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ValhallaRoom - Short Drum Rooms 小貼士

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#1 11-5-24 11:07

ValhallaRoom - Short Drum Rooms 小貼士

ValhallaRoom Tips and Tricks: Short Drum Rooms

阿杜, 有沒時間...?   

ValhallaRoom can be used to generate a room sound that works well with acoustic drums. Some recommending starting points:
» Use the Large Room or Large Chamber Reverb Mode. These provide an earlier onset of echo density.
» Dial in the initial “size” of the room with PREDELAY. A standard trick is to use 15 to 30 milliseconds of predelay for the ambience mikes in a “live” drum room.
» DECAY should be set anywhere from 0.3 seconds to just over 1 second.
» HIGH CUT can be used to tame the high frequencies of the decay. A real room is often much darker than one would think, so don’t hesitate to set this as far down as 5000 Hz. A brighter room can be set between 6 and 9 kHz.
» The DEPTH control is used to dial in the ratio of early to late energy. A setting of 50% is a good starting point.
» The Early Size setting can be used to add a short amount of early reflection energy to the attack when set to the 10-30 msec range. A setting of 50 to 100 msec is useful in obtaining a slight amount of “gated” sound, or for simulating the flattening of the decay envelope produced by heavy limiting/compression or tape saturation. Note that the overall decay time will be extended by the Early Size setting.
» The Early Send control is critical in shaping the early attack of short room sounds. By setting Early Send to 0.0, the initial attack can be varied between flattened and an exponential decay, by adjusting the DEPTH control to crossfade between the Early and Late reverbs. With Early Send set closer to 1.0, the Early Size setting will dominate the decay of both the Early and Late reverbs, producing a flattening of the initial decay.
» The Late Size should be set to 0.5 or less, to produce the highest initial echo density.
» The Late Bass should be set to 1.0X or less. Lower values add clarity to the decay.
» In general, a more realistic room sound is obtained by keeping the Early and Late Mod Depth set to 0.0. However, if you are wanting to emulate the super chorused “room” of the EMT250, by all means feel free to crank the Mod Depth up!

A few example presets (copy to your clipboard, and select “Paste from clipboard” in the Preset menu to hear the sound), starting with a realistic small room:1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="SmallishDrumRoom" mix="0.300000012" predelay="0.0299999993" decay="0.00300300308" HighCut="0.530201316" earlyLateMix="0.5" lateSize="0.330000013" lateCross="1" lateModRate="0.0909090936" lateModDepth="0" RTBassMultiply="0.153333336" RTXover="0.0909090936" RTHighMultiply="0.444444478" RTHighXover="0.530201316" earlySize="0.0193193201" earlyCross="0.100000001" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="0" diffusion="1" type="0"/>

The next preset generates more of a compressed/gated early attack:1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="SmashedDrumRoom" mix="0.300000012" predelay="0.0299999993" decay="0.00300300308" HighCut="0.463087261" earlyLateMix="0.5" lateSize="0.49000001" lateCross="1" lateModRate="0.0909090936" lateModDepth="0" RTBassMultiply="0.153333336" RTXover="0.0909090936" RTHighMultiply="0.444444478" RTHighXover="0.530201316" earlySize="0.067467466" earlyCross="0.100000001" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="0" diffusion="1" type="0.333333343"/>

By setting the Early Send parameter of the previous preset to 1.0, the early attack is extended, to produce a bit of a slapback echo effect.1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="SlapbackDrumRoom" mix="0.300000012" predelay="0.0299999993" decay="0.00300300308" HighCut="0.463087261" earlyLateMix="0.5" lateSize="0.49000001" lateCross="1" lateModRate="0.0909090936" lateModDepth="0" RTBassMultiply="0.153333336" RTXover="0.0909090936" RTHighMultiply="0.444444478" RTHighXover="0.530201316" earlySize="0.067467466" earlyCross="0.100000001" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="1" diffusion="1" type="0.333333343"/>

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 11-5-26 16:18 编辑 ]

#2 11-5-24 14:31

有几个例子预置(复制到剪贴板,并选择“从剪贴板粘贴”,在预设菜单听到声音),具有现实的小房间开始:1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion =“1.0.5”presetName =“SmallishDrumRoom”组合=“0.300000012”predelay =“0.0299999993”衰变=“0.00300300308”HighCut =“0.530201316”earlyLateMix =“0.5”lateSize =“0.330000013”lateCross =“1”lateModRate =“0.0909090936”lateModDepth =“0”RTBassMultiply =“0.153333336”RTXover =“0.0909090936”RTHighMultiply =“0.444444478”RTHighXover =“0.530201316”earlySize =“0.0193193201”earlyCross =“0.100000001”earlyModRate =“0.0909090936”earlyModDepth =“0”earlySend =“0”扩散=“1”类型=“0”/ >

