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[转贴] Sonar X1b Producer *QuickFix 246* 快速修复

( 11 )

#1 11-5-5 05:36

Sonar X1b Producer *QuickFix 246* 快速修复

Please note that QuickFixes are cumulative; the most recent build will include everything from previous builds.

Issues addressed in QuickFix build 246:

CWBRN-4343: Clip automation envelopes now insert at the default value and not the value of previously deleted envelopes
CWBRN-4442: Magnetic strength no longer reverts to medium strength when saving a project

Issues addressed in QuickFix build 245:

CWBRN-4306 & 4386: Staff view note duration now behaves correctly when set from the Tools HUD
CWBRN-3886: Tascam FW-1082 ASIO and 'Play effect tails' will no longer make a loud noise when set to off
CWBRN-4235: Mp3's can now be previewed at host tempo from the browser
CWBRN-4368: The default snap setting now behaves correctly for new projects
CWBRN's 3552, 3943, 4409 & 4419: Vertical scroll position will now stay put when clicking buttons on a track folder
MIDI echo now works correctly when the input is set to 'none'
In some cases a MIDI tracks input would change when it became the active track, this is now fixed

Issues addressed in QuickFix build 244:

CWBRN-4325: Double-clicking EQ plot in X1b brings up the Missing Plug-in Message (Essential & Studio only)
CWBRN's 3530, 3842, 3980, 4123 & 4334: Console View MIDI track name text color no longer follows audio track text color setting
CWBRN's 3781 & 4085: Progress bar now displays a more clear message
CWBRN-3522: Progress bar now disappears correctly when switching away from SONAR
CWBRN-4278: Suppressed excessive audio device disconnect messages when playing back projects of various sample rates
CWBRN's 4291, 4326, 4339 & 4374: ProChannel Post state now persists correctly when reloading a project
CWBRN's 4295, 4303 & 4314: Browser Preview at Host Tempo now behaves correctly for non-acidized audio files
CWBRN-4242: Certain conditions cause Sonitus:fx effects to process at half speed when in FX Chain
CWBRN-4316: Ramp automation now renders output correctly with jump envelopes and ProChannel
In some cases SONAR could crash on end of bounce or project close with multiprocessor systems
Addressed a case where automation envelopes would not affect audio
Track View 'Auto' Input Echo now updates correctly
Addressed a case where under some circumstances SONAR would crash when saving a project containing acidized loops

官網資訊 : http://www.cakewalk.com/Support/kb/reader.aspx/2007013244

Sonar X1b Producer   *QuickFix 246* (10 MB)
(這補丁四月官網就放出 但要正版(注冊)用戶方可下載)

讯息來源 请自行查看: VSTC**B

*狗哥沒用 Sonar X1b 故沒做測試*

[ 本帖最后由 狗公腰 于 11-5-6 02:55 编辑 ]


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#2 11-5-5 06:07

#3 11-5-5 06:30

#4 11-5-5 13:11

#5 11-5-5 16:07

#6 11-5-8 15:20

#7 11-5-8 15:30

回复 打禅 在 #6 的 pid=3090056 的贴子

算是修復補丁 四月官網放出

#8 11-5-8 15:35

回复 打禅 在 #6 的 pid=3090056 的贴子


#9 11-5-16 08:58

#10 11-5-16 23:49

#11 11-7-2 11:35
QuickFix  现在已经出到 255了……



The following downloads are available for SONAR X1 Producer
SONAR X1 Producer QuickFix - Build 255 Requires SONAR X1b to be installed. See KB2007013244
SONAR X1 Producer QuickFix - Build 246 Requires SONAR X1b to be installed. See KB2007013244
SONAR X1 Producer QuickFix - Build 244 Requires SONAR X1b to be installed. See KB2007013244

SONAR X1b Producer Requires SONAR X1a to be installed. See KB2007013233

SONAR X1a Producer Requires SONAR X1 to be installed. See KB2007013216

SONAR X1a Producer x64 Hotfix DEPRECATED - Please install SONAR X1b. See KB2007013217
SONAR X1a Producer x86 Hotfix DEPRECATED - Please install SONAR X1b. See KB2007013217

#12 11-7-4 17:52
SONAR X1 QuickFixesThe information in this article applies to:
  • SONAR X1 Producer
  • SONAR X1 Studio
  • SONAR X1 Essential
A SONAR X1 QuickFix is available which addresses customer reported issues since SONAR X1b.  QuickFixes are cumulative, so the most recent build will include everything from previous QuickFixes

