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KH310 & Kh150

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#16 23-8-21 14:15

#17 23-8-21 19:11
kang 发表于 23-8-21 09:28
我是退烧了,现在随便用个箱子 DSP修正声场之后就来混,混完用手机喇叭反复检查修改。


#18 23-8-21 23:09
kang 发表于 23-8-21 09:28
我是退烧了,现在随便用个箱子 DSP修正声场之后就来混,混完用手机喇叭反复检查修改。


#19 23-8-22 14:22
909 发表于 23-8-21 23:09

可以是音箱自带 也可以是独立产品

#20 23-11-22 01:04

#21 23-11-22 13:20
繁华岁月 发表于 23-11-22 01:04
楼主到底折腾KH150了吗,我看回帖的人大部分应该是猜的,都没真正听过150,听说150比310更好,我也想折腾哈 ...

没有、 我确定还是好好用自己的8340

#22 23-11-22 17:04

#23 24-2-21 21:37
KH 150, the better KH 310?
siehorst 16.03.2023
A long story of discovery: I have been using Behringer Truth 2030A and 3030A as monitors since 2011. Measured with a DEQ2496, this worked very well, to the amazement of others. About four years ago I got to know the Neumann KH310 in the demonstration room at thomann and from that moment on I fell for its neutrality. However, my studio wasn't sufficiently acoustically treated at the time, so I couldn't decide to buy it. As the process progressed, the price increased significantly and shortly afterwards the KH150 were brought onto the market. What fascinated me right from the start was the possibility of using the 'alignment kit' to adapt the speakers to the acoustic conditions of the room, just as I have been doing with the Truth for a long time. I found the statements with a focus on EDM a little off-putting, I don't want any 'bum boxes', but a neutral reproduction. After several phone calls with Neumann and Thomann, I finally had both pairs in my studio. I asked a number of friends to evaluate the speakers with me. Music lovers, professional musicians, professional studio operators from different genres, we all came to the same conclusion. The 310's absolutely require a measurement in the room, otherwise they 'have the honk', a clear emphasis on the mids with the typical curtain in front of the (natural) sound source, overtones are reproduced sparingly, the resolution of the instruments in the room is at the KH 150 is clearer. This changes after a measurement is applied. But here's the problem: when the correct measurement comes along, save it quickly. This means that the DEQ2496 method or the manual measurement with noise and 31 band EQ are too uncertain and subjective in connection with the 310. And this is where the KH150 plus MA1 comes into play. Above all, my own recordings of the concert guitar and the old baroque recorder, i.e. purely acoustic instruments, showed a lifelike reproduction after the measurement, which could not be reproduced so easily with the KH310. The harpsichord and our own recordings of the church organ also correspond to our ideas from reality. My focus is not on 'old music' but primarily on newer music (jazz, rock, fusion, rap and co. electric as well as acoustic instruments - and also the EDM mentioned by Neumann ;-)). And the KH 150 can do that too. Wonderful representation of the transients. In the middle range, however, the KH310 appear less strained, the lows appear cleaner, the entire sound image is more powerful - if it weren't for the limitations caused by the lack of room correction, they would be the winner. Well-known and confirmed conclusion: Monitors without measurement in the room are not possible (regardless of the price range), and please do this as simply as possible, i.e. automated. I don't want to give distorting preferences and influences caused by aging hearing a chance. The installation was completely unproblematic on my Windows system with network and router for the interface (x32 rack). Nothing with manual IP addresses and subnets, just plug it in and you're done. Unfortunately, the system is terribly slow and it takes a lot of time to load profiles into the speakers and read them out again. there is a need for improvement. Conclusion: I sent the KH310 back and fear the day when it comes onto the market as a monitor alignment variant.
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