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( 14 )

#1 14-7-16 11:45

#2 14-7-16 14:17
Version 5.2

* Modified the wav file header routine to handle newer format wav files with extended header chunks. This will now open some wav files that would not open before.

* Included new MotorMix Midi Controller Template that adds the Next and Last switches to jump console sections.

* Enhanced Show Control Playback mode to recognize Control Track Stop commands within a Show Control entry and allow the next Show Control playback toggle to continue playback within the same entry instead of forcing a new start over of Show Control entry playback. If the entry selection has been changed then the next playback will load and start the new entry from the beginning as normal.

* Added a new feature to the Show Control playback. During playback in Show Control Mode you may now use the Shift Right-Click or Shift SpaceBar or Shift-Return to force an automatic fadeout of the current session entry and an immediate jump to the next entry which will then continue, wait or preload according to the current entry***8217;s setting. You may also activate this feature by Right-Clicking in the Show Control Light. The light will flash during the duration of the automatic fade.

* Added a new option to the Show Control Options menu to set the default fade time. This value is saved with the current Show Control File and is reset each time a new Show Control File is opened.

* Added a new feature and menu item to the MultiTrack menu called Shift MT Center To Quarter Position. This option will shift all automatic centering operations within the multitrack to the left first quarter position instead. This offers more editing room to the right of the newly positioned cursor when using the zoom and other functions that would normally automatically center the cursor position. This option saves with the preferences.

Video Track Viewer Version 3.6
* Added code to recognize a few newer HD video format FourCC codes.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed code that corrects the FBCenter XYPan adjustment for tracks greater than 1. This previously only worked correctly on track 1.

* Fixed code to properly update the Show Control listbox on Remotes when a new entry is loaded on the host and sitting in Wait or Preload mode.

* Fixed Code to properly import the track re-order data from SAC without duplicating return and output data on SAWStudio Full.

* Fixed Code to further correct stretching automation entries and keeping any entries that are exactly on the marked end boundary from moving off the end boundary.

* Adjusted code to help window views draw correctly under different conditions when switching between apps using various methods. This should help keep views from disappearing off the screen and ontop windows correctly ordered.

* Fixed code in the midi controller 14 bit resolution conversion routines which result in much more accuracy and smoothness of hi resolution fader controllers like the Behringer BCF and Mackie MCU controllers. All Hi-Res templates have been adjusted. Make sure to test and adjust any custom templates you may have created.

* Fixed code that allows modal message dialog boxes to respond correctly to pen and touch commands in Windows 8.

* Fixed code to stop the MultiTrack Cursor from disappearing in close zooms in Windows 8.

Eq Plugin Version 3.3
* Fixed code that traps max/min crashes when adjusting controls in Win 8 with a pen or touch. Forces you to be close to the knob when grabbing a control with a pen or touch so the value does not jump far to the current cursor position.

Echo Plugin Version 3.3
* Fixed code that traps max/min crashes when adjusting controls in Win 8 with a pen or touch. Forces you to be close to the knob when grabbing a control with a pen or touch so the value does not jump far to the current cursor position.

#3 14-7-16 14:34

#4 14-7-16 14:51

#5 14-7-16 14:58

#6 14-7-18 19:06

#7 14-7-19 12:07

#8 14-7-19 18:16

#9 14-7-23 17:11

#10 14-7-24 09:39

#11 14-7-25 10:29

回复 情为何物 在 #10 的 pid=4240600 的贴子


#12 14-7-27 03:25

#13 14-8-2 01:44

#14 14-8-11 02:46

#15 14-9-23 15:29
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