本帖最后由 Salinx 于 16-1-22 15:02 编辑
上世纪70 80年代 是磁带开盘机的尖峰年代, 太多的白金销量专辑是通过它来录音、混音完成的。
磁带开盘机可以产生温润的“染色”, 它不会像数字设备中那样容易产生高频毛刺、以及陡峭的音头。
而且它还具有随着频率而变的磁滞、饱和特性 ;150hz以下低频谐振特性 ;不同磁带介质下的频谱特性、动态特性;
可以为其录制的信号 增加中低频的扎实度、温暖度,高频的甜美度,以及增强Mixing的融合度。
如今依然很多人喜欢它特有的模拟味, 以至于多个插件大厂争相建模。
很多同学,都接触过UAD中Studer 800、Ampex 102、 板岩开盘机、
Waves Abbey Road的J37、Kramer Tape、Sequoia自带Track 、Protools 的Real Tape 等等,,
但有不少同学 对其中的一个Bias旋钮感到困惑,
Bias :偏置电压
Biasing :偏置电压校准或偏磁电平调整
钴带、金属带) 不同生产厂家的磁带(3M、Sony、Ampex 等)产生的“失真度”都是不同的。
为了客服在录放时不同磁带摩擦磁头时所产生的 磁滞非线性失真, 开盘机的内部电路板上采用了DC、AC偏磁电路 ,在音频信号中叠加一个比音频信号最高频率高5倍以上(常为40KHz~150KHz),振幅大约5~25倍的高频调制电路 加以校正声音的变化。以及对灵敏度、动态范围的修整。(详情请参看本文最后两张图)
也可以这么去理解:Bias是控制电平补偿的校准电路, 这个Bias旋钮可以使得开盘机的音色得以平衡或失衡!
很多开盘机Bias旋钮 默认值在中间为0dB, 当顺时针旋为+值时 称之为“过偏压 ”, 当逆时针旋为-值时 称之为“欠偏压”
选定不同类型的磁带后 调节Bias旋钮,可以改变声音的Warm亦或是Punch
在我日常使用的经验中 这个Bias旋钮可以改变动态范围、改变音色
对于人声处理 可以增加些温暖的模拟味,磨去一些高频毛边。 当然了,这也还需其与他旋钮共同配合使用 方能完美。(比如 磁带种类、IPS带速、高频Drive、 输入电平与输出电平的配比....)
以Studer A800开盘机插件为例 :
选用250金盘+15 ips+ 10点钟的Bias 适用于怀旧的Bass、电吉他;
250金盘+7.5 ips+2点钟旋钮位置的Bias 的组合方式 可模拟出70年代复古Rock的声音、以及Blues人声;
456白盘+15 ips+ 3点钟的Bias 适用Lo-Fi、 Vintage的音色;
GP9红盘+30 ips+ 12点钟的Bias 适用于鼓、贝司以及Bus轨\母带环节;
900白盘+30ips+1点钟的Bias 适用于现代流行人声。
此外开盘机面板上 输入旋钮调节在9点钟位置, 输出旋钮调节在2点钟位置;或者 输入旋钮调节在2点钟位置 输出旋钮调节在9点钟位置 。
前后这两种不同的调节方式 ,对于声音的染色 也是存在很大变化的, 后者的饱和量要高于前者。
Warning:偏压调整量、饱和染色量、磁带的选择 需依据歌曲风格适可而止, 各旋钮点到即好 不可贪杯也!
