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Protools 9.0.2难道不能兼容xcode了?还是等大升级吧

( 1 )

#1 11-6-14 18:29

Protools 9.0.2难道不能兼容xcode了?还是等大升级吧

my system is 10.6.6
if y have pre installed PTHD 9.0 cracked :
1 update to official release PTHD 9.02
2 run the 9.02 krack
3 uninstall developer tools (use this terminal command : sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
(valid for 3.2 version) other version i don't no, the "terminal application is in the "utility folder"
4 trash PT Loader located in Digidesign folder
if y don't have PTHD installed:
1 install full version of PTHD 9.0
2 install complete toolkit 2 and heat
3 update to official release PTHD 9.02
4 run the 9.02 krack
bounce work as expected
no need for PT Loader and developer tools.

#2 11-6-14 20:33
目前PT对外开放了 ,也只开放了几个牌子的几个型号的声卡,其他的都不支持
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