在听觉上得到自己喜欢的底鼓声之后,用一张包装塑料布或者任何厚的覆盖物覆盖在底鼓鼓桶上。这样会有助于隔离。用duct tape或者其他结实的胶带把塑料布粘在鼓外壳大概中间的位置,并且一直这样粘到地板上以完全把底鼓覆盖住(没有鼓皮的一面)。如果你使用鼓枕或者将要使用房间麦克拾音,那么你或许不愿意使用这个包装塑料布。

#4 07-2-21 18:51


Typically, a dynamic mic (like the “old standby” Shure SM 57) does the job. There are many options to explore, as most dynamics will sound anywhere from usable to great on a snare. Condensers are used sometimes, but watch out regarding mic placement. If the drummer accidentally hits an SM 57, this is a drag but the replacement cost is cheap in comparison.

通常来说,一个动圈麦(例如“老替补”Shure SM 57)就能胜任。当然还有很多选择可以探索。在军鼓上,大多数的动态麦克的声音都介于能用和非常好之间。电容麦克有时也经常用,但是要非常注意麦克位置的问题。如果鼓手偶尔击打到SM57,虽然很讨厌,但是相对于电容麦来说,更换设备就会便宜的多。

My favorite condenser for snare is the Sony 37A tube condenser mic. Yes, this breaks the rule regarding sound levels with condenser diaphragms; but if this mic sounds best after trying many mics, I cross my fingers and hope it survives the session.


You’ll need a mic “boom stand” for the snare. As with all mic stands for the drum mics, a big base or triangular base (three legs) is best. Position the mic stand between the hi-hat and kick drum, with the boom extended to the nearest edge of the snare rim. Now move the boom in order to position the mic about 2" over the rim edge, and move in about 2" in toward the center of the snare head. Adjust the mic capsule to point at a 45º angle toward the drum head (Figure 4).


Ask the drummer if the mic is in the way, i.e., it would be possible to hit the mic when playing. If so, back it up until the drummer feels the mic is out of the way.


Moving the mic closer to the drum head picks up more low end. The ’80s-era mic placement was around 1" away from the head to get the “proximity effect.” Around 3" is typical these days but as always, move and experiment. If the mic has a bass rolloff, don’t use it — you can always trim the bottom later with the console EQ.

麦克移动的离鼓皮越近就会拾到越多的低频。80年代的麦克摆位都把麦克放置到距鼓皮1英寸左右的位置以得到“亲近感”。在今天通常来说是3英寸左右,但也总要移动和尝试。如果麦克有低频滚降,不要用它 — 你总可以最后在调音台的EQ上修整低频。

Some people mic the snare on top with something like an SM 57 and use another mic (typically a dynamic or small capsule condenser) on the bottom to pick up more of the “snare rattle.” Start by pointing the bottom mic up to the center of the snare drum bottom head, about 4" under. If the mic is a condenser with pattern selection, use super cardioid or cardioid.

一些人在军鼓上面用一支像SM57的麦克拾音,然后用另外一支麦克(标准的动圈或者小振膜电容麦)在底部拾取更多的“snare rattle”(不知如何翻译恰当,总之是一种干而脆的喀喀声)。开始先把军鼓底麦放在军鼓底鼓皮中心下方,大约在下方4英寸。如果选择电容麦,那么就用心型或超心型指向的。

This is a good place for a short mic stand, as fitting a boom stand in the area of the other stands will be tight. Small stands usually have a small base, so secure it with sand bags and maybe duct tape too. A gooseneck stand adapter may work — but the gooseneck will move easily if the mic cable pulls on it.

这个位置用矮麦克架最合适,其他类型的就比较困难了。小架子有比较小的基座,所以可以放心的挂沙袋或者用duct tape什么的。鹅颈式架子似乎也可以 — 但是麦克线可以很容易就让它移动位置。

When using a top and bottom mic, note that when two mics face each other so the top mic diaphragm sees the air moving away when the snare is hit, while the bottom mic sees the air coming toward the diaphragm. This causes phase cancellation. The fix is to reverse the phase on one of the mics. In this case, reverse the top mic. (Note that you should also reverse the phase of all mics on drums that are miked from the top of the sound source — the only mic that sees correct phase is the kick — air moving towards the diaphragm at initial attack.)

