Logic Audio出了4.8.1升级。。。
Logic Audio Platinum/Gold/Silver
MicroLogic AV 4.8.1
Logic Audio Platinum/Gold/Silver/MicroLogic AV:
- The Environment object "chord memorizer" is now fully cross-platform compatible.
- EXS24: The LFO1 parameters "Decay" and "Delay" can now be used with tremolo and pan modulations.
- Improved compatibility with DirectShow plug-ins:
To verify the compatibility of all your DirectShow plug-ins it is necessary to first test every installed DirectShow plug-in with the 'Plug-In Enabler 2'. You will find the application 'PlugIn-Enabler 2' inside the Logic Audio folder after updating to Logic Audio 4.8.1.
Please run 'PlugIn-Enabler 2' prior to the first program start of Logic Audio 4.8.1. If 'PlugIn Enabler 2' detects a non compatible plug-in it will shut down automatically. Run 'PlugIn-Enabler 2' again. All DirectShow plug-ins which are not compatible will be automatically deactivated and the test will continue with the next plug-in in order.
After completion of the tests all compatible DirectShow plug-ins will be shown in the left selection box of the control panel in 'PlugIn Enabler 2'. You can deactivate any unwanted DirectShow plug-in by moving it to the disabled box of the control panel. (To find out more refer to the 'Plug-In Enabler 2' help.)
Logic Audio Platinum/Gold/Silver:
- Improved compatibility with the software 'Reason' by Propellerhead Software.
Logic Audio Platinum/Gold:
- Performance of the Fat EQ has been optimized.
- New preference: Audio > Audio preferences > Plug-in delay compensation. This option is useful for the VST DSP cards 'TC PowerCore', 'Universal Audio UAD-1' and 'Creamware XTC'. It compensates for delays of audio data which might be introduced when using VST plug-ins with VST DSP cards. We recommend turning this option off if no VST DSP card is used. This compensation is effective with effect plug-ins inserted in Audio Tracks and Audio Instruments.
Mac OS
Logic Audio Platinum/Gold/Silver/MicroLogic AV:
- The USB audio support in Logic Audio together with Mac Os 9.2.x and an active network connection could, in some cases, cause problems. When no USB audio device is used we recommend leaving the new option Settings > Global Preferences > Compatibility > Using USB Audio device deactivated.
(MicroLogic AV: Audio > Audio Preferences)
Logic Audio Platinum/Gold:
- Currently ReWire by Propellerheads does not support Apple's multiprocessor technology. Activating 'Multi Processor Support' in Audio > Audio Hardware&Drivers could cause system overloads and playback interruptions in previous versions of Logic Audio (Platinum / Gold). To prevent this, ReWire is no longer available when 'Multi Processor Support' is active in Logic Audio.
Logic Audio Platinum (with TDM and ESB):
- With DirectConnect version 5.1.1_128, Digidesign is posting an optional DirectConnect extension for download. This version of DirectConnnect uses a smaller buffer size than the DirectConnect extension originally installed by the ProTools installer. The lower buffer size can have a negative effect on the performance of Logic Audio Platinum and the EXS24 together with ESB TDM (EXS24 TDM). Working with Logic Audio Platinum, we strongly recommend to always use the standard DirectConnect extensions, which are originally installed with ProTools. If another version of DirectConnect is present in your system folder, a message window in Logic Audio Platinum will inform you to that effect.