Network must be Layer 3 compliant and must be a Gigabit network.
The maximum length of network cable is 100 meters - 328 ft for CAT5E or CAT6 cables.
RAVENNA network should not be mixed with other network types, use a dedicated network for your RAVENNA streams.
Network Switches for AES67/RAVENNA Multicast must be properly configured managed switches.
Merging recommends that RAVENNA users to properly configure or disable their Windows Public Firewall, as it can partially block some of the RAVENNA I/O connections.
Merging recommends that RAVENNA users to properly configure or disable their Anti-Virus, as it can partially block some of the RAVENNA I/O connections.
RAVENNA users must disable their Windows UAC, as it can partially block some of the RAVENNA I/O connections and control panel access.
关闭win UAC家长控制,关闭杀毒软件或者良好的配置,否则可能干扰通信(应能满足)
Don’t connect a 100MB Ethernet device if the switch is not multicast; otherwise the flow control will reduce drastically the bandwidth.
Even though the Merging AES67 RAVENNA ASIO driver can function on any Gigabit Ethernet Adapter, including the onboard one, it is advisable to utilize a dedicated card. Merging suggests employing Intel Gigabit network adapters for optimal performance.虽然大多兼容,但主机建议计算机安装intel的千兆网卡为宜(无所谓)
In the Windows Control Panel > Device Manager, locate the network adapters, select your card, and access its Properties. It's crucial to disable any power management fea 进入控制面板关闭网卡节能功能(满足,只是性能问题)
Disable "Reduce link Speed during standby" (especially when using a switch on the RAVENNA network) or "Reduce Speed on Power Down" to "Disabled". "Wake on LAN" should also be disabled for dedicated RAVENNA network cards, although it's not mandatory.关闭待机时降低连接速度选项(满足,只能性能问题)
总结,家用路由器不够用,无线更不支持一切RAVENNA或者DANTE的音频节点,只可以用来装控制软件的机器用来纯控制,如果要进行交换机连接,先购买一部支持组播管理(IGMP管理)支持vlan的全千兆交换机,支持poe和qos更好,由于aes67标准中时钟同步的重要性,如果音频网络中没做vlan隔离,则需要进行qos服务设置,需要交换机支持,把aes67要求的ptp时钟同步流量及rtp aes音频数据流量对应的dscp值的优先级调高,保障aes67关键流量能不被其他流量干扰。