当军鼓上下都使用麦克,并且振膜正对着的时候,需要注意的是:当军鼓被敲击时,上面麦克振膜需要面对的情况是空气离它而去;而下面麦克面对的却是空气的来袭。这样就会导致相位消除现象。解决的办法是在其中一路麦克信号上作反相处理。既然这样,把上面的麦克反相好了。(需要注意的是,你同样也要反相在鼓之上的所有麦克的信号,因为它们都是在音源上方拾取信号 — 看来相位合适的只有拾底鼓的麦克了 — 在撞击开始的那一刻,空气就是向着振膜而来。)



Many condensers will work. Small diaphragm condenser mics are the usual choice. The AKG 451 or 452 are both fairly common. If the mic has a low end rolloff filter, you may want to use it as you do not want bottom end (low frequencies) from the hi-hat mic. If you will use something other than a condenser mic, use a mic that sounds “small,” “tight,” and bright.

多数电容麦都可胜任。小振膜电容麦是通常的选择。AKG 451或AKG 452都是很常见的。如果麦克有低频滚降开关,你或许想用它在你不希望从踩镲麦里得到底端频率(低频)的情况下。如果你想使用电容麦以外的其它麦克,那么就选择些声音听起来比较“细小”,“结实”和明亮的麦克。

Set the mic boom stand so the mic is directly above the shaft of the high pedal, then back away from the drummer half way to the outer edge of the hats. The mic should point straight down and about a foot above (Figure 5). As always, you will want to move this mic around while dialing in the sound.


#5 07-2-21 18:52


This is an area where dynamics and condensers are used about equally. With dynamic mics, use ones with a fair amount of low end response. The Sennheiser 421 is a good choice but watch out where you place it, as the mic is large and may get hit by a drum stick or wobbling cymbal. SM 57s are a possibility, as are many others. I like small capsule condensers (AKG 391 or 451/452) on rack toms, and large diaphragm condensers (AKG 414 EB) on the floor tom(s) for a smooth, big response. For the high and mid toms, it’s best to use the same model mic.

这是一个动圈麦和电容麦差不多都同被使用到的区域。当使用动圈麦克时,用一种能得到准确低频频率响应的麦克。Sennheiser MD421是一个非常好的选择,但是要注意它的摆位,像麦克较大而且可能被鼓槌或者摆动的镲击中。SM 57也可以,还有很多其他的。我喜欢用小振膜电容麦(AKG C391或者C451/452)来录挂式桶鼓,大振膜电容麦(AKG C414)在低音落地桶鼓上以得到一个平滑,大响应的声音。在高音和中音桶鼓上最好使用相同型号的麦克。

Set the boom stand for the high tom on the floor in front of the kick drum/tom; position the mic about 2" above the tom, and about 1" in from the rim away from the drummer. Same for the mid tom. Position the floor tom mic stand on the floor and set in the same manner. One reason for setting the mics fairly close is that the “proximity effect,” which accentuates the low end, will be a good friend if you want a full, deep tom sound.


If the drummer has the cymbals positioned low and close to the toms, grab each cymbal and move it on its axis to see if it will hit the mic or stand. If there’s no way to avoid the cymbal hitting the tom mic stand or mic, as a last resort you now have to ask something drummers usually don’t like to hear: “Please move the cymbals up a taste.” An experienced player will adapt if necessary.

如果鼓手把镲放置的离桶鼓非常近以至于会打到麦克和麦克架的话,就尝试抓住每个镲片沿它的座轴移动。如果没有办法避免镲片打到桶鼓麦架或麦,万不得已你现在不得不问一些鼓手通常不喜欢听到的问题 “请把镲片往高提一提试试”。一个有经验的演奏者如果觉得有必要,会使其适应需要。



Condenser mics are the norm. I like AGK 414s, but most any good condenser pair will do the trick. Neuman, Telefunken, and AKG are typical brands of this era as well as past eras. Avoid mics with a built-in 2kHz bump (build up) like the SM 57; this is one application where this mic is not recommended. If you must use the SM 57, when “dialing in the sound,” use the EQ to roll out a few dB at 2kHz or so.

