最初由 rascalliu 发布
infinity应该算合成器制造。和console sound modular studio不太一样的 [/B]
Infinity 2.04 is a Virtual Device Studio for creating and playing 俺
嘲 synthesizers, samplers, digital audio effects, MIDI processors and 俺
嘲 interactive media tools. Infinity includes a library of over 360 俺
嘲 configurable modules which connect together to form unique and 俺
嘲 infinitely customizable devices. Infinity supports all the major 俺
嘲 plug-in formats including VST, DXi, DirectX 8.0 and MFX. Any 俺
嘲 instrument or effect created in Infinity can be plugged into Cubase, 俺
嘲 SONAR, Cakewalk, Sound Forge or any other program which supports 俺
嘲 these standards. You can make virtually any audio effect, synth, or 俺
嘲 sampler as an Infinity Patch.