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[新闻] V-Pick™ Medium Pointed拨片

( 2 )
#1 08-6-3 03:46

V-Pick™ Medium Pointed拨片


Play Better, Sound Better is the slogan for the world's most innovative guitar pick yet, The V-Pick. If you are looking for a pick that won't slip around in your fingers, one that has the fastest action you have ever experienced and a more full tone with brilliant highs and big lows and a sweet mid range, then V-Picks are the pick of choice for you. These picks will change your life!
The new V-Pick Medium Pointed has just been released, and a lot of folks are talkiing about this pick! The same wonderfull material that grips and seems to become part of your hand, a very smooth, calculated bevel and a comfortable overall size. This pick delivers more sound from your higher strings than you have experienced before. The volume increase will become immediately evident. It sounds as if you just put new strings on your guitar! The lows have a clarity and voice like you always wanted. What is really unique about this pick is the wonderfull mid range it produces and the great snap and bite it creates with the long point of release caused by the bevel design. Besides all of this, the pick is made of the same clear acrylic as the other V-Picks are. A material that just glides over the strings effortlessly creating very little resistance, and therefore allowing you to play faster and smoother. A great pick for harmonics, sweep picking and even acoustic work.

Is your guitar pick is holding you back from becoming the artist that you are destined to be? I bet it is. This new V-Pick Screamer is for YOU! If you think about it, the guitar pick is the most intimate piece of gear you own. It is what actually connects your hand and fingers to your beloved instrument. How wonderfull to be confident that this crucial element was doing it's job in such a way that you could completely forget about it and become totally engrossed in doing what you do best, create art. That is our goal here at V-Picks, to help you become the musician and artist you have always dreamed of.

#2 08-6-4 11:21

#3 08-6-6 00:32

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