下一个预设生成一个压缩/门控早期的攻击更多:1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion =“1.0.5”presetName =“SmashedDrumRoom”混合=“0.300000012”predelay =“0.0299999993”衰变=“0.00300300308”HighCut =“0.463087261”earlyLateMix = “0.5”lateSize =“0.49000001”lateCross =“1”lateModRate =“0.0909090936”lateModDepth =“0”RTBassMultiply =“0.153333336”RTXover =“0.0909090936”RTHighMultiply =“0.444444478”RTHighXover =“0.530201316”earlySize =“0.067467466”earlyCross = “0.100000001”earlyModRate =“0.0909090936”earlyModDepth =“0”earlySend =“0”扩散=“1”类型=“0.333333343”/>

通过设置早期寄上预设为1.0,早期的攻击是扩展参数,产生一个slapback位回声effect.1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion =“1.0.5”presetName =“SlapbackDrumRoom”混合=“0.300000012”predelay =“0.0299999993”衰变=“0.00300300308”HighCut =“0.463087261”earlyLateMix =“0.5”lateSize =“0.49000001”lateCross =“1”lateModRate =“0.0909090936”lateModDepth =“0”RTBassMultiply =“0.153333336”RTXover =“0.0909090936”RTHighMultiply =“0.444444478”RTHighXover =“0.530201316”earlySize =“0.067467466”earlyCross =“0.100000001”earlyModRate =“0.0909090936”earlyModDepth =“0”earlySend =“1”扩散=“1”类型=“0.333333343”/>

#3 11-5-24 22:11
原帖爛手上帝 于 11-5-24 14:31 发表
»表盘最初的“大小”与PREDELAY房间。一 ...

開始還像樣, 越看越.....

#4 11-5-25 01:24

·用Large Room 或者Large Chamber模式,他们的早期反射比较靠前。
·HIGH CUT用来减弱DECAY带来的高频,一般真实的房间比你想象的高频反射要少的多,不要犹豫把高切切到5K以下,如果你想要确实明亮的房间,可以放到6-9K Hz。
·当你的设置在10-30毫秒时,Early Size设置可以增加一点早期反射的音量.如果设置到50-100毫秒也很有用,你会得到有点像加了门限的混响效果。或者由于你录音时使用了较多压缩限制导致鼓的音头有点不自然,那么50-100毫秒也会帮助你平滑音头,同时鼓的音头也会变长。
·Early Send 对于塑造早期房间声很关键。当设置为0的时候,音头的Decay有可能变得平滑也有可能被加长,由DEPTH来控制,随着早期反射和后期反射比例的不同而变化。当设置越来越接近1的时候,Early Size会控制早期反射和后期反射中的音头,会让这两个音头变得平滑。
·Late Size 一般不应该超过0.5,这样早期反射的密度最高。
·Late Bass一般不要超过1.0x,多了会不清晰,越少就越清晰。
·一般来说,真实的房间Late Mod Depth是0,但是如果你想要EMT 250那种带有合唱的混响,那就尽力开大吧。

下面是几个预制参数,复制,然后再插件菜单里面选Paste from clipboard就可以了。

第一个是很真实的小房间:1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="SmallishDrumRoom"
mix="0.300000012" predelay="0.0299999993" decay="0.00300300308" HighCut="0.530201316" earlyLateMix="0.5"
lateSize="0.330000013" lateCross="1" lateModRate="0.0909090936" lateModDepth="0" RTBassMultiply="0.153333336"
RTXover="0.0909090936" RTHighMultiply="0.444444478" RTHighXover="0.530201316" earlySize="0.0193193201"
earlyCross="0.100000001" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="0" diffusion="1" type="0"/>

第二个是有点压缩或者加了gate的早期反射混响:1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5"
presetName="SmashedDrumRoom" mix="0.300000012" predelay="0.0299999993" decay="0.00300300308" HighCut="0.463087261"
earlyLateMix="0.5" lateSize="0.49000001" lateCross="1" lateModRate="0.0909090936" lateModDepth="0"
RTBassMultiply="0.153333336" RTXover="0.0909090936" RTHighMultiply="0.444444478" RTHighXover="0.530201316"
earlySize="0.067467466" earlyCross="0.100000001" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="0"
diffusion="1" type="0.333333343"/>

