2 questions in PIano Roll!
HI , I met some problems when i'm using logic 8 in Piano Roll
1. If you have 5 notes in piano roll, and you select them all, and you open the note volecity hyperdraw which is down below, and you drag the velocity up , sometimes all the 5notes velocity will go up(increase), but sometimes 3 of the 5 notes will go up and the other 2 will go down,which means if you drag the velocity up(you move your mouse up while holding the left key) some of the notes velocity go up and the rest go down ... How can I move every notes' velocity up in this note velocity hyperdraw?
2. You first press command+C to copy, then you press command+v to paste,sometimes it pastes correctly, but sometimes, nothing is pasted and your view has been shifted(moved) to the end of the song,what's the problem?