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#1 05-11-28 10:49



Tony Wakeford

Corvus Corax今年8月8号发的新专集,从名字我们就可以看出其中的曲目都是取自布兰诗歌Camina Burana的,12世纪的拉丁俗诗,加上CC和管弦乐团和唱诗班的合作,都让这张显得无比的大气和华贵。
     Corvus Corax-是一只来自德国的中古民谣(Mediaeval Folk),1989年12月,两位乐手首次以Corvus Corax为名登台演出,这也是柏林墙倒塌后德国首支中世纪乐队。同年乐队发表专辑"Ante CasuPeccati",在各地广受欢迎。1991年乐队发表专辑"Congregation",并在柏林主办了首届中世纪音乐节(此后乐队更主办了25届以上)。Corvus Corax的音乐植根于中世纪旋律。乐队研究并亲身体验中世纪吟游诗人的生活,将古老的歌曲改造为自己的风格。1994年,乐迷和媒体将“吟游诗人之王”的美誉赠与Corvus Corax。
     中世纪的吟游诗人们在他们的旅途中收集曲调和韵律的片断,融入他们自己的音乐体验写出自己的音乐。Corvus Corax同样在他们的音乐中融入了自己的体验——包括对现代音乐的感受。1999年是Corvus Corax组建10周年。乐队已拥有了5位芦笛手和3位鼓手。当年乐队将1988-1992的一些作品集结成专辑Tempi Antiqui发表.此后乐队结识了Ottomar Rodolphe Vlad Dracula Prince Kretzulesco,他是Vlad Tepes王子的后裔,也就是传说中的Dracula伯爵(!!!!!!)。在2000年专辑"Mille Anni Passi Sunt(千年流逝)"的主题曲中,Kretzulesco王子用古罗马尼亚语唱出:"What I have been, you are now - what I am, you will be - a thousands of years are gone..." 2002年,来自Cornix Maledictum的贵族乐手Ardor vom Venushugel加入Corvus Corax。同年乐队发表了迄今为止最后一张专辑"Seikilos"。



As Greatest Hits--and particularly the busking pavement jazz of "Lovecats"--reminds us, the best Cure singles were very often tangential exercises; they offered a goth-free playtime divergence from some of the weightier studiousness of those early albums. Or, as smudged frontman Robert Smith says of this 18-track collection, "Songs that are sung with a smile." This wasn't always true--witness the refrigerated fogginess of the classic "A Forest," the Blair Witch Project of its day. What this compilation does is focus attention on the Cure's perennial unpredictability--the breathless claustrophobia of "Close to Me," the New Order-lite of "The Walk," the brass- section embellished thrust of "Why Can't I Be You." Oddly, chart-wise, the Cure's lost weekend began immediately after "Friday I'm in Love," their most ebullient melodic moment and the ultimate "clocking-off to kick those heels" anthem. But at least the inclusion of two new songs, "Cut Here" and "Just Say Yes" (with Saffron from Republica), indicate that the Cure remain a healthy, ongoing concern. --Kevin Maidment

这张唱片是在Tears For Fears的Roland Orzabal的帮助下完成的。其光芒在于飘逸的歌词和让人神魂颠倒的器乐演奏,Emiliana的嗓音始终凌驾于错综复杂的贝司弦及其华丽的编排之上。

#2 05-11-28 14:36
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