第三个是在前面基础上把Early Send调到1,早期反射的音头被加强,有点快速回声的效果:1 <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="SlapbackDrumRoom" mix="0.300000012"
predelay="0.0299999993" decay="0.00300300308" HighCut="0.463087261" earlyLateMix="0.5" lateSize="0.49000001"
lateCross="1" lateModRate="0.0909090936" lateModDepth="0" RTBassMultiply="0.153333336" RTXover="0.0909090936"
RTHighMultiply="0.444444478" RTHighXover="0.530201316" earlySize="0.067467466" earlyCross="0.100000001"
earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="1" diffusion="1" type="0.333333343"/>


#5 11-5-26 14:26
花點時間學這個混響是值得, 另外 valhalla shimmer 也同樣有水準 !
看到有個老外說用了這東西後, 發現自己擁有的硬件混響板面開始有點塵鋪著了


#6 11-5-26 15:55

Concert halls that are highly ranked by classical music listeners tend to have the following characteristics:-

» A mid-frequency decay time of 1.6 to 1.8 seconds for music from the “Classical” period (1750 to 1820), and around 1.9 to 2.1 seconds for music from the “Romantic” period.
» An initial time-delay gap at or below 25 msec. This is the time between the direct sound and the first reflection, and produces a sense of “intimacy” for shorter settings. This is why the “shoebox” shaped halls tend to be preferred by conductors and audiences – the initial lateral reflections start rather quickly, due to the relatively short distance that sound has to travel from the orchestra to the side walls to the listeners.
»  ”Warmth,” in that the bass tones are strong. This translates to a low-frequency decay time that is somewhat longer than the mid-frequency decay time.
» Spaciousness, in that the sound seems to come from a space wider than the instrument making the sound. This tends to be tied into phase differences in the signals hitting the left and right ears (which is often referred to as the IACC, interaural cross-correlation).
» Envelopment, in that the reverberation appears to come from all directions, rather than from limited directions. In practice, this means that an ideal hall will mix the reflections together rather quickly, and won’t have any strong discrete echos from any one location, or a part of the hall where the reverb hangs around too long (as can happen in cathedrals with high naves).

Starting with the above criteria, we can dial in a realistic concert hall preset in ValhallaRoom. A few general principles:
» Set DECAY to 1.6 to 2.1, depending on the type of music that will be played in the space.
» Set HIGH CUT to a fairly low frequency, between 4500 Hz and 7000 Hz, to simulate the air absorption in the space.
» PREDELAY should be set to match the initial time delay gap of the hall being modeled, with 25 to 35 milliseconds being a more “realistic” setting, and shorter settings useful in generating intimacy.
» The Early Size parameter should be between 20 and 50 msec, with Early Send turned up full and Early Diffusion at max, in order to product a diffuse onset of reverberation.
» The Late Size should be set greater than 0.5. The largest settings of Late Size may produce audible reflections, depending on the mode used, so tune this by ear.
» The Late High Xover should be set low enough to cause a bit of rolloff in the decay (around 2 to 4 KHz), and the Late High Mult should be set to values significantly lower than 1.0X.
» Late Cross should be set higher than 0.0, in order to simulate the envelopment of real halls. Late Cross values less than 1.0 will help retain the spatialization of stereo inputs, so this should be tweaked according to taste – start at 0.5 and work your way up or down.
» The Early Mod Depth should be set to 0 for realism – higher values result in an unnatural panning of the early decay. The Late Mod Depth can be set higher than 0, and a little bit of modulation helps enhance the realism, but keep the Late Mod Rate in the 0.25-1.0 Hz range to avoid obvious pitch changes.

As a quick example, here’s a preset based on the measurements of Boston’s Symphony Hall, as described in Leo Beranek’s “Concert Halls and Opera Houses”:1        <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="SymphonyHall" mix="0.333000004" predelay="0.0671999976" decay="0.0180180185" HighCut="0.408053696" earlyLateMix="0.699999988" lateSize="0.74000001" lateCross="0.730000019" lateModRate="0.111111112" lateModDepth="0.720000029" RTBassMultiply="0.400000006" RTXover="0.0313131325" RTHighMultiply="0.533333361" RTHighXover="0.216778517" earlySize="0.0394394398" earlyCross="0.0299999993" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="1" diffusion="1" type="0"/>

A quick tweak of the above, with a change of the Reverb Mode from Large Room to Large Chamber (just to shake things up), and we have a model of Vienna’s Grosser Musikvereinssaal:1        <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="GrosserMusikvereinssaal" mix="0.425000012" predelay="0.0240000002" decay="0.0194194186" HighCut="0.371140927" earlyLateMix="1" lateSize="1" lateCross="0.709999979" lateModRate="0.103030302" lateModDepth="0.720000029" RTBassMultiply="0.433333337" RTXover="0.0909090936" RTHighMultiply="0.5" RTHighXover="0.258389264" earlySize="0.0441441424" earlyCross="0.0299999993" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="1" diffusion="1" type="0.333333343"/>

It is worth noting that I haven’t been to either of the above halls in person, so take the above presets as a rough starting point for creating your own concert hall presets.

