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[新闻] 免费福利:可视化示波-GON BY MAAT AUDIO

( 4 )
#1 24-10-7 00:14

免费福利:可视化示波-GON BY MAAT AUDIO


This “phase scope” plug–in quickly conveys global trends and troubles, with a visual out–of–phase warning built in. Plus, an optional autogain feature insures that you’ll see an understandable display with a very wide range of input amplitudes.
Usable metering is essential for any engineer, and GŌN’s options are equally practical, with a notable absence of controls. Unlike an oscilloscope which takes up room on your producer’s desk or meter bridge, GŌN’s lack of any knobs or switches means its straightforward user interface contains only a single button, the preference’s gear icon at upper right. Control over gain, focus, “phosphor” color, drawing style and persistence are all there in the preferences, and everything can be saved as a personal preset.
All of GŌN’s functionality is wrapped in an information-rich yet visually unobtrusive user interface that occupies only a small slice of screen real estate. Likewise, the plug-in is very "light weight" demanding an absolute minimum of CPU resources so it won´t slow down your host. As a bonus to everyone in the audio community, we’re giving you this free and rather useful plug-in. Thanks for visiting, and we hope to see more of you in the future!

GŌN :: Cross–platform Plug–in
A free, universal visualization plug-in for stereo bus masters.
本帖最后由 yuemeng 于 24-10-7 00:18 编辑

#2 24-10-7 00:16

#3 24-10-7 00:18
可用的计量对于任何工程师来说都是必不可少的,GŌN 的选项同样实用,但明显缺少控件。与占用制作人办公桌或仪表桥空间的示波器不同,GŌN 没有任何旋钮或开关,这意味着其简单的用户界面仅包含一个按钮,即右上角的首选项齿轮图标。增益、焦点、“荧光粉”颜色、绘图样式和持久性的控制都在首选项中,所有内容都可以保存为个人预设。
GŌN 的所有功能都包含在一个信息丰富但视觉上不显眼的用户界面中,该界面仅占用一小部分屏幕空间。同样,该插件非常“轻量”,仅需要最低限度的 CPU 资源,因此不会减慢主机的速度。作为对音频社区每个人的奖励,我们为您提供了这款免费且相当有用的插件。感谢您的访问,我们希望将来能见到更多您!

#4 24-10-7 16:58

#5 24-10-10 12:19
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