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[新闻] 法国音效设计王者 INA GRM TOOLS 升级支持apple silicon芯片m1/ m2

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#1 23-6-19 14:08

法国音效设计王者 INA GRM TOOLS 升级支持apple silicon芯片m1/ m2


the GRM Tools Complete Collection is an incomparable set of 18 amazing plug-ins that have been used by most renowned composers and sound designers around the world.

Each GRM Tools plug-ins offers powerful and unique sound transformation and audio processing features.

Conceived and crafted by the GRM Group (Groupe de Recherches Musicales) of the famous National Audiovisual Institute of Paris (France), GRM Tools Complete is the result of numerous years of research, experimentation and development.

The GRM Tools Collection contains 18 AAX, RTAS, VST and Audio Unit Plug-ins and can also be used as Stand-Alone applications.

Version 3.11.0


- Apple Silicon native compatibility

- Fixes several minor bugs

本帖最后由 yuemeng 于 23-6-19 14:10 编辑

#2 23-6-19 14:10
ina grm tools complete ii 全套装

#3 23-6-19 16:00

#4 23-6-19 17:32
GRM Tools 真的是很棒的plug-in

#5 23-6-19 22:18

#6 23-6-20 02:28

#7 23-6-21 08:35

#8 23-6-23 05:07


#9 23-8-23 00:31
yuemeng 发表于 23-6-19 14:10
ina grm tools complete ii 全套装
GRM Tools versions

Version 3.11.0

- Apple Silicon native compatibility
- Fixes several minor bugs

Version 3.10.0

News :
- Support for VST3
- StandAlone : multichannel direct input
- StandAlone : now reads mp3, flac, CAF, ogg

Bugs :
- Standalone : fix freeze when doing a Bounce while playing
- AU : fix latency glitches when bouncing in Logic

#10 23-10-25 21:29

#11 24-4-28 01:48

#12 24-8-14 16:51

Sound Bytes
"If anyone asked me if something like a fundamental set of tools for sound design exists, I would definitely recommend INA GRM bundles. Not only are there true gems inside of them, gems meaning unique and inspiring plug-ins, but these plug-ins are so easy to use... INA GRM Complete II is a must for sound designers and for experimental producers."
Vincenzo Bellanova - sound designer

How the outstanding sound for ‘Stranger Things’ is made
About Comb Filter
"I worked with these great forest recordings with trees creaking and I tried to use a bit of comb filtering. I didn’t want it to sound like it was comb filtered though. I didn’t want it to have this robotic sort of sound. Using GRM Tools, I went through and adjusted filter settings and found one that gave me a sound that was not really a delay or a slap but just added a bit of enticement. It’s something between a reverb and a delay."
Craig Henighan - sound designer

Creating the wild, gory sound of ‘American Gods’
"I really like the Ina-GRM Tools. I really like using Freeze and Shuffler. That processing for the New Gods vocal treatments allowed me to draw out the performance. It’s pretty random. That’s almost what the tool is, a randomizer. But if you draw it out you can change the frequency of the loops or the pitch of the loops or how quickly it is looping back and feeding back. It takes a little bit of time to perform what you see and what Freeze and Shuffler are doing. But those were my two favorite tools for the dialogue treatments on American Gods."
Brad North - supervising sound editor

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Blockbuster sound design
David Acord applied flange to create a warpy feel and time-stretched the sound to give it a screamy vocal quality. He used Ina-GRM Tools Warp plug-in to help round off sharp edges, particularly when the power needed to sound more benevolent. “I could use Warp to lower it, soften it, to give it an airy quality and quiet it down,” he says.
David Acord - supervising sound editor

Sonic Joy Awards 2016
About Spaces
"You can create subtle movement within your source audio, or you can go to town, and shape a completely new sound almost unrecognisable from source with the extreme settings of the plugins.
The amount of automation combined with the depth of manipulation at your fingertips is quite astonishing, and for both producers and sound designers once again, GRM have come up with some inspiring creativity tools to help you bring more out of your sound than you thought possible."

