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[转贴] 软件的内部处理精度(个人感觉挺好的)

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#31 11-1-3 22:02
如果有興趣,可以向這方向去找些資料, 我不太懂..

bit depth =word length
4) cpu, 系統, 計算機總線的精度

The word "bit" is used in a number of contexts in digital audio.

Such as:
* the bit depth of an audio file (i.e. 16bit, 24bit). Each bit is nominally 6dB worth of dynamic range - so 16bits gives you a theoretical 96dB worth of dynamic range while 24bit gives you a whopping 144dB (where as human hearing at the very best has 120dB worth of dynamic range). It's important to realize that even 32bit audio files are output by all modern proaudio Digital to Analog Converter at 24bits. The reason that no DAC ever needs to be designed to actually output at 32bits is that the least significant 24th bit is very well below the noise floor of any environment, and also well below the human ear's ability to detect sound.

* the bit depth of the internal processing math (which can either be floating point or fixed point). What this means is how many digits calculations occur at - bigger bit depths (i.e. more digits to work with) means more precise calculations. SAW uses 64bit fixed point math for its multiplication and division. Most other native PC based DAW apps use 32bit floating point for this. The SAWStudio built in eq, the Anwida and JMS Audioware SAW native plugins, and some of the filter codes used in the Sonoris SAW native plugins use 64bit floating point math.

* the bit depth of the returned figures after a DSP has been performed - i.e. after a signal process is done, how many digits are passed to the next signal process prior to output. In SAW this is at 32bit fixed point using the full DWORD. With most other PC based DAW appps this is a 24bit + 8bit mantissa 32bit IEEE floating point file.

* the bit depth of a computer's buss, cpu, or OS - basically the allowable throughput of data chunks the cpu or buss or OS can pass or process at once. Bigger depths for these functions means more calculations can occur at once - so you get faster speeds - but it does not necessarilly mean that the quality of calculations has changed as this is dependent on the processing algorithm being run. A 32bit OS (such as Windows 2000) can still perform calculations using 64bit math!


Digital word-length

*Although much literature uses the term 'bit-depth' rather then 'word-length', we chose the term 'word-length' simply because we feel it better describes the mathematical aspect, as well as help to visualize the implication of the technology. It is no more correct or incorrect then using 'bit-depth'; the two terms are synonymous.

Word-length (also known as bit-depth) indicates how many digits are used to represent a value in a digital word. For instance, a word-length of 8-bits (8 digits) can only have values from 00000000 to 11111111 (in decimal, 0 to 255). A word-length of 16-bits can have values from 0000000000000000 to 1111111111111111 (0 to 65,536). A digital word doubles in resolution with each bit. For example a 16-bit sample has twice as many possible values (65,536) as a 15-bit word (32,768).

Word-length in digital audio

The word-length of an audio recording determines the amount of noise required to avoid quantization distoration and accurately record and reproduce analog audio signals.

When an analog audio signal is digitally sampled, the voltage on the analog line is sampled several thousand times per second (determined by the sample-rate). Each sample is a 'snap-shot' of the analog waveform at that given moment in time. The sample is a digital word, the value of which is representative of the amplitude of the analog voltage at that moment. With an increase in word-length, the analog voltage can be measured with a finer resolution, making the sample a more accurate description of the value. However, the signal must be dithered to completely avoid quantization distortion.

Common digital audio word-lengths"Redbook", CD audio         16-bit
Professional audio         24-bit

Word-length reduction in digital audio

When digital audio samples are reduced, resolution is inherently lost. Also, if the digital audio is not properly dithered during the reduction, severe distortion will be induced (simply removing the least significant bits without dithering is known as truncation).

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 11-1-3 22:03 编辑 ]

#32 11-1-4 00:13
原帖himhui 于 11-1-3 22:02 发表
如果有興趣,可以向這方向去找些資料, 我不太懂..

bit depth =word length
4) cp ...

這令小弟想起十幾年前, 忽然流行起1-Bit D/A Pulse Flow 的CD Player.

