Place a second microphone six to 12 inches behind the first microphone and record this onto a second track.
Microphone Placement:
Using a Y-Cord (or by patching) send the distant microphone to two channels of the board. This makes the guitar on three channels of the board: 1) Close Mic, 2) Distant Mic, 3) Distant Mic.
Microphone Placement:
Bring up all three guitar channels to the same level. Phase reverse the second distant guitar channel. Pan the distant guitar channels left & right
The guitar will have a stereo effect and sound huge. As different chords (or notes) are sounded the sound will randomly come from different directions.
这是用两个mic录又宽又厚节奏吉他的方法,本来有图,俺不会贴:D 。这段我都看得懂,不难吧。