Post Magazine

"Australian sound effects editor/mixer Cate Cahill uses INA's GRM Tools plug-ins to create unique sounds for such films as Mad Max: Fury Road."
" For audio post in particular, Cahill favors the INA’s GRM Tools plug-ins from her time spent designing sound for Farscape. She says, “The way they are designed to deal with sounds, in unusual but intuitive ways, allowed us to create the numerous gizmos and noises you expect to hear in sci-fi.” Their easy integration into the Pro Tools workflow allows Cahill to quickly turn ordinary sounds into unique creations. “I am still using them on my current projects,” she says."

Cloud Imperium Games
"I've been using Fusion a lot on the weapons in Star Citizen. With a sharp downward trajectory I can add a hint of ‘zappyness’ to punchy layers. If I follow this up with other transient shaping plugins to get the attack back whilst still having that cool zappyness!
Contrast is a great tool for bringing out the specific qualities of a sound. I especially like using this on mechanical sounds to bring out the unique tonal elements of a sound that I'm after.
Doppler is a nice easy-to-use tool, that allows me to add a bit of movement to a plugin chain to turn a constant bed of sound into great source for making spaceship fly-by sounds.
I find GRM Tools operate at their best as elements inside plug-in chains to create truly unique source material which I then layer together to create the final sounds. They're a set of plugs I find myself repeatedly coming back to!"

"Spaces provides a great deal of creative command over the width and direction of multichannel audio content as it flows through time and space. Therefore, I highly recommend this plugin suite to any eMusician, producer, film and game scorer, sound designer, etc., who works in multichannel and is looking to free their music from the limitations of an ordinary sound field. Thank you, Ina-GRM, for developing such a unique and useful audio software package."
Tommy Zai

Audionewsroom.net (ANR )
About Spaces
"...Sonically, these plugins are all very GRM flavoured. You can create subtle movement within your source audio, or you can go to town, and shape a completely new sound almost unrecognisable from source with the extreme settings of the plugins... once again, GRM have come up with some inspiring creativity tools to help you bring more out of your sound than you thought possible."
Andy Dollerson

Sound on Sound
"GRM’s Evolution is both rather wonderful and unlike any other effect I’ve tried. Feed a drum loop into it, for example, and you can generate ethereal, icy clouds of noise that are like waves crashing on beaches in the land of dreams. Apply it to voices and instruments and you’re in the twilight world where weird, treated reverbs morph into synth pads and textures."
Sam Inglis

“The depth of what you can do with all the GRM plug-ins is amazing,” says Richard Adrian, another sound creator par excellence at Danetracks. “There are so many different parameters that every time I use GRM Tools I find something new. It’s best to have as many sound design tools as possible, but these are the most useful tools that we have in our plug-in library.”

“The more tools the merrier,” Davis agrees. Danetracks team member Michael Johnson, who used the ST Bundle plug-ins extensively on The Matrix: Reloaded and The Matrix: Revolutions, feels the same way. “We couldn’t have done Revolutions without the ST plug-ins,” says Johnson.

#13 24-8-14 16:52

Sound Bytes
“如果有人问我是否存在一套基本的音效设计工具,我肯定会推荐 INA GRM 套装。它们不仅包含真正的精华,精华意味着独特和鼓舞人心的插件,而且这些插件非常易于使用……INA GRM Complete II 是音效设计师和实验制作人的必备工具。”
Vincenzo Bellanova - 音效设计师

“我处理了这些树木吱吱作响的森林录音,并尝试使用一点梳状滤波。但我不想让它听起来像是梳状滤波。我不想让它有这种机械般的声音。使用 GRM 工具,我仔细检查并调整了滤波器设置,找到了一种能给我带来真正不是延迟或拍击的声音,而只是增加了一点诱惑力的滤波器设置。它介于混响和延迟之间。”
Craig Henighan - 音效设计师

“我真的很喜欢 Ina-GRM 工具。我真的很喜欢使用 Freeze 和 Shuffler。New Gods 人声处理的这种处理让我能够将表演拉长。它非常随机。这几乎就是该工具的本质,一个随机器。但是如果你将它拉长,你可以改变循环的频率或循环的音高,或者它循环和反馈的速度。执行你看到的内容以及 Freeze 和 Shuffler 正在做的事情需要一点时间。但那是我在《美国众神》的对话处理中最喜欢的两个工具。”
Brad North - 音效编辑总监