Build 255
  • CWBRN-5254, 5236, 5215, 5311, 5312: Resolved an issue where when selecting MIDI inputs would not select the correct port in certain situations
  • CWBRN-4455: In the Staff View, the correct note duration is now entered when using the note duration shortcuts to switch between values
  • CWBRN-4037, 4390: Resolved an issue where Track Interleave settings would change when toggling Input Echo or opening a project containing echoed tracks
  • CWBRN-5210, 5296: Some audio devices which change the number of inputs and outputs based on the selected sample rate would require a restart of the application before they would work when a project at different the sample rate was loaded. SONAR now detects and dynamically changes the number of ports in response to sample rate changes.
  • CWBRN-5294: Resolved an issue where hiding the ProChannel module in the Console View would not hide the ProChannel GUI if shown/expanded
  • CWBRN-4046, 5295: The context menu for inserting a Send from the Track Inspector now displays correctly when inserting a second send
  • CWBRN-4047: Resolved an issue where dragging plug-ins from the plug-in browser could crash or hang SONAR under rare circumstances
Build 246
  • CWBRN-4343: Clip automation envelopes now insert at the default value and not the value of previously deleted envelopes
  • CWBRN-4442: Magnetic strength no longer reverts to medium strength when saving a project
  • Build 245 has been removed from the SONAR X1 download list - please use build 246
Build 245
  • CWBRN-4306 & 4386:  Staff view note duration now behaves correctly when set from the Tools HUD
  • CWBRN-3886: Tascam FW-1082 ASIO and 'Play effect tails' will no longer make a loud noise when set to off
  • CWBRN-4235: Mp3's can now be previewed at host tempo from the browser
  • CWBRN-4368: The default snap setting now behaves correctly for new projects
  • CWBRN's 3552, 3943, 4409 & 4419: Vertical scroll position will now stay put when clicking buttons on a track folder
  • MIDI echo now works correctly when the input is set to 'none'
  • In some cases a MIDI tracks input would change when it became the active track, this is now fixed
Build 244
  • CWBRN-4325: Double-clicking EQ plot in X1b brings up the Missing Plug-in Message (Essential & Studio only)
  • CWBRN's 3530, 3842, 3980, 4123 & 4334: Console View MIDI track name text color no longer follows audio track text color setting
  • CWBRN's 3781 & 4085: Progress bar now displays a more clear message
  • CWBRN-3522: Progress bar now disappears correctly when switching away from SONAR
  • CWBRN-4278: Suppressed excessive audio device disconnect messages when playing back projects of various sample rates
  • CWBRN's 4291, 4326, 4339 & 4374: ProChannel Post state now persists correctly when reloading a project
  • CWBRN's 4295, 4303 & 4314: Browser Preview at Host Tempo now behaves correctly for non-acidized audio files
  • CWBRN-4242: Certain conditions cause Sonitus:fx effects to process at half speed when in FX Chain
  • CWBRN-4316: Ramp automation now renders output correctly with jump envelopes and ProChannel
  • In some cases SONAR could crash on end of bounce or on project on multiprocessor systems
  • Addressed a case where automation envelopes would not affect audio
  • Track View 'auto' input echo now updates correctly
  • Addressed a case where under circumstances SONAR would crash when saving a project containing acidized loops
Please Note: This QuickFix has only received minimal testing to expedite delivery, if you are not affected by any of the above issues then you do not need to install this QuickFix.  Should you experience any problems with this QuickFix please report it using the Cakewalk Problem Report Tool and be sure to indicate the build number.

Installation Instructions

  • To access this QuickFix you must be a registered SONAR X1 customer
  • QuickFixes are cumulative you only need to install the latest version, not each of them
  • SONAR X1b MUST be installed to use a QuickFix if you have not yet updated to SONAR X1b you can download it here
  • Download the QuickFix installer and save it to a location you can access on your computer
  • Double-click it to begin installation
Backup & Recovery
The QuickFix installer will automatically backup your existing SONAR installation, the default location will be 'C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\SONAR VERSION\Backup\DATE\Version_Build.Number'  If for any reason you need to restore to X1b you can do so by replacing the files in your installation directory with the ones found in the Backup folder
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