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[教程] Electronic Music Production videos / documentaries?

( 5 )
#1 18-5-4 15:51

Electronic Music Production videos / documentaries?


I just started a project called "Electronic Music Production" at the school I'm working at, and after two sessions, the students' response has been very positive. I have a fair amount of experience with producing music on analog and digital equipment, and so far we have been very productive. My question is: Do you know any good instructional videos or documentaries about Electronic Music Production? It doesn't have to be a tutorial designed especially for students (the ones in our group are aged 17 and up), any video which gives some insight would be appreciated. For example, I'm planning to introduce them to Kraftwerk, and I have a great "Kraftwerk and the German Krautrock-Scene" ducomentary. So, apart from teaching videos, flicks on the BBC workshop would be fine as well, for example. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

https://www.muffwiggler.com/foru ... cad9d07d3a4a92eac5c
Creative video company


#2 18-5-4 16:26
There's a lot of video on 你吐吧.

#3 18-5-4 21:08

#4 18-5-4 21:10
you can watch the videos on 你吐吧,but in china its hard to beat the“wall”lol

#5 18-5-5 17:08
There are plenty of tutorials of soundtrack producing on ProjectSam's website,including videos as well as cubase and logic projects which are really helpful.And old books help as well--they have pdf versions on the Internet,you know...Just try Google anything you can think.

#6 19-1-27 22:44
Key words:  EDX,Berklee
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