#7 11-5-26 16:03
ValhallaRoom can be viewed as having two separate sections for the reverberation, Early and Late. The Early controls can be accessed by
pressing the Early button in the top of the plugin (under the VALHALLA ROOM text):

The Early section can be heard in isolation by setting the DEPTH slider to 0%. Higher DEPTH settings will crossfade between the Early and Late reverberation, with a setting of 100% resulting in the output coming entirely from the Late reverberation.

A quick overview of the controls:
» Early Size: adjusts the length of the Early energy impulse, in milliseconds. A length of 10 to 50 milliseconds is useful for simulating the early reflections found in a smaller acoustic space, or for creating a wider stereo image without a strong reverberant decay (when DEPTH is set to 0%). Early Size settings between 50 and 100 milliseconds can create the impression of a “compressed” room, where the initial attack is squashed by a limiter or tape saturation. Settings above 100 milliseconds will sound like a “gated” reverb in isolation, and can create a slower attack when the Early energy is sent to the Late reverb (see Early Send for details). Larger Size settings are useful for creating long gated reverbs.
» Early Cross: controls the stereo cross-mixing of the Early Energy. An Early Cross setting of 0% will result in no mixing of energy between left and right channels; a signal in the left channel will not generate any early reflections in the right channel. Higher settings will mix the energy between the left and right channels, and will also increase the echo density. Generally speaking, lower settings of Early Cross are useful in preserving the spatial imaging of a mix.
» Mod Rate: Controls the base modulation frequency of the Early chorusing, in Hertz. This is an “average” rate, as there is a fair amount of randomization used for the chorusing. Values around 0.25 to 0.5 Hz are useful for warming up the sound, while around 1 to 2 Hz is useful for adding a bit of “string ensemble” effect to the sound.
» Mod Depth: Controls the depth of the Early chorusing. In general, you will want to keep this low when creating realistic smaller spaces, and turn it up when creating large spaces or emulating older digital reverbs.
» Early Send: Controls how much of the Early reverberation is fed into the Late reverb. The Early reverberation has been designed to interface nicely with the Late reverberation, such that sending the Early signal into the Late reverb produces a relatively colorless enhancement of echo density. A value of 0 corresponds to no send (i.e. the Early and Late reverbs are purely in parallel) while 1.0 results in the maximum send to the Late reverb. A few suggested settings:
» Set Early Size to 10-50 msec, and Early Send to 1.0, to create a dense Late reverb.
» Set Early Size to 150 msec or more, and Early Send to 1.0, to create a slow onset to the Late reverberation. This is useful for simulating very large halls and cathedrals, as well as adding clarity to the input signal.
» Set Early Size to 70-100 msec, Early Send to 0.0, the Late Size to a smaller value, and Depth to 0.5, in order to simulate a smaller space that has a somewhat compressed attack.
» Diffusion: Controls the echo density of the Early reverb. Low settings result in a less dense Early reverb, while higher settings increase the echo density. Unlike many algorithmic reverbs, high Diffusion settings will not result in a metallic decay with vocals and drums, so feel free to keep Diffusion set at 1.0 for most purposes. Low settings of Diffusion, combined with larger Early Size settings, can be useful in creating strange multitap echo sounds.

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 11-5-26 16:06 编辑 ]

#8 11-5-26 16:05
alhallaRoom: The Late controls

The Late reverberation controls in ValhallaRoom can be accessed by clicking the Late button under the VALHALLAROOM title at the top of the plugin. The Late button will turn red when the Late editor is active.