电容麦是标准的选择。我喜欢AGK C414,但是几乎所有好的一对电容麦克都能胜任。Neuman, Telefunken,和AKG都是这个时代以及过去时代的标志性厂牌。避免选择那些像SM 57那样,本身在2KHz有突出和提升的麦克;这个麦克不推荐用在这里。如果非要用SM 57,那么在“拨入信号”的时候,用EQ把2KHz左右稍稍拉下几dB。

When positioning the two overhead mics, be very careful that they don’t fall down as the booms will generally be extended to full length. Secure the mic stands as soon as you’ve set the position.


As mentioned previously, I look at drums from the audience perspective (floor tom at the left, hi-hat on the right). In this case, position the left overhead boom mic between the center of the ride and crash cymbal about 2–3 feet above. Start by pointing the mic straight down.


Position the right overhead over the crash on the right side, with the same basic placement. If there’s more than one crash on this side, go between the cymbals as on the opposite side. Position the mic stand on the floor near the hi-hat mic stand.


If the drummer hits the crash cymbals hard, and they’re fairly loose on the cymbal stand, they will wobble and you will hear this wobble in the mics. A little wobble sounds natural, but extreme wobble will sound like the cymbal is almost canceling out during the travel when the cymbal edges get near 90º away from the mic. A possible fix is to angle the mics at about 45º in towards the center of the cymbals, but this may not totally fix the problem and is not a good position for the overheads in general. The best fix is to ask the drummer to tighten the cymbal nut to cut down on the wobble.


If the drummer uses more than four cymbals, and if the ride cymbal is used instead of the hi-hat as the constant time keeper, you might need to add another mic for the ride cymbal if it’s not loud enough in the overhead mic compared to the crash cymbals. Again, a small diaphragm condenser works well.

如果鼓手使用了至少4个镲,并且鼓手习惯用叮叮镲来代替踩镲来作为“constant time keeper”(应该是节奏控制)的话,你可能需要加另外一个专门录叮叮镲的麦克,如果它在OH麦中的声音和碎音镲相比不够大的话。同样,小振膜麦克可以做的很好。

Position the mic above the center of the ride cymbal, looking straight down and about a foot above. Move in half way between the center and the inner edge of the ride if you want more “ping” (drum stick sound).

把麦克竖直朝下固定在叮叮镲中心上方1英尺的位置, 向内移动1/2镲帽的距离如果你希望得到更多的“PING”声(鼓槌击打的声音)。

Which is the main overhead mic? Typically the one with the ride cymbal, so let’s say left overhead. Take a piece of string (or a mic cable, whatever) and hold it against the center of the main overhead mic diaphragm. Put the other end of the string in the center of the snare head. Now that you know the distance of the left overhead in relation to the center of the snare head, use that same measurement for the right overhead mic, meaning move the right overhead mic up/down, or slightly change where the cymbal is miked, to achieve the exact same length to the center of the snare head. This will minimize snare comb filtering/phase cancellation in the overhead mics.


#6 07-2-21 18:52


This area is tricky. Room frequency “build-ups” and “suck outs” have a major influence. Condensers are the typical choice but each room sounds different, so try every mic that’s left over. It’s a good idea to use two of the same model with the overheads.  


You might think an omni pickup pattern would work well, meaning the condenser mics would hear behind as well as the sides. Maybe, but I use cardioid most of the time. Start by placing the mics about 15 feet in front of the drums, about four feet above the floor. Spread apart the mics around eight feet or more, using the bass drum as center.


This is what works for me in my studio, but every studio will have “sweet spots” so experiment! Even a “semi-dead room” might like room mics.


It is possible to use more room mics, especially if the room is big with high ceilings. If this is the case, for high distant miking, try the Neumann M50 (nickel capsule is best) which is designed to be a room mic. This mic sounds bright even when distant from the sound source. It’s a hard mic to find, but it’s great for this application.