#33 11-1-4 09:41
BIT率的发挥又跟功率有关。。。功率又跟电流有关。。。咱再研究功放怎么增加电流- -把它响到真正意义上的144DB。。。喇叭用各种防弹材料上144DB不爆。。。耳朵嘛。。。144DB震不笼你。。。咱研究这个物理性的东西得了。。。

#34 11-1-4 14:47
原帖dabeat 于 11-1-4 00:13 发表

這令小弟想起十幾年前, 忽然流行起1-Bit D/A Pulse Flow 的CD Player.

小小弟也只聽聞過, 沒機會正式的去聽....

The original 1-bit scheme high speed pulse flow digital analog converter which neither zero cross distortion nor a glitch noise generates is carried in the D-A-conversion part. A noise shaper is operated on the high oversampling frequency of 384fs, and the re-quatization noise generated in the case of a bit comression is reduced. Thereby, the noise shaper could use it by the sub- and has reduced the influence of an out-of-band noise, an analog low pass filter, etc.
Furthermore, a master clock is operated on the low frequency of 16.93MHz, and the influence of a Jitter is suppressed.

Original compact-disk turntable mechanism which suppresses an unnecessary oscillation of a disk is carried.
Moment of inertia is improving by about 3 times with supporting a disk the whole surface from the bottom.

The direct construction which shortest-ized the signal path is adopted, an analog circuit is connected with the shortest distance, and measures against a noise, such as giving the shielding by the sheet metal made from a copper plating steel plate, are taken.

If the compu-program edit which replaces a music number, and a time of tape are specified so that the residual time of a tapes may become a min only by setting the time of a tapes with remote control,A specification of the time fade edit and time of tape which carry out a fadeout to the time automatically, and will be in a pause status carries the auto special-NetWare-program edit recorded without judging to the how many music it can record, and making the last music break off.

The peek search function, the memory hold facility, the digital ones / analog change-over switch, and the display-deviceoff functionality are carried.


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#35 11-1-4 21:03
原帖w545 于 11-1-4 09:41 发表
BIT率的发挥又跟功率有关。。。功率又跟电流有关。。。咱再研究功放怎么增加电流- -把它响到真正意义上的144DB。。。喇叭用各种防弹材料上144DB不爆。。。耳朵嘛。。。144DB震不笼你。。。咱研究这个物理性的东西得了 ...

哈哈 看到你的帖子我就想笑 我也不懂啊 就是觉得有意思

#36 11-1-4 21:41

原帖整鼓专家 于 11-1-4 21:03 发表

哈哈 看到你的帖子我就想笑 我也不懂啊 就是觉得有意思

#37 11-1-4 23:01
原帖abyss 于 11-1-4 21:41 发表


#38 11-1-4 23:10
原帖爛手上帝 于 11-1-4 23:01 发表



#39 11-1-8 16:08
原帖整鼓专家 于 11-1-4 21:03 发表

哈哈 看到你的帖子我就想笑 我也不懂啊 就是觉得有意思

功率。。。。dB = 10*lg(电流/电压)

#40 11-1-8 16:38
我总算明白这是啥意思了。。。这个是适合给不太会注重电平的人用的...那有个我还不明白。。。说简单点、、、如果两个轨道。。。一个在48BIT的最低点(-96DB不够再用个-96DB重叠)。。。。一个往上加音量加到48BIT的最高点...这两个声音结合起来最终走到16BIT。。。那这个内部到底怎么计算他成16BIT呢?是要中间的还是要顶上的?还是要底下的?。。。好吧。都取吧。。。那意味着内部的48BIT到总输出的16BIT时候还要做个抖动处理,来处理丢失部分。。。所以PRO TOOLS 里带的抖动处理是要常用的了?

#41 11-6-18 22:41


是不是可以这样理解,我们16BIT的音乐一个鼓一个BASS,鼓达到0DB,    BASS  -12DB  那么这个BASS只有14BIT....那这首歌就损失大了。。。BASS音质太烂了,才14BIT。。。。为了不损失BASS我们把BASS拉到0DB。。。。BASS就成了16BIT的BASS了……

#42 11-6-20 03:50
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