1.2.29 (2023.02.13)
* DSP performance improvements 15%-20%
* Osirus can now boot from OS update .mid files. ROM binaries are no longer required if a pair of ``first....mid`` and ``...second...1024.mid `` files are found next to the plugin. The second file is optional. If Osirus is booted with the first file only, no ROM presets are available
* Patch Browser can now load presets from .vstpreset, .fxb and .fxp files, including those saved by the Access Virus TI Control Center and the Access Virus PowerCore
* File names of plugins have been modified to include Osirus in its name
* Fix plugin state not correctly restored if a Virus B ROM is used
* Fix swapped left/right channels and phase issues
* Fix UI didn't update play mode correctly in some circumstances when loading a .vstpreset / .fxb / .fxp
* DSP thread now runs at higher priority (Mac/Linux)