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[新手求助] 怎么用audition3.0 把一个音频文件中某几个声音消掉,急

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#1 09-12-13 15:18

怎么用audition3.0 把一个音频文件中某几个声音消掉,急

怎么用audition3.0 把一个音频文件中某几个声音卡掉
音频网址:http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/china ... bbc_soap_operas.mp3 ( 新会员文件大小限制音频伐不上来,只能提供下载地址)
    Watching TV is a very popular pastime in the UK but what kind of programmes do British people like to watch? Well,the most-watchedTV programmes every week are very popular dramas thatare usually on atleast four times every week. They are dramas based inone neighbourhood that try to depict ordinary life in the UK - we callthese dramas ‘soap operas’ or ‘soaps’.
   In the early days of TV, there were often dramas on during the day.Back in those days, it was traditional for the husband to go out to work and for the wife to stay at home and look after the house and the children.Most of these daytime dramas were aimed at entertaining the housewives who would traditionally be at home, probably doing the washing. Companies selling washing powder would advertise their products at times when these dramas were on, and sometimes those companies would even sponsor the drama.Hence the word ‘soap’.
    So what about the word opera? Well, that’s because these dramas are often an exaggeration of real life. They are supposed to represent ordinary lives butto make them entertaining, lots of dramatic events like murders,divorces, affairs etc. all happen probably much more regularly thanthey would in a normal neighbourhood.
    Most soap operas thesedays are shown in the evening. Each show will have several differentstorylines happening at once that continue over several shows. The samecast members will appear in every show too.
    There are lots of different soaps on in the UK on different channels but there are three main popular ones. ‘Coronation Street’ has been on since 1960. It is set in a suburb of Manchester and it’s supposed to represent working classlife in the north of England. Then there’s ‘Eastenders’ which started in 1985, set in the East End of London and ‘Emmerdale’, which is set ona farm in Yorkshire, in the north of England.
   The BBC even has a soap opera to help you learn English – so if youwant toexperience one of these dramas in English, ‘The Flatmates’ wouldbe agood place to start – gotowww.bbc.co.uk/china/learningenglish/flatmates.

怎么把上面红色的单词的声音在这段音频里去掉呢用audition3.0 编辑


[ 本帖最后由 cristin 于 09-12-13 21:15 编辑 ]

#2 10-1-26 08:58
     打开Adobe Audition 3.0——效果——振幅和压限——振幅/淡化——选中“调整直流偏移”,设定数值为0%,选择“完全”(本来想把操作步骤截图给你看的,给贴不进来。)
     2.1 点击右键,选择“静音(进程)”就可以了。
     2.2 选择“生成”——“静音”,填写静音时间,也就是你所需停顿的时间。
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