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Audio Ease Altiverb v7.0.5 AU VST MacOSX-Adobe-patched(HOOK)

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#31 18-4-26 02:36
bout9819 发表于 18-3-27 00:45
在logic pro x 10.3.3

Pre Installation instructions for Mac Sierra and Mac High Sierra

1. Open Terminal

2. Use the command: sudo spctl --master-disable

3. Insert password and hit <Enter>

4. Close Terminal



1. Uninstall Previous Versions of Altiverb you may have on your system

2. Open Folder "Step 1 - Installers" and hit "Altiverb v7.0.5 Installer.app" and start

3. Only in HIGH SIERRA you will get the message "System Extension Blocked". Go to System Preferences >> Privacy and Security, General TAB, then click ALLOW button twice when the button appear.
Close System Preferences and continue installation.
(This item 3 can happen or not)

4. When all plugins formats appear (next window), uncheck the option "Altiverb Screensaver", then click "Start Installing", when it finish click "Quit"

5. Create new folder called "ilok" in Applications folder, so it would look like this: YOUR HDD/Applications/ilok/

6. Go to Folder "Step 2 - Crack" and open up the LIBSTXX folder that matches your OS version. If you are using El Capitan, Sierra or High Sierra, use the files on the folder "- LIBSTXX 10.10.2 (ALSO WORKS ON 10.11 AND LATER)"

7. Copy the patched libstXX++.6.0.9, libstXX++.6.dylib that MATCH YOUR OS to YOUR HDD/Applications/ilok/

8. Open up terminal and hit the following commands, one at a time:

sudo chmod 775 /Applications/ilok/libstXX++.*

sudo chown 0:0 /Applications/ilok/libstXX++.*

8.1 For Logic Pro X Users, you must type those commands too, one at a time:

sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/ilok/libstXX++.6.0.9.dylib

sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/ilok/libstXX++.6.dylib

8.2 For Studio One Users, you must type those commands too, one at a time:

cd /applications/Studio\ One\ 3.app/

cd contents/MacOS install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib /Applications/ilok/libstXX++.6.dylib studioapp

9. Close Terminal

10. For the next step, be sure to make the hard disk visible: open Finder >> Preferences and and in General TAB, check "Hard Disk" option, and in the Sidebar TAB and check every options.

11. Double click on the icon of YOUR HDD on your desktop and open it

12. Go back to the Installation Folder and copy the files "Altiverb 7.component" and "Altiverb 7.vst", one at a time to the following folders and inserting your admin password when asked:

Altiverb 7.component
Location: YOUR HDD/Lybrary(Sierra or High Sierra)/Audio/Plug-ins/Components/

Altiverb 7.vst
Location: YOUR HDD/Lybrary(Sierra or High Sierra)Audio/Plug-ins/VST/Audio Ease/

12. Close all windows

13. You're done now, try it!

#32 18-4-26 04:14
請問這個破解版可以在正版的PT正常使用嗎 破解的流程中好像有牽涉到ilok會不會影響正版的PT 請有經驗的大大分享一下 萬分感謝

#33 18-7-19 16:55
我也是这样 ,你怎么解决的啊

#34 19-2-23 11:41
bout9819 发表于 18-3-26 23:49


#35 19-2-23 12:40
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