有可能会用到更多的房间麦克,特别是如果是天花板很高的大房间。如果是这种情况,为了远距离高处拾音,可以尝试一下专门设计房间麦的Neumann M50(镀镍振膜最好)。即使远离声源,这个麦克也能声音明亮。这个麦克很难找到,但是这个用途上是非常棒的。

Typical Drum Recording Rooms


There are three main categories of studio recording rooms.


The Dead Room: This has major padding on the walls and ceiling, with a carpet floor. There are very few “live surfaces,” so this type of room does not generate natural reverberations as the surfaces absorb the sound. The 1970s pop and R&B (rhythm and blues) era favored this type of drum sound.

消声室:它有非常专业的填充物在墙壁和天花板上,还有地毯。这里几乎没有“live surfaces”(也就是有效反射面),所以这种类型的房间由于表面吸音并不会产生自然的混响。这种类型房间的鼓声在70年代的流行和R&B类的录音中比较受偏爱。

Semi Open-Sounding Room: This has some reflective surfaces, such as wood wall panels and a hard wood floor, with a few “soft spots” like a carpet border around the hardwood floor or padding on a few walls. The ceiling may have wood reflectors, or a few boxes filled with environmentally-safe fiberglass material may hang from the ceiling to stop any ringing caused by the ceiling. If you can only have one big room in your studio, this is the best option. You can change it into a dead room by adding foam, packing blankets, or commercial frequency absorbers. For any music other than hard rock, this room style is a happy medium.


Open-Sounding Room: This type of room is usually quite large and is the key to a big exploding drum sound. The surfaces are typically cement and plaster; non-reflective surfaces are rare. When recording drums in an open-sounding room, you’ll generally use room mics (mics distant from the sound source), so it is best to put only the drums in this room and all other instrument amps in other rooms for isolation.


Jay Graydon is a Los Angeles-based songwriter, recording artist, guitarist, producer, arranger, engineer, and more, with two Grammy awards and 12 top five Grammy finalist nominations, including the prestigious title “Producer of the Year” and others such as “Record Engineer of the Year.” Some of Jay’s greatest hits include the Grammy-winning “Turn Your Love Around” with George Benson, many songs co-written with David Foster (e.g., the Grammy-winning “After The Love Has Gone” — a huge #1 hit with Earth, Wind & Fire), and several hits with Al Jarreau, DeBarge, and Manhattan Transfer, to name a few.

#7 07-2-21 19:05

Floating floor construction. Note how the spacers (“U-Boats” by Auralex) are placed to isolate the floor support boards from the “real” floor. (Photo by Jeff D. Szymanski)

浮动地板结构。注意隔离物(“U-Boats” by Auralex)是如何放置的以隔离地板支撑板材和真正的“地面”的(Photo by Jeff D. Szymanski)

With the tom set up vertically, sound waves hit the floor and bounce back into the bottom head. Angling a tom slightly causes sound waves to scatter, and diffuses them.


This EQ shows a +2.1dB boost at 115Hz, and a +2.1dB boost at 10.5kHz. There’s also a slight boost at 3.7kHz, and a very slight dip at 410Hz to reduce a bit of room “mud.”

这个EQ展示的是一个115Hz +2.1dB,10.5KHz +2.1dB。还有个轻微的增益在3.7KHz,并且在410Hz作非常少的衰减以减少一点房间的“泥泞”。

Typical setup when miking the top and bottom of a snare drum.


Miking a hi-hat.


[ 本帖最后由 margindge 于 07-2-21 19:08 编辑 ]


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#8 07-2-21 22:16
靠 大师啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~录音加EQ调节这里有没有更详细的

#9 07-2-21 22:22

回复 #8 Ying 的帖子


#10 07-2-22 01:07

#11 07-2-22 08:37

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#12 07-2-22 09:04


[ 本帖最后由 margindge 于 07-2-22 12:03 编辑 ]

#13 07-2-22 10:15

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#14 07-2-22 16:25

#15 07-2-22 16:38
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