This inspirational bundle holds 20 RP products if you include the amazing Prisma! which you can request after registering your bundle.
R2R版7527 DATE : 2018.12.25 PLATFORM : WiN32/64 - VST/AAX Rob Papen eXplorer 5 v2018 READ NFO 1.48 GB
MERRY XMAS! Blade v1.0.3f Blue v1.9.0k Blue2 v1.0.3b Go2 v1.0.1b MasterMagic v1.0.0c Predator v1.6.5d Predator2 v1.0.4b Prisma v1.0.2d (32bit v1.0.2b) Punch v1.0.6d Punch-BD v1.0.1d RAW v1.0.4b RAW-Kick v1.0.1 RG v1.6.2g RP-AMod v1.0.0h RP-Delay v1.0.2c RP-Distort v1.0.1i RP-EQ v1.0.0g RP-Verb v1.5.2c RP-Verb2 v1.0.0d SubBoomBass v1.1.3c SubBoomBass v1.0.1b Seperate installer is included, becase we will release updates per product, not the entire eXplorer bundle. NOTE : The single cracks by VR is OK (yes the crack is done exactly same as we had done before :P ), however, their releases are not compatible with Prisma. Our release contains custom Prisma (solves many official issue), and all included plugins are compatible with it. This time we provide keygen for eXplorer5 C&R part. This keygen will work for the legit version too so it's very useful for legit users :) Unfortunately, Serial protection part is hardcoded multiple SHA1 based, so patching is still needed without the legit serial number. Many thanks goes to HEXWARS for helping keygening C&R part. Because C&R part in the Windows binary is obfuscated by Themida Virtualzer - the reversing of MacOSX binary was really help in this case! Hope HEXWARS will back soon and release MacOSX patched+keygen release. PRiSMA : The internal plugin scan of Prisma is very bad. The complicated directory structure is required to make it working like developer thought. Also to mention, it is not possible to coexist 32bit version and 64bit version, one destroys others. Our release contains custom version of Prisma, which supports coexistence of both 32bit and 64bit, and does not have installation location issue like the original one. Install them to any place! Read the instruction in the text file for the detailed Prisma usage. PROTECTiON NOTE : We found a serious issue while reversing the C&R protection scheme. Let us explain this issue for Mr.Papen and ConcreteFX :) To generate MachineCode (ChallengeCode), 4 values are used. * Machine GUID * Size of HDD * Serial Number (Entire Value) * Serial Number Prefix (RP5X for the eXplorer5) The issue is inside "Size of HDD". App uses GetDiskFreeSpaceEx to acqure the size of HDD, however, the first value "LPCTSTR lpDirectoryName" is NULL. As a result, the returned value will be a size of HDD which contains CURRENT DIRECTORY. C drive? D drive? No one knows. This will cause issue. Any eXplorer5 activation will be stored to HKCU\Rob Papen\Explorer5 : "Auth" REG_DWORD Only one activation code for bundle to the computer. Thus, all MachineCode must be fixed to the same value. Anyway, as we stated above, plugins can generate different code if they have multiple drives on the computer. Once disk size is acquired, it will be set to HKCU\Rob Papen\Blue2 : "Size" REG_SZ The value of that registry will be used instead of using disk api. Once bad MachineCode (different from other plguins) is generated, it's stored to registry and never renewed until that "Size" value is removed from registry. We think, as far as "Machine GUID" is used, "Size of HDD" is not needed to generate C&R value. If you still want to use "Size of HDD", you should specify the system drive to GetDiskFreeSpaceEx for the fixed value, never try to pass the NULL. Our release contains instrcution in the text file to avoid the protection issue, and our release delete those registry value during the uninstallation so that you can "retry" by reinstalling the software. It looks like they finally lose the reason to use Themida to their binary!