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[新闻] Reaper 5.50正式发布!

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#1 17-9-13 21:15

Reaper 5.50正式发布!

本帖最后由 小偷 于 17-9-14 16:29 编辑

等了太多的RC版,欢迎Reaper 5.50加入真正多平台Daw的大家庭。

Reaper 5.50正式版更新日志:
v5.50a - September 16 2017
  + Automation: fix combining of trim/main volume envelope with different scales
  # Automation items: ensure item edge points are square-shaped for mute envelopes
  # Envelopes: fix insert 4 env points before an AI [p=1885418]
  # Envelopes: fix possible crash when clearing envelope from envcp
  # linux: improve Python auto-detection

changelog for 5.50:

  + Actions: automatically make capitalization consistent for non-localized action description strings
  + Audio: allow frequencies up to 100MHz when using dummy audio driver [t=195153]
  + Audio: avoid changing device samplerate to default samplerate when loading projects [t=193651]
  + Audio: add option to flash transport status yellow on possible audio device underrun
  + Audio: improve various playback/recording behaviors when using background project tabs [t=193849]
  + Automation items: add automation item support, to contain, move, and transform portions of envelopes
  + Automation items: items mask the baseline envelope, but overlapping items all affect playback
  + Automation items: items may be pooled or unpooled, looped, stretched, skewed, and phase-shifted
  + Automation items: items may be named, saved, and loaded
  + Automation items: support separate baseline, amplitude, and looping for individual instances of pooled automation items
  + Automation items: alt+drag in envelope lane (by default) to draw automation items
  + Automation items: add automation item and automation item edge mouse modifier contexts
  + Automation items: add actions to insert, duplicate, split glue, delete, etc
  + Automation: prevent latency adjustment when playback is stopped [t=193321]
  + Configuration: support import/export of more configuration files
  + Envelopes: add envelope lane mouse modifier context, deprecate preference to respect envelope segment modifiers in envelope lane
  + Envelopes: remove envelope lane click mouse modifier context, add envelope lane double-click context  
  + Envelopes: add mouse modifier to freehand draw envelope points respecting snap
  + Envelopes: add actions to reverse envelope points, reduce number of points by half, insert envelope point ignoring snap
  + Envelopes: fix a few non-working send envelope menu items [t=190902]
  + Envelopes: add option to prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other envelope points
  + Envelopes: preserve envelope curvature during "move envelope segment preserving edge points" edit
  + Envelopes: preserve envelope curvature when moving points with media items, or within time selection
  + Envelopes: preserve envelope curvature at time selection edges when initiating envelope segment edit within time selection
  + Envelopes: improve behavior when freezing/unfreezing with send and pre-fx envelopes [t=195398]
  + Envelopes: fix initial value when auto-adding FX parameter envelope [t=192204]
  + FX: improve support for wet/bypass/VST3 parameter IDs on MIDI learn, TCP knobs
  + FX: do not auto-increase track channel count when loading FX chains that have multichannel FX but were saved from stereo tracks
  + FX: fix potential bugs relating to bypass/wet envelopes when loading automation and FX parameter counts change
  + FX: fix issues related to user-preset navigation [t=195699]
  + FX: add ReaCast, a shoutcast/icecast source plug-in
  + FX: improve ReaEQ/ReaXcomp analyzer accuracy [t=194328]
  + FX: fix project save of JSFX preset names that contain spaces
  + FX: add mix-in and auto-update options to allow some spectral smearing capabilities for JSFX spectral_hold
  + FX: improve display updates for some JSFX scripts
  + Grid: sanitize grid values on project load/entry [t=190108]
  + LAME: bundle libmp3lame 3.99.5
  + MIDI: restore keyboard focus to piano roll after changing CC lane via dropdown
  + MIDI: fix action to explode MIDI by pitch (and some related behaviors) [t=190905]
  + MIDI: fix project MIDI export when project start time is not zero [t=194713]
  + MIDI: fix project MIDI export SMPTE time when using ND timecode [t=194710]
  + MIDI editor: handle click on track title exactly like a click on the activate icon in the MIDI track list
  + Metronome: support triplets in metronome pattern [t=192992]
  + NINJAM: improve cross-platform compatibility of clipsort.log import
  + Notation editor: fix PDF export when "bracket tracks by folder" option enabled [p=1844292]
  + Notation editor: preserve notation for non-displayed notes when edits are made with channel filter active [t=185286]
  + Pan: allow very small track pans in fine adjustment mode
  + Pan: display sub-1% pans with increased precision
  + Pan: decrease media item properties pan snap-to-center threshold [t=190557]
  + ReaScript: improve undo/update behavior for InsertTrackAtIndex(), DeleteTrack() [t=135573]
  + ReaScript: avoid setting console focus on reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("")
  + ReaScript: improve display updates for some scripts
  + Sends: set focus for temporary single-send adjustment windows
  + Spectrogram: add spectral editing support, action to insert new edit regions [rv=vSBO_VC9q3E]
  + Theme: fix incorrect separators with grouped tracks [p=1874859]
  + Undo: improve undo efficiency
  + Undo: automatically make capitalization consistent for non-localized undo point description strings
  + Undo: fix behavior when reordering FX with automation [t=191588]
  + Undo: fix behavior with FX TCP parameters and learn [p=1845984]
  + Undo: fix parameter modulation settings
  + Undo: fix behavior when modifying stretch markers via swing grid
  + VST: support VST3 extended functionality with Softube Console 1
  + VST: improve macOS bundleExit VST3 compatibility
  + VST: improve resize behavior of various plug-ins [t=193099]
  + VST: send 10 channel speaker arrangements as user-defined [t=194176]
  + VST: use VST3 parameter IDs for tracking envelopes/parameter modulation across sessions
  + Video: fix rounding behavior with alpha-blended gfx_xformblit/gfx_deltablit
  + Web Interface: add fancier.html
  + Windows: increase FLS slots available on x64 for improved plug-in compatibility
  + Windows: support receiving ASIO overload notifications
  + macOS: add CoreAudio option to ignore project samplerate
  + macOS: support receiving CoreAudio overload notifications
  + macOS: improve scroll behavior of non-REAPER windows on 10.11+ [t=195544]
  + macOS: improve mixer drag and drop behavior [t=190761]
  + macOS: preserve parameter modulation window position when auto-resizing


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#2 17-9-13 22:28

#3 17-9-13 22:49

#4 17-9-13 23:26

#5 17-9-14 08:46
akaka 发表于 17-9-13 23:26


#6 17-9-14 08:53

#7 17-9-14 09:43
期待有新的 突破

#8 17-9-14 10:44


#9 17-9-14 10:54

#10 17-9-14 11:20
支持 Automation Items 了!

#11 17-9-14 11:37
苦艾酒. 发表于 17-9-14 10:54


#12 17-9-14 11:40
chtqq 发表于 17-9-14 08:53

RC和Pre特别多,这小更新。主要还是绕着Item的Automation在更新,毕竟是新加入的一组功能,这东西用好比Track Automation更好用,但也更吃CPU

#13 17-9-14 13:16
REAPER的优点就是各种自定义 缺点就是什么东西都得自己设定 太费事

#14 17-9-14 13:22

#15 17-9-14 14:40
兰迪罗兹 发表于 17-9-14 13:16
REAPER的优点就是各种自定义 缺点就是什么东西都得自己设定 太费事

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