《银河护卫队 2》:大片音效设计
David Acord 应用了镶边来创造一种扭曲的感觉,并延长了声音的时间,使其具有尖叫的人声质量。他使用 Ina-GRM Tools Warp 插件来帮助消除尖锐的边缘,尤其是当需要功率来使声音听起来更加柔和时。“我可以使用 Warp 来降低它、软化它、赋予它空气般的品质并使其安静下来,”他说。
David Acord - 声音编辑主管

2016 年 Sonic Joy Awards
关于 Spaces
自动化的数量与指尖操控的深度相结合是相当惊人的,对于制作人和声音设计师来说,GRM 再次提出了一些鼓舞人心的创意工具,帮助您从声音中发挥出超出您想象的效果。”

Post Magazine

“澳大利亚音效编辑/混音师 Cate Cahill 使用 INA 的 GRM Tools 插件为《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路》等电影创造独特的声音。”
“对于音频后期制作,Cahill 特别喜欢 INA 的 GRM Tools 插件,因为她曾为《Farscape》设计过声音。她说:“它们处理声音的方式不同寻常但又很直观,让我们能够创造出科幻电影中常见的各种小玩意和噪音。”它们可以轻松集成到 Pro Tools 工作流程中,让 Cahill 能够快速将普通声音变成独特的创作。“我仍在目前的项目中使用它们,”她说。

Cloud Imperium Games
“我在《星际公民》的武器上大量使用了 Fusion。通过急剧的向下轨迹,我可以为有冲击力的层添加一丝‘活力’。如果我跟进其他瞬态塑形插件,在保持酷炫活力的同时恢复攻击!
我发现 GRM 工具作为插件链中的元素发挥最佳作用,可以创建真正独特的源材料,然后我将它们层叠在一起以创建最终的声音。它们是一组我发现自己反复使用的插件!”

“Spaces 提供了大量创意控制,可以控制多声道音频内容在时间和空间中流动时的宽度和方向。因此,我强烈推荐这款插件套件给任何从事多声道工作并希望将音乐从普通声场的限制中解放出来的电子音乐家、制作人、电影和游戏配乐师、音效设计师等。感谢 Ina-GRM 开发出如此独特和实用的音频软件包。”
Tommy Zai

Audionewsroom.net (ANR )
关于 Spaces
“...从声音上看,这些插件都非常具有 GRM 风格。您可以在源音频中创建微妙的运动,也可以去城里,用插件的极端设置塑造一种几乎无法辨认的全新声音...再一次,GRM 提出了一些鼓舞人心的创意工具,帮助您从声音中发挥出超出您想象的效果。”
Andy Dollerson

#14 24-8-23 13:25

#15 24-9-1 15:02
有少数音乐技术产品变得无处不在,几乎可以肯定在特定领域工作的人都会拥有它们。如今,很少有录音室能够不向客户提供 Pro Tools 或 Auto-Tune 等服务而生存下来。而在声音设计领域,GRM Tools 的地位可以说与此相似。GRM Tools 由法国音乐研究集团开发,历史悠久。它于 16 年前作为 Pro Tools 的 TDM 插件套件推出,五年后推出了原生 VST 版本。然而,自那以后,开发一直相对平静,这一点可以从这里审查的新版本仅仅是其历史上的第三个“完整”版本这一事实得到证明。

GRM Tools 3 中的重大新闻是包含三个新插件 - Evolution、Grinder 和 Fusion - 但现有工具也得到了改进,它们的捆绑组织也发生了变化。三个新插件组成了 Evolution Bundle,而 12 个旧效果则分为 Classic Bundle 和 Spectral Transform Bundle。完整的 GRM Tools Collection 包括所有 15 个插件。授权现在使用 iLok 密钥进行处理,并且支持现在扩展到 Mac 上的 Audio Units,具有跨平台 VST 和 RTAS 版本。版本 3 的新增功能是所有效果的独立版本,但似乎没有任何 v3 插件的 TDM 版本。
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