哥们自己翻!!大概能看懂就行了 语法就像那粪水(论坛是不是不给打S hit的那个字啊??)。。。有空的高手路过可以翻个润色版的造福大家
I noticed some people complaining about not being able to use Trilogy and Atmosphere on Intel Macs. There's a tricky way to do it that takes about ten
minutes to set up the first time and after that is easy. It probably works for other PPC-only instruments as well.
Here's the outline: OSX for Intel contains a layer called Rosetta, which runs PPC software that hasn't been updated. (You might run Microsoft Word via
Rosetta and not even know it.) In general, Rosetta is no good for audio software: you can't use it for a sequencer or a recording application. But it's good enough for a lightweight plugin host like Rax, which does nothing but serve as a host for Atmosphere. So you can load Atmosphere into Rax via Rosetta, then run it alongside a UB sequencer like Live or Logic.
The only tricky part is connecting the two together. You need to get MIDI out of your sequencer and into Rax, and you need to get audio out of Rax and back into the sequencer. The MIDI can go via an internal IAC bus. The audio can go via the handy freeware audio-routing utility Soundflower.
Here's how to set up:
-- download Rax version 1.2.3. (Version 2 and up won't work.) You can find it at [url=http://www.anonym.to/?
http://macmusic.org/software/view.php?id=395[/url] . Use the serial in SerialBox to install.
下载RAX 1.2.3版本(2.0版是垃圾不给用)你在上边的地址可以找到下载 然后用SerialBox软件弄个号给注册了
-- download and install Soundflower from [url=http://www.anonym.to/?
-- in Audio MIDI Setup, create a new IAC bus. Instructions on how to do this are at [url=http://www.anonym.to/?
http://www.spectrasonics.net/news/Creating-an-IAC-Bus.html[/url] . Name it Rhino. (You can name it whatever you want, but in these instructions I'm going to call it Rhino.)
去audio midi设定创建一个新的IAC虚拟midi接口 详细信息看上边的连接
Now you're ready to go.
-- Open your sequencer and create a MIDI track and an audio track. Set the MIDI track's output to Rhino. Set the audio track's input to Soundflower 2ch.
打开你的音序器创建midi轨道和音频轨道 设置midi轨的出为刚才你设置的那个虚拟midi口 设置音频轨的入是Soundflower 2ch
-- Open Rax and load Atmosphere. In the Preferences, go to the Audio tab and set Audio Device to Soundflower 2ch. Now go to the MIDI tab and, under MIDI Inputs, make sure Rhino is the only thing checked.
打开刚才下载的RAX读取Atmosphere(或trilogy)去audio tab选择音频设备是Soundflower 2ch 去midi tab的midiinputs下 确认只有刚才你的虚拟midi口
You should now be able to send MIDI from your sequencer to Atmosphere, and then hear the audio through the sequencer. One last stage is to sync
这会儿你的音序器应该就能控制atmosphere了 也能从音序器里边听见声儿了 最后让你的atmosphere和音序器的midi同步 就全都完全靠谱喽~~
Atmosphere to your sequencer's MIDI clock, so that tempo-synched effects will work properly.
-- Still in Rax Preferences, on the MIDI tab, set the MIDI Clock dropdown menu to Rhino. Close the Preferences window. At the top of the main Rax window, make sure the Ext. Sync box is checked. The Tempo window should say 0, which means Rax is following the sequencer's master tempo.
还是再RAX的preferences里边的midi tab 设置midi clock卸下菜单到你的那个虚拟midi口 关闭preferences窗口 现在看到的是主界面
And you're done. Save the Rax document and you can open Atmosphere with a single click. Trilogy works the exact same way, obviously.
然后你就done了 吧这个rax的文档存一个 下次打开atmosphere的时候就只需要点这个文档 trilogy的用法跟这个一样 显然下然。。。。。
If you want to use multiple instruments from Rax, you'll need to use SoundFlower 16ch and send MIDI on a different MIDI channel for each instrument (using the same IAC bus).
你要是想要rax使用多轨 你就使用soundflower 16ch发送midi到不同的midi轨道为每一个乐器(使用同样的虚拟midi接口)
Anyone who's tried this, please post your results in this thread. Especially, try out other PPC instruments, and try using multiple instruments at the same time, and let us know how it works for you.
累死我了 本人还未亲测。。。。。。。翻译了半天也知道怎么回事了 测试去了。。。。。。
本帖最后由 crazymidi 于 09-2-2 22:06 编辑 ]