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音源开发商 样本重用.

( 5 )

#1 24-5-13 10:07

音源开发商 样本重用.

音源开发商  样本重用.

i have a friend who works now at spitfire and he admitted they used to reuse recordings a lot but that the company budget is so big now that they can easily do new recordings for any new libs. he also mentioned that many other companies often reuse older recordings A LOT and don’t advertise that they do it for fear of hurting sales. he mentioned specifically orchestral tools, native instruments, 8dio, project sam, east west- all have reused recordings to various degrees and ways. who knows! i personally don’t think the end users really cares at all about the regurgitation of recordings across different libs. the user only cares that the tools make it easy to get the job done quick with a great sound. say what you will but i guess spitfire has done a pretty good job of achieving that goal for the composers (side note: i don’t personally use spitfire products a lot, more of a fan of the orchestral tools sound/east west opus tool, myself).. hence spitfire's dominance in the industry- well their hanz zimmer affiliation certainly helped them a lot too lol

来源:  A站 的讨论区,   原文大约意思是 样本重用 很常见,
如 喷火般大型开发商 资源丰盛,可完全负担一个新录音样本的製作成本,  样本重用 这玩儿
差不多是每家也会这样做,  Script, IR, UI 更新后 又成了一个新产品.

#2 24-5-13 11:02

#3 24-5-13 11:23

#4 24-5-13 12:27
电鼓终结者 (2006)
可以取出那里面的wav, 然后重新组合键盘对应, 形成几百个标准的鼓组, 就厉害了.

#5 24-5-13 15:02
还有一点是喷火的质感来自于具有强烈风格色彩的环境氛围,样本重用意义不大。但是一些 lite 版的产品很有可能是来自以前的样本,比如 OT inspire 系列。

我觉得喷火有重用样本的心,但没这个胆子。所以他家最近出了 Labs+订阅模式,相当于所有产品的 lite 版模块更新,只要你一直订阅,就会不停地添加,这样就又可以拿以前的样本阉割版开心地收割了。

#6 24-5-13 22:25
taljazss 发表于 24-5-13 15:02
还有一点是喷火的质感来自于具有强烈风格色彩的环境氛围,样本重用意义不大。但是一些 lite 版的产品很有可 ...

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