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[音色/音色库] 免费的钢琴音源Blueprint Epic Grand

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#1 24-7-31 14:52

免费的钢琴音源Blueprint Epic Grand


Epic Grand

A piano of epic proportions, this Steinway Model D has been recorded in octaves in a large concert hall with an array of microphone options and more effects to shape the sound.


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Download size
(NCW compressed from 8.2GB sample pool)

Epic Grand was recorded during the same sessions as Spotlight Piano, using the same Steinway Model D and an extensive microphone array. While Spotlight Piano features softer dynamics, Epic Grand emphasises the upper dynamics, with notes played in octaves. This results in a grand, epic sound reminiscent of Vangelis’ “Chariots of Fire” and commonly heard in modern blockbuster trailer scores.

The library includes close, mid, and far microphone signals, captured in a large concert hall. Additional sound-shaping controls offer numerous options for composers to infuse their next piece with more grandeur and impact.

Epic Grand与Spotlight Piano在同一时段录制,使用相同的施坦威D型和广泛的麦克风阵列。Spotlight Piano具有更柔和的动态,而Epic Grand则强调上部动态,音符以八度音阶演奏。这产生了一种宏伟史诗般的声音,让人想起Vangelis的《火战车》,在现代大片预告片配乐中很常见。

The Interface


– An EQ effect to change the brightness of the overall sound.



– Applies compression, EQ and saturation to add weight and energy to the sound.


Stereo Width

– Controls the stereo widening effect, turn clockwise to widen the signal, turn fully anticlockwise for a mono signal.



– Control the reverb level with further settings if you click the cog.


Mic Mix

– Control the amount of close, mid and far mics. Mute [M], Solo [S], and Purge [⏻] the raw layer and individual Atmosphere Layers from memory. Blend between a close and far mix.


Sample Start

– Increase the sample start time to reduce latency. Decrease the sample start time for more realism. The latency above is the correct number for the use of negative delay (pre-delay) in your DAW MIDI settings.

–增加采样开始时间以减少延迟。减少采样开始时间以获得更真实的效果。上述延迟是DAW MIDI设置中使用负延迟(预延迟)的正确数字。

Velocity Response

– Control how much the volume of the instrument is controlled by the velocity input of your MIDI device.


NKS Support and Kontakt Player compatibility

We are delighted to offer full NKS support for Blueprint: Epic Grand. Harnessing the power of Native Instruments’ Komplete Kontrol keyboards, you have full hands-on control of the instrument, using the built-in display and parameter controls on the keyboard. This also means that Blueprint: Epic Grand is accessible to blind and visually impared musicians. Furthermore, Blueprint: Epic Grand is compatible with the free Kontakt Player, with activation through Native Access, meaning you can use the library without purchasing any additional software. You can download Kontakt Player from the Native Instruments website.


我们很高兴为Blueprint:Epic Grand提供全面的NKS支持。利用Native Instruments的Komplete Kontrol键盘的强大功能,您可以使用键盘上的内置显示器和参数控件对仪器进行完全的手动控制。这也意味着Blueprint:Epic Grand可供盲人和视障音乐家使用。此外,Blueprint:Epic Grand与免费的Kontakt Player兼容,可以通过Native Access激活,这意味着您可以在不购买任何额外软件的情况下使用该库。您可以从Native Instruments网站下载Kontakt Player。


本帖最后由 aaaeee 于 24-7-31 15:02 编辑

#2 24-8-2 07:55
用过这个免费系列的Electric Keys,录得不错,也挺好用

#3 24-8-2 09:48
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