An overview of the Late reverb controls:
» Late Size: adjusts the relative size of the late “room.” Larger values correspond to larger spaces, and will result in a more expansive sound. For some of the Reverb Modes, high settings of Late Size will result in audible early echos, so adjust this by ear for each reverb mode.
» Late Cross: controls the amount of coupling between the reverberators for the left and right channels. A Late Cross setting of 0.0 corresponds to separate reverbs for the left and right channels, where a signal injected into a single channel will decay in that channel only. Increasing the Late Cross setting will cause energy to spread across the stereo image as the signal decays, at a rate determined by both the Late Cross setting and the Late Size control (with a smaller setting of Late Size corresponding to a faster spread of energy between the left and right channels). By setting Late Cross to a value less than 1.0, the input stereo image will be preserved as the sound decays away.
» Mod Rate: controls the modulation rate of the Late reverb. This is more of an “average” rate, as there is a LOT of modulation going on in the Late reverb, with up to a few dozen LFOs, all of which are randomized and have different base frequencies. Generally speaking, rates around 0.5 Hz are useful for smoothing out any artifacts in the decay, while rates above 1 Hz are useful for adding lush chorusing artifacts.
» Mod Depth: controls the depth of the modulation in the Late reverb. Note that this is also dependent on the Reverb Mode setting, with the Bright Room having more obvious random pitch warbles for a given Mod Depth settings than the other modes.
» Bass Mult: adjusts the decay time for the low frequencies, relative to the mid frequency decay time set by the DECAY slider. Examples:
» A Bass Mult setting of 0.5X, and a DECAY setting of 2 seconds, will result in a low frequency decay time of 1 second.
» A Bass Mult setting of 2.0X, and a DECAY setting of 2.0 seconds, will result in a low frequency decay time of 4 seconds.

From a physical perspective, Bass Mult settings >1.0X are useful for emulating halls and other large spaces, while Bass Mult settings <1.0X can be useful in emulating smaller spaces. From a perceptual perspective, Bass Mult settings greater than 1.0X add more “warmth,” while settings less than 1.0X create “clarity.”
» Bass Xover: controls the crossover frequency, in Hertz, between the bass decay (which is controlled by Bass Mult times DECAY) and the midrange decay (which is controlled by DECAY). Generally speaking, this is most effective when set somewhere between 300 Hz and 1500 Hz, but values outside of this range are useful for special effects.
» High Mult: adjusts the decay time for the high frequencies, relative to the mid frequency decay time set by the DECAY slider. Examples:
» With High Mult set to 0.25X, and a DECAY setting of 2 seconds, will result in a high frequency decay time of 0.5 seconds.
» With High Mult set to 0.5X, and a DECAY setting of 2.0 seconds, will result in a high frequency decay time of 1 second.

From a physical perspective, high frequencies tend to be absorbed by air fairly rapidly, so setting High Mult to 0.5X or less will result in a more natural decay. From a perceptual perspective, use High Mult to control the brightness or darkness of your reverb decay to your tastes.
» High Xover: controls the crossover frequency, in Hertz, between the the midrange decay (which is controlled by DECAY) and the bass decay (which is controlled by Bass Mult times DECAY). For normal settings, values between 3000 Hz and 8000 Hz are useful, but this is highly dependent on the High Mult factor, as well as the desired effects.

#9 11-5-26 16:07
ValhallaRoom Tips and Tricks: Gated Reverbs

Generating a gated reverb sound with ValhallaRoom is easy:
» Set the DEPTH control to 0%, so that only the Early reverb is heard.
» Set PREDELAY to 0.0 msec, so that the gated sound is generated by the Early energy only (the PREDELAY can be set higher for gated echos).
» Set Early Diffusion to 100%, for maximum echo density.
» Use Early Size to dial in the desired gate length in milliseconds.
» Adjust High Cut for desired brightness
» Use Early Mod Rate and Early Mod Depth to add chorusing to the gated reverb sound

Here’s a preset for a 150 msec gate. Copy the entire text, including the < and > tags at the beginning and end, and use the “Paste from clipboard” option in the Presets menu to bring the preset into ValhallaRoom.1        <ValhallaRoom pluginVersion="1.0.5" presetName="Gate150msec" mix="1" predelay="0" decay="0.0190190189" HighCut="1" earlyLateMix="0" lateSize="0.5" lateCross="1" lateModRate="0.0909090936" lateModDepth="0.5" RTBassMultiply="0.333333343" RTXover="0.0909090936" RTHighMultiply="0.444444478" RTHighXover="0.530201316" earlySize="0.14914915" earlyCross="0.119999997" earlyModRate="0.0909090936" earlyModDepth="0" earlySend="0" diffusion="1" type="0"/>

#10 11-5-26 17:18

#11 11-5-27 15:18
原帖爛手上帝 于 11-5-26 17:18 发表

如果硬要加一個限期, 我會說: 「一萬年....」

#12 11-5-29 08:50

#13 11-5-29 11:32
原帖xin4545 于 11-5-29 08:50 发表


#14 11-5-29 12:16
原帖himhui 于 11-5-26 14:26 发表
花點時間學這個混響是值得, 另外 valhalla shimmer 也同樣有水準 !
看到有個老外說用了這東西後, 發現自己擁有的硬件混響板面開始有點塵鋪著了



#15 11-5-29 12:22
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