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[教程] 不会的看过来,白piaoUVI音色

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#1 21-11-28 11:46


What you'll have to install/have:

  • The UVI Falcon release by R2R
  • UVIEMU, which should be included with the UVI Falcon release
  • Any library in .ufs format
  • The ILOK License Manager with your license activated on your machine for the aforementioned library.
You need to install both the R2R UVI Falcon and UVIEMU release, you can't install just one of them. They work together.

Setting up Falcon:

After installing everything, load up UVI Falcon from the start menu. For this guide I recommend using the standalone, as it's easier to start and stop.

If you've put your library in a location that Falcon can find, you will most likely get an error that tells you that it can't find a license for a library. This happens because by default in order to improve performance, the release disables loading the loading of ILOK licenses or any of its dependencies.

If Falcon found your library, please skip the following section and continue with "Loading and dumping the license"

If SoundBanks aren't found:

If Falcon doesn't find your library, you may not have put it in the right folder or it's not part of its search path. You have two options to solve this:

  • You put your library in a supported default location such as C:\Users\<YourNameHere>\Documents\UVISoundBanks - You may have to make this folder as on my end it wasn't there.
  • You can add a custom SoundBanks folder by clicking the wrench icon in the top row, next to "Default Multi" and clicking on "Preferences". Under SoundBanks you can add a new search path.
Loading and dumping the license:

In order to load protected libraries in Falcon, you'll have to tell the UVIEMU to allow it to load ILOK licenses. This can be done with the following steps.

  • Close Falcon
  • Press your Windows Key + R at the same time to open up the "Run" Prompt.
  • Type regedit.exe and press enter. You will need administrator privileges for this.
  • If you have regedit open, browse to the following location:
    Pro tip: You can copy and paste this in the address bar and it will go there instantly on Windows 10/11!
  • If you're there, you should see 3 entries (ignoring (default)) in the right panel.
  • Double-click on "DumpLicense" to open it up and set its value data to 1
  • Double-click on "UseILokLicense" to open it up and set its value data to 1
  • All 3 entries (ignoring (default)) should now be 1
  • Do not close regedit, I recommend just minimizing it for now.
  • After you've opened Falcon, it should open a dialog box with a message stating that it has generated a license. One dialog box will open for each license it generated.
  • Take note of the messages in this box. It will tell you that it has generated a file with an ID - which you must remember if you're planning to share the library as it is tied to the library - in C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R
  • When all the messages have shown up, and you've taken note of what was activated and where, you can try out the libraries and see if they load and work.
  • If they work, you can close Falcon and open regedit up again.
  • Set the values for "DumpLicense" and "UseIlokLicense" to 0 again. Don't touch the "UseR2RLicense" property unless you know what you're doing.
  • You're done. You can now share the .ufs based library and the accompanying license file in the R2R folder. These are fully standalone and will work on any machine now. No personal data is in them.
Some final notes:
  • If you have done all the above, you can optionally open the ILOK license manager and unregister your licenses from your machine or uninstall it completely, it isn't needed after you generated the licenses.
  • Did you generate a license but forget the ID? Go to the C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R, set the view to "detailed" and sort files by "last modified"! The file with the newest date is the one that was generated!
  • Loading a library is easy. Double click on "Empty" underneath the Parts tab at the left side in Falcon. This will open up a preset browser for you to go through your soundbanks.
Gotten this far?
Congratulations! You've successfully used UVIEMU to dump licenses and made your libraries portable. Falcon will now load your libraries without the need of ILOK.
本帖最后由 mariofang1 于 21-11-28 14:04 编辑

#2 21-11-28 12:41

#3 21-11-28 13:00
这个人复制的,没复制完整,链接就是这个https://audiosex.pro/threads/gui ... iemu-release.61820/,简而言之,就是r2r这次对uvi的一锅端都是源于uvi的正版授权是可以进行复制的,所以现在放出的所有音源都是正版用户按照r2r的复制攻略复制以后共享出来的

#4 21-11-28 13:11
雨碎江南 发表于 21-11-28 13:00
这个人复制的,没复制完整,链接就是这个https://audiosex.pro/threads/guide-to-generating-licenses-in-t ...


#5 21-11-28 13:14
mariofang1 发表于 21-11-28 13:11


#6 21-11-28 13:17

#7 21-11-28 13:19

#8 21-11-28 13:23

#9 21-11-28 14:40
zc88831 发表于 21-11-28 13:19

硬盘厂商 跟微软已经入股R2R了  不知道吗   

#10 21-11-28 16:02

#11 21-11-28 16:39

#12 21-11-28 17:14

#13 21-11-28 18:14
wri123 发表于 21-11-28 17:14


#14 21-11-28 21:40



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#15 21-11-29 00:03
雨碎江南 发表于 21-11-28 13:00
这个人复制的,没复制完整,链接就是这个https://audiosex.pro/threads/guide-to-generating-licenses-in-t ...

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