( 以下是外网音频百科对Bias更为详尽的解释:)
Biasing in Tape Recording
A music signal alone cannot be used to produce a faithful tape recording of a sound because the magnetization of the tape is so sensitive to its previous magnetic history, even the effects of the signal recorded just ahead of it. A high frequency bias signal is typically applied to the tape through the tape head along with the music signal to remove the effects of this magnetic history. This large bias signal (typically 40 to 150 kHz in frequency) keeps "stirring" the magnetization so that each signal to be recorded encounters the same magnetic starting conditions. The necessity for biasing has its origin in the magnetic property called hysteresis - the magnetic material tends to hold onto any magnetization it receives and must be actively driven back to zero to start over. Magnetic emulsions made with chromium dioxide require a larger biasing signalto make use of their wider dynamic range, so modern recorders have different bias settings for iron oxide, chromium dioxide, and metal tapes. With optimum biasing, the recorded magnetic image is proportional to the signal current applied to the record head. One could become almost philosophical about the process by which one can produce the sound of a beautiful symphony from a "ribbon of rust". Biasing is critical to this process of imposing the design of the symphony upon a medium which would tend to have random variations because of thermal energy and a kind of "inertia" in the form of hysteresis that resists the production of an undistorted image of the music. Biasing plays the role of "scrambling" or "stirring" the medium dynamically so that each element of the musical image you intend to impose will have the same "blank slate" upon which to write. The scrambling process of biasing also increases the sensitivity for the recording of a clean signal, i.e., you can record with a much smaller input signal because the medium is more susceptible to the imposition of the pattern you intend.
To record a sine wave on tape, you mix it with a high frequency bias signal. The bias keeps the magnetic domains "stirred", with an average magnetization in the direction of the signal voltage you wish to record. As the head passes, a net magnetization proportional to the sine wave signal remains.
This is an active graphic. You may click on any of the bold text for further details.
Because of hysteresis, an input signal at the level indicated by the dashed line could give a magnetization anywhere between C and D, depending upon the immediate previous history of the tape (i.e., the signal which preceded it). This clearly unacceptable situation is remedied by the bias currentwhich cycles the oxide grains around their hysteresis loops so quickly that the magetization averages to zero when no signal is applied. The result of the bias signal is like a magnetic eddy which settles down to zero if there is no signal superimposed upon it. If there is a signal, it offsets the bias signal so that it leaves a remnant magnetization proportional to the signal offset. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bias(来自Waves 官网的其他解释)
Defined: Bias is a high frequency signal, typically between 40 kHz and 150 kHz, applied to the record head along with the audio signal when an audio track is placed into record. The bias current solves a critical problem when recording to analog tape. When the amplitude of an audio signal passes through the zero voltage crossing, the magnetic field created by the record head is not strong enough to polarize the magnetic oxide particles on the tape. Thus, a distortion of the original audio signal is introduced. To minimize this distortion, the bias current is applied to break down this resistance to polarization. The audio signal can then be recorded more accurately without the effects of low level distortion. The amount of bias current applied is critical to the frequency response and distortion characteristics of an analog recording.
Waves modeled and have provided you with two bias settings. “Nominal Bias,” the manufacturer’s recommendation for bias adjustment (directly from the original operator’s manual for the modeled machine) was recommended in the early years to try and reach the best recording levels with the minimum amount of distortion and the maximum frequency response. This setting produced a fairly low noise level (around 60 dB lower than the peak signal), and around 2 to 3 dB of high frequency loss with a moderate amount of high frequency distortion.
During the ’60s, after a number of years of working with these tapes, many professional studio engineers and technicians discovered that by overbiasing (increasing the amplitude of bias signal) by only a small amount, they could improve the high frequency response and at the same time lower the noise level. This was called “Over Bias” and each tape type, studio, recording engineer and technician had their own way of calibrating the bias to achieve their preferred sonic qualities.
For the Kramer Master Tape, we modeled the -3 dB over bias, which was agreed by most engineers to be the point where you got the best high frequency response, least amount of distortion and best signal to noise ratio on 3M Scotch 207 tape. (Actually -.7 dB at 700 Hz for 15 ips, but set at -3 dB at 15 kHz for accuracy. You adjusted nominal bias to accomplish the peak level of the signal and then continued beyond the peak until the level began dropping by the desired amount, therefore the term ‘over bias’. The bias adjustment for 7.5 was done one octave lower at 350 Hz or 7,500 Hz and at -20 dB to avoid excessive high frequency saturation.) When you switch from “Nominal Bias” to “Over Bias” mode, you should expect to hear a bit less noise, clearer high frequencies (reduced distortion), and a bit more overall dynamic range (and clarity, once again the result of less overall THD).
备注:Bias的偏压量与 Saturation饱和量, 这两个名词,千万别弄混淆了! 详见本帖12楼的解释
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左弦 2016.1
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